Читаем без скачивания Философская теология: вариации, моменты, экспромты - Владимир Кириллович Шохин
Calvinus (1559) – Institutio christianae religionis, in libros quartor nunc primum digesta, certisque distincta capitibus, ad aptissimam methodum: aucta etiam tam magna accessione ut propemodum opus novum haberi possit. Iohanne Calvino autore. Genevae: Oliua Roberti Stephani, M.D.LIX.
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Nicholls (1723) – A Conference with a Theist Containing an Answer to All the Most Usual Objections of the Infidels against the Christian Religion. By William Nicholls. Vol. II. London, 1723.
Nicolai de Cusa (1959) – Nicolai de Cusa. De pace fidei. Cum epistula ad Ioannem de Segobia/ Ed., comm., illustr. by R. Klibansky et H. Batscour. Hamburg: Felix Meiner, 1959.
Oxenham (1865) – Oxenham H. N. The Catholic Doctrine of Atonement: an Historical Inquiry into Its Development in the Church. London: Longman etc., 1865.
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Schleiermacher (1830) – Schleiermacher F. Kurze Darstellung des theologischen Studiums zum Behuf einleitender Vorlesungen entworfen. Berlin, 1830.
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Semler (1777) – Semler I. S. Ausführliche Erklärung über einige neue theologischen Aufgaben, Censuren und Klagen. Halle, 1777.
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Литература ХХ-XXI веков
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