Читаем без скачивания Английский язык с Э. Хемингуэем. Старик и море - Илья Франк
She's good (это хорошая /лодка/), he thought. She is sound and not harmed in any way except for the tiller (она цела: «здорова» и никак не повреждена, только румпель). That is easily replaced (его легко заменить).
He could feel he was inside the current now (он чувствовал, что теперь был внутри течения) and he could see the lights of the beach colonies along the shore (и видел огни прибрежных поселков вдоль берега). He knew where he was now (он знал, где он теперь) and it was nothing to get home (и добраться до дому ничего не стоило).
remedy ['remIdI], crumb [krAm], nothing ['nATIN]
He knew he was beaten now finally and without remedy and he went back to the stern and found the jagged end of the tiller would fit in the slot of the rudder well enough for him to steer. He settled the sack around his shoulders and put the skiff on her course. He sailed lightly now and he had no thoughts nor any feelings of any kind. He was past everything now and he sailed the skiff to make his home port as well and as intelligently as he could. In the night sharks hit the carcass as someone might pick up crumbs from the table. The old man paid no attention to them and did not pay any attention to anything except steering. He only noticed how lightly and how well the skiff sailed now there was no great weight beside her.
She's good, he thought. She is sound and not harmed in any way except for the tiller. That is easily replaced.
He could feel he was inside the current now and he could see the lights of the beach colonies along the shore. He knew where he was now and it was nothing to get home.
The wind is our friend, anyway (в любом случае, ветер — наш друг), he thought. Then he added (затем он добавил), sometimes (иногда /наш друг/). And the great sea with our friends and our enemies (и великое море с нашими друзьями и врагами). And bed (и кровать), he thought. Bed is my friend (кровать — мой друг). Just bed (только кровать), he thought. Bed will be a great thing (лечь в постель — это великое дело: «постель будет великой вещью»). It is easy when you are beaten (это легко, когда ты побежден), he thought. I never knew how easy it was (никогда не знал, что это так легко). And what beat you (и что победило тебя), he thought.
"Nothing (ничего)," he said aloud. "I went out too far (я просто далеко ушел)."
When he sailed into the little harbour (когда он вошел в маленькую бухту) the lights of the Terrace were out and he knew everyone was in bed (огни на Террасе были потушены, и он знал, что все спали). The breeze had risen steadily (ветер равномерно усиливался) and was blowing strongly now (и теперь дул сильно). It was quiet in the harbour though (однако в бухте было тихо) and he sailed up onto the little patch of shingle below the rocks (и он подплыл к узкой полосе гальки под скалами; shingle — галька). There was no one to help him (не было никого, кто бы мог помочь ему) so he pulled the boat up as far as he could (поэтому он подплыл: «подтянул лодку» так близко к берегу, как только мог). Then he stepped out and made her fast to a rock (затем он вылез: «ступил наружу» из нее и привязал ее к скале).
He unstepped the mast (он снял мачту) and furled the sail (свернул парус) and tied it (и связал его). Then he shouldered the mast (затем он взвалил мачту на плечо) and started to climb (и начал карабкаться). It was then he knew the depth of his tiredness (только тогда он почувствовал, насколько он устал: «глубину своей усталости»). He stopped for a moment and looked back (он остановился на мгновенье и посмотрел назад) and saw in the reflection from the street light (и увидел в свете: «отражении» уличного фонаря) the great tail of the fish (огромный хвост рыбы) standing up well behind the skiff's stern (возвышающийся позади кормы лодки). He saw the white naked line of his backbone (он увидел белую обнаженную линию ее позвоночника) and the dark mass of the head with the projecting bill (и темную тень головы с выдающимся вперед мечом) and all the nakedness between (и всю наготу = пустоту посередине; naked — обнаженный, голый).
shingle [SINgl], climb [klaIm], nakedness ['neIkIdnqs]
The wind is our friend, anyway, he thought. Then he added, sometimes. And the great sea with our friends and our enemies. And bed, he thought. Bed is my friend. Just bed, he thought. Bed will be a great thing. It is easy when you are beaten, he thought. I never knew how easy it was. And what beat you, he thought.
