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Berry and Renner, Vows of Silence, p. 218.
Berry, “Money Paved the Way for Maciel’s Infl uence in the Vatican.”
José Martínez de Velasco, Los documentos secretos de los Legionarios de Cristo (Barcelona, 2004), pp. 65–66.
Ibid., о Руисе см. Krauze, Mexico: Biography of Power, pp. 784–85.
Отчет с выдержками из многих досье приведен на сайте www. regainnetwork.org.
Jason Berry and Gerald Renner, “Sex-Related Case Blocked in Vatican”, National Catholic Reporter, December 7, 2001.
Richard John Neuhaus, “Feathers of a Scandal”, First Things, March 2002.
Brian Ross, ABC News, World News Tonight, April 26, 2002.
Jason Berry, “Cracks in the Wall of the Curia”, Examining the Crisis, National Catholic Reporter, May 20, 2004.
John L. Allen Jr., “The Word from Rome”, National Catholic Reporter, December 3, 2004.
Gerald Renner, “Vatican Revisits Abuse Charges”, Hartford Courant, January 3, 2005.
“Cardinal Ratzinger’s Meditations for Way of the Cross”, Zenit. org, March 24, 2005; Robert Blair Kaiser, A Church in Search of Itself: Benedict XVI and the Battle for the Future (New York, 2006), p. 206.
John L. Allen Jr., “New Legionaries Intrigue: Statement on Maciel Not Issued by Agency Responsible for Sex Abuse Cases”, National Catholic Reporter, May 25, 2005.
Andy Wooden, “Vatican Says Legionaries’ Founder Cannot Exercise Ministry Publicly”, Catholic News Service, May 19, 2006.
Daniela Deane, “Outspoken Ex-Priest Sued Over Documents”; The Legion of Christ, Inc. v. Regain, Inc. and John Paul Lennon, Circuit Court, City of Alexandria, VA, CL 07002920.
Idoia Sota, José M. Vidal, “El legionario que murió cuatro veces y no quiso confesarse”, El Mundo, January 31, 2010. Хотя в статье смешаны различные представления и написана она витиеватым стилем, Легион никогда не мог привести опровержение сути сказанного.
Darío Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos, Letter from Congregation of [sic] the Clergy: U.S. Bishops Wrongly Invoke Canon 123, Save Our Parish Community project, www.futurechurch.org, March 2006.
Eileen Markey, “Attempt to Destroy a Faith Community”, National Catholic Reporter, February 28, 2007.
Elizabeth Hamilton and Eric Rich, “Egan Protected Abusive Priests”, Hartford Courant, March 17, 2002.
David Gibson, “The Cardinal’s Sins”, New York, January 28, 2007.
Michael Powell, “At 75, a Battle-Tested but Unwavering Cardinal”, New York Times, April 23, 2007.
Grant Gallicho, “Cardinal Egan Paints Himself an Unhappy Ending”, New York Observer, June 26, 2007.
Монсеньор Brian Ferme, декан факультета канонического права в Латеранском университете, Рим, интервью с автором от 27 ноября 2002. См. также Jason Berry and Gerald Renner, Vows of Silence: The Abuse of Power in the Papacy of John Paul II (New York, 2004), p. 102.
Jerry Pockar, “Clergy Crisis Forecast”, Catholic Universe Bulletin (Diocese of Cleveland), November 8, 1991. См. также более подробный отчет о том же – Sister Maureen Haggarty, CSJ, “Priesthood in Peril”, June 22, 1990.
W. A. Jurgens, A History of the Diocese of Cleveland, vol. 1, The Prehistory of the Diocese to Its Establishment in 1847 (Cleveland, 1980), pp. 203, 565.
Ibid., p. 581.
Carol Poh Miller and Robert A. Wheeler, Cleveland: A Concise History, 1796–1996 (Bloomington, IN, 1997), pp. 81–82.
Edward M. Miggins and Mary Morgenthaler, “The Ethnic Mosaic”, in The Birth of Modern Cleveland, 1865–1930, ed. Thomas F. Campbell and Edward M. Miggins (Cleveland, 1988), p. 127.
Miller and Wheeler, Cleveland: A Concise History, p. 85.
Michael J. McTighe, “Babel and Babylon on the Cuyahoga”, in The Birth of Modern Cleveland, p. 248.
Merit Brief, Court of Appeals, Third Appellate District, Seneca County, Ohio, case no. 13– 08–19, Kansas St. James Parish of Ohio, Inc., Jim and Virginia Hull v. The Catholic Diocese of Toledo in America, Bishop Leonard P. Blair, July 14, 2008. См. также Mannix, Assignee v. Purcell, et al., 46 Ohio St. 102 (1988).
Mary J. Oates, The Catholic Philanthropic Tradition in America (Bloomington, IN, 1995), p. 100.
Diocese of Cleveland, Department of Communication, The Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Factsheet. В этом документе в одну страницу есть ссылка на данные переписи в США 2002 года. См. также Thomas Kelly, “Who Owns Cleveland”, Cleveland Free Times, March 10, 2004.
Bishop Anthony M. Pilla, “The Moral Implications of Regional Sprawl: The Cleveland Catholic Diocese’s Church in the City Vision Process”, a speech given at the City Club of Cleveland, June 17, 1996, www.citc.org.
Diego Ribadeneira, “Bishop Discusses Woes in Church”, Boston Globe, November 12, 1996.
Christine Schenk, CSJ, “Faith in the Wasteland”, неопубликованные автобиографические заметки.
John and Mary Evelyn Grim, “Teilhard de Chardin: A Short Biography”, American Teilhard Association, www.teilharddechardin. org.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Divine Milieu (New York, 1968), p. 148.
