Читаем без скачивания Operational bachelorette party. Comedy. А play for 5 people - Николай Владимирович Лакутин
The girls shout "Hurrah", squeal, give out an emotional cascade, who can. They drink (a little).
Marat's pleasant velvety voice is heard.
Marat's voice (in the recording). Girls, hello everyone. I'm not looking, don't worry. Ksanochka, can I talk to you for a minute?
The girls look at each other admiringly, appreciating Marat, (as if they see him somewhere in the direction of the exit from the sauna).
Xana gracefully walks towards Marat, disappears around the corner.
The audience does not see Marat, in fact there is no Marat at all, the conversation between Marat and Xana can go on in the recording. But Marat's girls seem to see how he sees them. They unwittingly try to get into the eyes of this Marat, each tries to show herself, as a woman tries to show herself to a man she likes. Who knows how, he flaunts while there is a conversation between Marat and Xana.
Marat's voice (in the recording). Hello, honey. How are you doing here? Everything okay? Complaints, complaints, wishes?
Xana's voice (can also be recorded). Maraaaatik, you've arrived. How great, it's good to see you.
Marat's voice (in the recording). Yes, I dropped by for a minute. It's been so long since we've seen each other. I think at least with one eye.
Xana's voice (can also be recorded). Yes, keep your eyes open! Look at the twins I have now! Who does not know, will not distinguish at all from their own.
Marat's voice (in the recording). Listen, yeah… And what did you decide? You had those gorgeous ones too!
Xana's voice (can also be recorded). And I wanted something… Listen, I'm with the girls right now, but… then maybe we can… m? How are you?
Marat's voice (in the recording). Not today. The children need to be taken to their mother-in-law, some issues need to be resolved at work, in the evening we have dinner with my wife in a restaurant. At night, of course, I won't lose my temper, not those years.
Xana's voice (can also be recorded). Oh, laaadnoooo. The most juice!
Marat's voice (in the recording). Come on, next week I'll screw you up, and if the offer is valid, we'll come up with something.
Xana's voice (can also be recorded). Well….. wait a week….
Marat's voice (in the recording). Xanchik… Please don't poison my soul. You know perfectly well how I feel about you. But… you understand everything.
Xana's voice (can also be recorded). Come on, come on. Next week, so next week. By the way, thank you so much for arranging everything so well for us.
A resounding kiss is heard.
Marat's voice (in the recording). And that's not all! I've prepared a surprise for your girls. Didn't you say you were having a bachelorette party here? There are five of you, right?
Xana's voice (can also be recorded). Well, yeah.
Marat's voice (in the recording). Well. I hope you like it! (Cheerfully, in a different tone.) Come on, guys!
Cheerful male voices are heard.
The voices of men (in the recording, cheerful, zealous). Well, what about the girls! Let's have a good time!!!!
An enthusiastic Xana runs in.
The girls, seeing the invasion of the coming guys (the guys are seen only by actresses, in fact they are not at all), squeal enthusiastically.
Loud rhythmic music sounds, there is a sharp blackout. Total darkness.
Screeching, playful shouting, some kind of chatter. Fuss. Passion.
The music sounds a little more and ends.
Scene 2. Oh, good — not good
Sauna. A few hours later.
A sad and entertaining musical composition sounds softly.
The light turns on smoothly, the girls literally crawl out from where. All disheveled, all disheveled, the order of "delayed".
Angelina and Damira on all fours with shaking legs crawl out from different sides. They blow their hair off their faces, groan, moan.
Damira (in a tired, shaking voice). Oo-oo-oo-oo.
Sighs, looks at Angelina, Angelina looks at Damira with the same tired — emotional look.
Damira is unable to explain herself verbally, shows with gestures and periodic grunts, ahs and oohs the essence of her explanation. And the explanation that she outlines with gestures to Angelina is about this content:
— Wow, that shook me up. Have you seen what a guy is? Like he did me… And how am I his… In general, girlfriend, it was something.
Angelina understands everything (it is necessary that the viewer also roughly understands), nods, explains her experience to Damira in response. She shows with her hands the size of "her gift" from Marat, enthusiastically o-go-go, e-ge-geik, sighs, shakes her head in surprise, is surprised at herself.
From the aisle under the proscenium (from the front rows), Bela rises from the floor, accompanying her deflection in the back with a zealous throat cry.
Bela (getting up from the aisle and bending her back). Whooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Mother of God, how can I a-dry-ta-carcasses!!! And dri-ta-dri — ta-ta!
Bela still does not see anyone around her. Looking for friends.
Bela (in a broken voice). Girls, do we still have mineral water left? My mouth feels so disgusting, like it's there… I do not know what happened.
Angelina (playfully, with cunning, White). But I know what you've been there! (Tells Damira.) My large-caliber "gift" and I go into the recreation room, and there's already a Squirrel with his own. What kind of findibobbers she was twirling for him, even I don't know how to do that! I've looked everywhere. It looks like a ladybug, but in fact there's something…
Bela (wearily and reluctantly crawling onto the stage from the aisle, Damira and Angelina). Oh, come on… Found something to discuss. Well, she broke, yes! Everything I've wanted to try for a long time — I tried it. I understand that I will probably never meet this guy again. Why be modest?.. if that's the case.
Lisa (brings in a glass of mineral water, walks crookedly, staggers on her feet, sometimes