"Nothing," he said aloud. "I went out too far."
When he sailed into the little harbour the lights of the Terrace were out and he knew everyone was in bed. The breeze had risen steadily and was blowing strongly now. It was quiet in the harbour though and he sailed up onto the little patch of shingle below the rocks. There was no one to help him so he pulled the boat up as far as he could. Then he stepped out and made her fast to a rock.
He unstepped the mast and furled the sail and tied it. Then he shouldered the mast and started to climb. It was then he knew the depth of his tiredness. He stopped for a moment and looked back and saw in the reflection from the street light the great tail of the fish standing up well behind the skiff's stern. He saw the white naked line of his backbone and the dark mass of the head with the projecting bill and all the nakedness between.
He started to climb again (он снова начал взбираться) and at the top he fell (и на вершине он упал) and lay for some time with the mast across his shoulder (и полежал некоторое время с мачтой на плече). He tried to get up (он попробовал встать). But it was too difficult (но это было слишком сложно) and he sat there with the mast on his shoulder (и он сидел там с мачтой на плече) and looked at the road (и смотрел на дорогу). A cat passed on the far side going about its business (кошка пробежала по дальней стороне /дороги/ по своим делам) and the old man watched it (и старик наблюдал за ней = проводил ее взглядом). Then he just watched the road (затем он просто смотрел на дорогу).
Finally he put the mast down and stood up (наконец, он положил мачту на землю и встал). He picked the mast up (он поднял мачту) and put it on his shoulder (положил ее себе на плечо) and started up the road (и пошел по дороге). He had to sit down five times before he reached his shack (ему пришлось садиться пять раз, пока он не добрался до хижины).
Inside the shack he leaned the mast against the wall (внутри хижины = оказавшись внутри, он прислонил мачту к стене). In the dark he found a water bottle and took a drink (в темноте он нашел бутылку с водой и сделал глоток). Then he lay down on the bed (затем он лег на кровать). He pulled the blanket over his shoulders (он натянул покрывало на плечи) and then over his back and legs (а затем на спину и ноги) and he slept face down on the newspapers (и он заснул лицом вниз в газеты = уткнувшись лицом в газеты) with his arms out straight and the palms of his hands up (с выпрямленными руками и ладонями рук, повернутыми вверх).
finally ['faInqlI], reach [rJC], blanket ['blxNkIt]
He started to climb again and at the top he fell and lay for some time with the mast across his shoulder. He tried to get up. But it was too difficult and he sat there with the mast on his shoulder and looked at the road. A cat passed on the far side going about its business and the old man watched it. Then he just watched the road.
Finally he put the mast down and stood up. He picked the mast up and put it on his shoulder and started up the road. He had to sit down five times before he reached his shack.
Inside the shack he leaned the mast against the wall. In the dark he found a water bottle and took a drink. Then he lay down on the bed. He pulled the blanket over his shoulders and then over his back and legs and he slept face down on the newspapers with his arms out straight and the palms of his hands up.
He was asleep when the boy looked in the door in the morning (он спал, когда мальчик заглянул утром). It was blowing so hard that the drifting-boats would not be going out (ветер был настолько сильным, что лодки не вышли в море) and the boy had slept late (и мальчик проспал допоздна) and then come to the old man's shack (и затем пошел в хижину старика) as he had come each morning (как делал это каждое утро). The boy saw that the old man was breathing (мальчик увидел, что старик дышит) and then he saw the old man's hands and he started to cry (а затем он увидел руки старика и заплакал: «начал плакать»). He went out very quietly (он вышел наружу очень тихо) to go to bring some coffee (чтобы сходить за кофе) and all the way down the road he was crying (и всю дорогу он плакал).
