Читаем без скачивания Позитивные изменения. Том 2, №4 (2022). Positive changes. Volume 2, Issue 4 (2022) - Редакция журнала «Позитивные изменения»
The study's aim was to evaluate the effect of GHRM practices on environmental sustainability via GJD, GRS and GTD. Findings of this study shows that GJD has no effect on environmental sustainability, while GRS and GTD have statistically significant effect on environmental sustainability of DMBs in Katsina State. It will therefore be safe to state that GJD of DMBs in Katsina State has no green elements that would contribute to the sustainability of the environment. Meanwhile, GRS and GTD have a significant positive effect on the environmental sustainability, since these practices incorporate environmentally friendly activities like online job application and recruitment, computerization of recruitment and selection processes, which discourage the use of paper and travelling for exams and interviews. More so, the banks hold online training for staff; train their employees on environmental safety and health, and on the use of energy efficient equipment and facilities in the banks. All these are efforts to discourage environmental hactivities that are harmful to the environment and create safe and healthy workplace. The findings on GRS, and GTD confirm the findings by Bangwal et al. (2017), Gill et al. (2021), Mandago (2019), Mobarez (2018), Rawashdeh (2018), and Zhao et al. (2020) which established that GRS and GTD have significant effect on environmental sustainability.
The study evaluated the effect of green human resources management practices which is predicated by GJD, GRS, and GTD. Descriptive research design was employed, and structured questionnaires were administered to 672 respondents; however, only 420 questionnaires were validly completed and used for the analysis. Regression result revealed the p-value of 0.728, 0.001 and 0.001 for GJD, GRS, and GTD respectively. Based on these findings, the following conclusions are made:
1. GJD has insignificant effect on environmental sustainability of DMBs In Katsina State, because the p-value is well above 5 %.
2. GRS practice of MDBs in Katsina State shows a positive and statistically significant effect on environmental sustainability at a p-value of 0.001.
3. The p-value of 0.001 for GTD practice of MDBs in Katsina State indicates a positive and statistically significant effect on environmental sustainability.
In line with the study's findings and resulting conclusions, the study recommended that:
1. DMBs in Katsina State should collaborate with their headquarters to review their job design and analysis to include at least one element of green practice and green working structure as a duty and designed environment for their employees. By so doing they will be creating green consciousness in their employees.
2. The banks should make their GRS practices more sustainable and include knowledge of environmental sustainability in their job criteria so as to attract those that are green conscious and brand themselves as environmentally friendly organization.
3. DMBs should just like other sustainability elements (economy and social) make well defined policies on environment sustainability and incorporate in all their human resource practices.
4. DMBs should treat the environmental sustainability issues all seriousness it desire, since by so doing they will be maximizing this non-financial value to a broader range of stakeholders.
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