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Annales ES ― CAnnales: Economies, Societes, Civilisations
Arch. comm. ― Archives communales
Arch. dep. ― Archives departementales
BBCS ― Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies
BEC ― Bibliotheque de l"Ecole des Chartes
BIHR ― Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research
BJRL ― Bulletin of the John Rylands Library
BL ― British Library
BN ― Bibliotheque Nationale
CCR ― Calendar of Close Rolls
CPR ― Calendar of Patent Rolls
CS ― Camden Society
C&YS ― Canterbury and York Society
DCO ― Duchy of Cornwall Office
DL ― Duchy of Lancaster
DKR ― Reports of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records
EETS ― Early English Text Society
EconHR ― Economic History Review
EHR ― English Historical Review
Foedera ― T. Rymer, Foedera (The Hague edn, 1739–45)
LQR ― Law Quarterly Review
PPC ― Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England
PRO ― Public Record Office
RHistS ― Royal Historical Society
RP ― Rotuli Parliamentorum
RS ― Rolls Series
SHF ― Societe de l’Histoire de France
SHN ― Societe de l’Histoire de Normandie
TRHistS ― Transactions of the Royal Historical Society
VCH ― Victoria County History
WAM ― Westminster Abbey Muniments
Избранная библиография
ИсточникиAnglo-Norman Letters and Petitions, ed. M.D. Legge (Anglo-Norman Text Soc., Oxford, 1941).
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Anonimalle Chronicle, 1333–1381, ed. V.H. Galbraith (Manchester, 1927).
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Calendar of ancient petitions relating to Wales, ed. W. Rees (Cardiff, 1975).
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Calendar of Close Rolls, 1399–1422 (London, 1927–32).
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