Many fishermen were around the skiff (вокруг лодки было много рыбаков) looking at what was lashed beside it (которые смотрели на то, что было привязано к ее борту) and one was in the water (один из них был в воде), his trousers rolled up (с закатанными брюками), measuring the skeleton with a length of line (измеряя длину скелета веревкой: «длиной веревки»).
The boy did not go down (мальчик не спустился). He had been there before (он был там раньше) and one of the fishermen was looking after the skiff for him (и один из рыбаков присматривал за лодкой ради него).
"How is he (как он)?" one of the fishermen shouted (крикнул один из рыбаков).
"Sleeping (спит)," the boy called. He did not care that they saw him crying (ему было безразлично, что они видят, как он плачет; to care — заботиться). "Let no one disturb him (пускай никто его не беспокоит)."
measure ['meZq], disturb [dI'stWb], cry [kraI]
He was asleep when the boy looked in the door in the morning. It was blowing so hard that the drifting-boats would not be going out and the boy had slept late and then come to the old man's shack as he had come each morning. The boy saw that the old man was breathing and then he saw the old man's hands and he started to cry. He went out very quietly to go to bring some coffee and all the way down the road he was crying.
Many fishermen were around the skiff looking at what was lashed beside it and one was in the water, his trousers rolled up, measuring the skeleton with a length of line.
The boy did not go down. He had been there before and one of the fishermen was looking after the skiff for him.
"How is he?" one of the fishermen shouted.
"Sleeping," the boy called. He did not care that they saw him crying. "Let no one disturb him."
"He was eighteen feet from nose to tail (она была восемнадцать футов от носа до хвоста)," the fisherman who was measuring him called (крикнул рыбак, измерявший рыбу).
"I believe it (я верю в это = вот так-то)," the boy said.
He went into the Terrace and asked for a can of coffee (он пошел на Террасу и попросил банку кофе).
"Hot and with plenty of milk and sugar in it (горячий, много молока и сахара; plenty — /из/обилие; множество)."
"Anything more (что-нибудь еще)?"
"No. Afterwards I will see what he can eat (потом посмотрю, что он сможет съесть)."
"What a fish it was (что это была за рыба!)," the proprietor said (сказал хозяин). "There has never been such a fish (никогда не было такой рыбы). Those were two fine fish you took yesterday too (те две рыбы, которые ты поймал, тоже были хороши)."
"Damn my fish (к черту мою рыбу)," the boy said and he started to cry again (и снова заплакал).
"Do you want a drink of any kind (хочешь чего-нибудь выпить; of any kind — какого-либо рода)?" the proprietor asked.
afterwards ['Rftqwqds], proprietor [prq'praIqtq], drink [drINk]
"He was eighteen feet from nose to tail," the fisherman who was measuring him called.
"I believe it," the boy said.
He went into the Terrace and asked for a can of coffee.
"Hot and with plenty of milk and sugar in it."
"Anything more?"
"No. Afterwards I will see what he can eat."
"What a fish it was," the proprietor said. "There has never been such a fish. Those were two fine fish you took yesterday too."
"Damn my fish," the boy said and he started to cry again.
"Do you want a drink of any kind?" the proprietor asked.
"No," the boy said. "Tell them not to bother Santiago (скажите, чтобы не беспокоили Сантьяго). I'll be back (я вернусь)."
"Tell him how sorry I am (передай ему, что я сожалею)."
"Thanks," the boy said.
The boy carried the hot can of coffee up to the old man's shack (мальчик отнес горячую банку с кофе в хижину старика) and sat by him until he woke (и сидел рядом с ним, пока он не проснулся; to wake). Once it looked as though he were waking (один раз показалось: «выглядело так», будто он просыпается). But he had gone back into heavy sleep (но он снова забылся в тяжелом сне) and the boy had gone across the road to borrow some wood to heat the coffee (и мальчик пошел через дорогу /к соседям/ одолжить дров, чтобы подогреть кофе).