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meningitis [menın`dʒaıtıs]

occupant ['Okjupqnt], typescript ['taIpskrIpt], meningitis ["menIn'GaItIs], ward [wO:d], prison [prIzn]

He said, "Anna, I've found out everything."

"Come in," she said, "you don't want to wake the house." She was in a dressing gown: the divan had become a bed, the kind of rumbled bed that showed how sleepless the occupant had been.

"Now," she said, while he stood there, fumbling for words, "what is it? I thought you were going to keep away. Are the police after you?"


"You didn't really kill that man, did you?"

"Of course not."

"You're drunk, aren't you?"

"I am a bit," he said sulkily. The meeting seemed to be going on the wrong lines. He said angrily, "I'm sorry."

"Why? I could do with a bit of drink myself."

He said, "I've been with the British police. They are satisfied I didn't do it. But I've learned everything from them. Harry was in a racket—a bad racket." He said hopelessly, "He was no good at all. We were both wrong."

"You'd better tell me," Anna said. She sat down on the bed and he told her, swaying slightly beside the table where her typescript part still lay open at the first page. I imagine he told it her pretty confusedly, dwelling chiefly on what had stuck most in his mind, the children dead with meningitis and the children in the mental ward. He stopped and they were silent. She said, "Is that all?"


"You were sober when they told you? They really proved it?"

"Yes." He added, drearily, "So that, you see, was Harry."

"I'm glad he's dead now," she said. "I wouldn't have wanted him to rot for years in prison."

"But can you understand how Harry—your Harry, my Harry—could have got mixed up ...?" He said hopelessly, "I feel as though he had never really existed, that we'd dreamed him. Was he laughing at fools like us all the time?"

"He may have been. What does it matter?" she said. "Sit down. Don't worry." He had pictured himself comforting her—not this other way about. She said, "If he was alive now, he might be able to explain, but we've got to remember him as he was to us. There are always so many things one doesn't know about a person, even a person one loves, good things, bad things. We have to leave plenty of room for them."

"Those children (эти дети)..."

She said angrily (она сказала сердито), "For God's sake (ради Бога) stop making people in your image (прекратите делать людей по вашему образу»). Harry was real (Гарри был настоящим). He wasn't just your hero and my lover (он не был лишь вашим героем и моим возлюбленным). He was Harry (он был Гарри). He was in a racket (он был в афере). He did bad things (он делал плохие вещи). What about it (что насчет этого = ну и что)? He was the man we knew (он был тем человеком, которого мы знали)."

He said, "Don't talk such bloody wisdom (не говори такую чертову мудрость). Don't you see (разве ты не видишь) that I love you (что я люблю тебя)?"

She looked at him in astonishment (она посмотрела на него в удивлении). "You (ты)?"

"Yes, me (да, я). I don't kill people with fake drugs (я не убиваю людей поддельными лекарствами). I'm not a hypocrite (я не лицемер) who persuades people that I'm the greatest (который убеждает людей, что я величайший)... I'm just a bad writer who drinks too much (я просто плохой писатель, который пьет слишком много) and falls in love with girls (и влюбляется в девушек)..."

She said, "But I don't even know what colour your eyes are (но я даже не знаю, какого цвета твои глаза). If you'd rung me up just now and asked me (если ты бы позвонил мне прямо и сейчас и спросил меня; to ring up — позвонить) whether you were dark or fair or wore a moustache (темноволосый ты или светловолосый, носишь ли усы), I wouldn't have known (я бы не знала = не смогла бы сказать)."

"Can't you get him out of your mind (не можешь ли ты выбросить его из твоих мыслей)?"


He said, "As soon as they've cleared up this Koch murder (как только они разберутся с этим убийством Коха), I'm leaving Vienna (я покину Вену). I can't feel interested any longer in whether Kurtz killed Harry (я не могу чувствовать себя заинтересованным сколько-нибудь дольше в том, Куртц ли убил Гарри)—or the third man (или третий человек). Whoever killed him it was a kind of justice (кто бы ни убил его, это была разновидность справедливости = была своего рода справедливость). Maybe I'd kill him myself under these circumstances (может быть, я бы убил его сам в этих обстоятельствах). But you still love him (но ты все еще любишь его). You love a cheat (ты любишь лгуна), a murderer (убийцу)."