Gustavo Gutiérrez, A Theology of Liberation (Maryknoll, NY, 1973), p. 205.
Schenk, “Faith in the Wasteland.”
Tim Weiner, Legacy of Ashes (New York, 2007), p. 180.
Thomas Vail, William J. Woestendiek, and Thomas H. Greer, “The Parish Must Be Told the Truth, Bishop Pilla”, Cleveland Plain Dealer, March 15, 1987.
Jason Berry, Lead Us Not into Temptation (New York, 1992), p. 231.
Vail, Woestendiek, and Greer, “The Parish Must Be Told the Truth.”
James F. McCarty, “The Churchman at Scandal’s Heart”, Cleveland Plain Dealer, July 21, 2002.
Berry, Lead Us Not into Temptation, p. 287.
Весь текст отчета Reverend Thomas P. Doyle, F. Ray Mouton, and Dr. Michael Peterson, The Problem of Sexual Molestation by Roman Catholic Clergy: Meeting the Problem in a Comprehensive and Responsible Manner (May 15, 1985), приведен в главе 4 книги Thomas P. Doyle, A. W. R. Sipe, and Patrick J. Wall, Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes: The Catholic Church’s 2,000-Year Paper Trail of Sexual Abuse (Los Angeles, 2006). В оригинальном тексте отчета Mouton приводит такие факты: одной диоцезии (Лафайет, штат Луизиана) пришлось выплатить $5 миллионов компенсаций, и против нее поданы иски, по которым она должна будет заплатить $100 миллионов; хотя он не говорит о том, какую часть этих выплат покроет страхование, в документе обсуждают вопросы страхования. В приложенном руководстве, обращенном преимущественно к епископам, содержится серия вопросов, касающихся сложных аспектов гражданских и уголовных процессов (стр. 112–13).
Berry, Lead Us Not into Temptation, pp. 236–237.
John Tidyman, “God– 1, Newspaper Guild– 0”, Cleveland Edition, May 26, 1988.
Jason Berry, “Immunity: A Haven for Sensitive Files, Too?” Cleveland Plain Dealer, June 17, 1990. См. также Berry, Lead Us Not into Temptation, p. 290.
О Куинне см. James F. McCarty, “The Churchman at Scandal’s Heart”, Cleveland Plain Dealer, July 21, 2002. О Бертьеме см. James F. McCarty and David Briggs, “Diocese Confronted Clergy Abuse in 1987”, Cleveland Plain Dealer, March 10, 2002; епископ Джозеф Ай-меш (Joseph Imesch), переписка с автором.
Elizabeth Auster, “Rape Victims, Loved Ones Don’t Get Released Early”, Cleveland Plain Dealer, May 23, 1996. Телеканал CBS снял этот сюжет при участии репортера Ed Bradley. См. David Kohn, 60 Minutes, “The Church on Trial, Part II”, July 12, 2002.
CARA (Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, Georgetown University), “Understanding the Ministry and Experience: Parish Life Coordinators in the United States”, Special Report, Summer 2005.
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, “Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons”, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, October 1, 1986, www.vatican.va. О влиянии гомосексуальной культуры на религиозную жизнь см. Michael S. Rose, Goodbye! Good Men: How Catholic Seminaries Turned Away Two Generations of Vocations from the Priesthood (Cincinnati, 2002). См.
также Mark D. Jordan, The Silence of Sodom: Homosexuality in Modern Catholicism (Chicago, 2000).
Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, In Memory of Her: A Feminist Theological Reconstruction of Christian Origins (New York, 1984), pp. 170–171. Это и следующее примечание основаны на резюме диссертации сестры Кристины Шенк и приведенном ей списке литературы. Цитаты мной выбраны по моему усмотрению.
Karen Jo Torjesen, When Women Were Priests (San Francisco, 1993), pp. 32–33.
John Paul II, Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, Apostolic Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on Reserving Priestly Ordination to Men Alone, May 22, 1994, www.vatican.va.
Doyle, Sipe, and Wall, Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes, p. 11.
Данные о церкви Австрии из офиса кардинала Вены Кристо-фа Шенборна были любезно предоставлены мне корреспонденткой The Tablet Кристой Понграц-Липпитт.
“Responsum ad Dubium”, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, October 28, 1995, publicly released November 18, 1995, www. vatican.va.
Nicholas Lash, “On Not Inventing Doctrine”, The Tablet, December 2, 1995.
Joan Chittister, “Can’t Suppress Spirit”, National Catholic Reporter, December 8, 1995.
David Gibson, The Rule of Benedict: Pope Benedict XVI and His Battle with the Modern World (San Francisco, 2006), p. 214.
Jerry Filteau, “Bishop Calls Bishop-People Dialogue Key to Church’s Future”, Catholic News Service, October 31, 1995.
David Eden, “The Bishop’s Lawyer: A Question of Faith”, Cleveland Free Times, December 24, 2003.
McCarty and Briggs, “Diocese Confronted Clergy Abuse.”
WJW TV, выпуск 10 новостей в 22 часа, интервью с семьей Коджер, 17 мая 2002.
Testimony of Stephen Sozio, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Ohio, Eastern Division, case no. 1:06-CR– 00394, U.S. v. Joseph Smith, et al., crossexamination by Philip Kushner, June 10, 2008. На перекрестном допросе свидетель Sozio заявил, что партнер Jones Day, работавший на диоцезию, претендовал на оплату труда в размере $650 в час, но затем стоимость работы была снижена до $250–$280, поскольку церковь представляет собой некоммерческую организацию.