"I loved a man (я любила человека)," she said. "I told you (я сказала тебе)—a man doesn't alter because you find out more about him (человек не меняется из-за того, что ты обнаруживаешь больше о нем). He's still the same man (он есть все еще тот же самый человек)."

"I hate the way you talk (я ненавижу = мне очень не нравится то, как ты говоришь; way — путь, способ). I've got a splitting headache (у меня острая: «раскалывающая» головная боль; to split — раскалывать; расщеплять), and you talk and talk (а ты говоришь и говоришь)..."

"I didn't ask you to come (я не приглашала/не просила тебя приходить)."

"You make me cross (ты заставляешь меня сердиться: «делаешь меня сердитым/раздраженным»)."

Suddenly she laughed (внезапно она рассмеялась). She said, "You are so comic (ты такой комичный/забавный). You come here at three in the morning (ты приходишь сюда в три часа утра)—a stranger (чужой человек)— and say you love me (и говоришь, что ты любишь меня). Then you get angry (затем ты становишься сердитым = начинаешь сердиться) and pick a quarrel (и ищешь повод для ссоры: «поднимаешь/подхватываешь ссору»; to pick — собирать, снимать (плоды/; to pick up — поднимать, подбирать). What do you expect me to do (что ты ожидаешь меня сделать = чтобы я сделала)—or say (или сказала)?"

"I haven't seen you laugh before (я раньше не видел, как ты смеешься). Do it again (сделай это снова). I like it (я мне нравится это)."

"There isn't enough for two laughs (здесь недостаточно для двух смешков = меня не хватит на два смешка)," she said.

He took her by the shoulders (он взял ее за плечи) and shook her gently (и потряс ее мягко; to shake — трясти; gently — мягко, нежно; осторожно). He said, "I'd make comic faces all day long (я бы делал комичные лица весь день). I'd stand on my head and grin at you between my legs (я бы стоял на голове и улыбался тебе между моими ногами). I'd learn a lot of jokes (я бы выучил кучу анекдотов: «шуток») from the books on After-dinner Speaking (из книг о послеобеденном разговоре)."

"Come away from the window (отойди прочь от окна). There are no curtains (тут нет занавесок)." '

"There's nobody to see (там нет никого, чтобы увидеть = кто бы увидел /нас/)," but automatically checking his statement (но автоматически = машинально проверяя свое утверждение), he wasn't quite so sure (он не был совершенно так уверен): a long shadow that had moved (длинная тень, которая передвинулась), perhaps with the movement of clouds over the moon (возможно, с движением туч над луной), was motionless again (была вновь неподвижна). He said, "You still love Harry (ты все еще любишь Гарри), don't you (не так ли)?"


"Perhaps I do (возможно, я люблю). I don't know (я не знаю)." He dropped his hands (он уронил свои руки) and said, "I’ll be pushing off (ну, я пошел; to push off — отталкиваться, отплывать /от берега/; убираться, уходить)."

persuade [pq'sweId], moustache [mq'stRS], justice ['GAstIs], headache ['hedeIk], comic ['kOmIk], quarrel ['kwOr(q)l]

"Those children..."

She said angrily, "For God's sake stop making people in your image. Harry was real. He wasn't just your hero and my lover. He was Harry. He was in a racket. He did bad things. What about it? He was the man we knew."

He said, "Don't talk such bloody wisdom. Don't you see that I love you?"

She looked at him in astonishment. "You?"

"Yes, me. I don't kill people with fake drugs. I'm not a hypocrite who persuades people that I'm the greatest ... I'm just a bad writer who drinks too much and falls in love with girls ..."

She said, "But I don't even know what colour your eyes are. If you'd rung me up just now and asked me whether you were dark or fair or wore a moustache, I wouldn't have known."

"Can't you get him out of your mind?"


He said, "As soon as they've cleared up this Koch murder, I'm leaving Vienna. I can't feel interested any longer in whether Kurtz killed Harry—or the third man. Whoever killed him it was a kind of justice. Maybe I'd kill him myself under these circumstances. But you still love him. You love a cheat, a murderer."

"I loved a man," she said. "I told you—a man doesn't alter because you find out more about him. He's still the same man."

"I hate the way you talk. I've got a splitting headache, and you talk and talk ..."

"I didn't ask you to come."

"You make me cross."

Suddenly she laughed. She said, "You are so comic. You come here at three in the morning—a stranger— and say you love me. Then you get angry and pick a quarrel. What do you expect me to do—or say?"

"I haven't seen you laugh before. Do it again. I like it."

"There isn't enough for two laughs," she said.

He took her by the shoulders and shook her gently. He said, "I'd make comic faces all day long. I'd stand on my head and grin at you between my legs. I'd learn a lot of jokes from the books on After-dinner Speaking."

"Come away from the window. There are no curtains." '

"There's nobody to see," but automatically checking his statement, he wasn't quite so sure: a long shadow that had moved, perhaps with the movement of clouds over the moon, was motionless again. He said, "You still love Harry, don't you?"


"Perhaps I do. I don't know." He dropped his hands and said, "I’ll be pushing off."

He walked rapidly away (он быстро зашагал прочь): he didn't bother to see (он не побеспокоился посмотреть) whether he was being followed (преследовали ли его), to check up on the shadow (чтобы проверить тень). But passing by the end of the street (но, проходя мимо конца улицы) he happened to turn (он случился повернуть = получилось так, что он повернул) and there just around the corner (и там, прямо за углом), pressed against a wall to escape notice (прижатая к стене, чтобы не быть замеченной: «чтобы избежать замечания»), was a thick stocky figure (была плотная, коренастая фигура). Martins stopped and stared (Мартинс остановился и пригляделся; to stare — пристально глядеть, вглядываться; уставиться). There was something familiar about that figure (было что-то знакомое в этой фигуре): perhaps, he thought (возможно, — он подумал), I have grown unconsciously used to him (я стал бессознательно привычен к нему; to grow — расти; становиться) during these last twenty-four hours (в течение этих последних двадцати четырех часов): perhaps he is one of those (возможно, он один из тех) who have so assiduously checked my movements (кто так упорно: «старательно» отслеживал мои движения; assiduous — усердный, прилежный; неутомимый, старательный). Martins stood there (Мартинс стоял там), twenty yards away (в двадцати ярдах), staring at the silent motionless figure in the dark side-street (уставившись на безмолвную, неподвижную фигуру в темном переулке) who stared back at him (которая, в свою очередь, смотрела на него: «смотрела назад на него»). A police spy, perhaps (полицейский шпик, возможно), or an agent of those other men (или агент тех других людей), those men who had corrupted Harry first (тех людей, которые сперва развратили Гарри) and then killed him (а затем убили его): even possibly the third man (даже, возможно, третий человек)?

It was not the face that was familiar (это было не лицо что было знакомо = знакомо было не лицо), for he could not make out so much as the angle of the jaw (ибо он не мог различить так много как = даже угол челюсти): nor a movement (ни движения), for the body was so still that he began to believe (ибо тело было таким неподвижным, что он начал верить/полагать) that the whole thing was an illusion caused by shadow (что все это было иллюзией, вызванной тенью). He called sharply (он позвал резко). "Do you want anything (вы что-нибудь хотите)?" and there was no reply (и не было никакого ответа). He called again with the irascibility of drink (он позвал снова с раздражительностью выпившего; irascible — вспыльчивый, несдержанный, раздражительный). "Answer (отвечай), can't you (ты можешь: «не можешь ты» = почему не отвечаешь)?" and an answer came (и ответ пришел), for a window curtain was drawn petulantly back by some sleeper he had awakened (ибо оконная занавеска была отодвинута раздраженно назад каким-то спящим, которого он разбудил; petulant — нетерпеливый, обидчивый, раздражительный, вздорный, всем недовольный) and the light fell straight across the narrow street (и свет упал прямо через узкую улицу) and lit up the features of Harry Lime (и осветил черты Гарри Лайма; to light up — освещать).

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