Читаем без скачивания Позитивные изменения. Том 2, №4 (2022). Positive changes. Volume 2, Issue 4 (2022) - Редакция журнала «Позитивные изменения»
Another direction of the project is the development of tourism potential of the Russian North. Kargopol is a fairly well-known place among people who plan a trip to the North. The city is a year older than Moscow, it has the same rich history as Suzdal and Vladimir. The Moscow-Arkhangelsk railroad passed through Nyandoma, population 30,000. Another 80 km by bus or car — and you get to the town of Kargopol, and another 40 km on is Oshevenskoe municipality.
“The place has the Alexander Oshevensky monastery, a wooden church, and chapels. All this will be especially interesting for tourists interested in wooden architecture. The place is rich with all kinds of legends and tales. There is a river that disappears into the ground at one end of the village and resurfaces at the other end. Legends have it that this happened because a saint was once prevented from drinking water there. Also nearby is Kenozero National Park. And Oshevensk itself has a guest house and a village hotel,” Irina Mezhinskaya says.
In addition to weaving, the Porato project also supports craftswomen making embroidery: embroidered sundresses, pillowcases, towels.
In 2021, about 200 meters of homemade mats were produced and sold, with the proceeds amounting to about 200,000 rubles. One craftswoman embroidered a sundress to order. She was able to renovate her kitchen with the money earned.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and respective restrictions, the Northern Heritage Foundation had low expectations of tourism in 2021. During the year, about 70 tourists visited the area, leaving a total of about 1 million rubles in Kargopol, Nyandoma and Oshevensk.
Together with the Kargopol Museum and The Three Squares publishing house, a book titled “Kargopol” was published, which includes a large section on the town's wooden architecture and plenty of information about Oshevensk.
The use of recycled materials and production of new artisanal products has increased. Artisans participate in craft competitions and demonstrate their products at various exhibitions. Residents of neighboring villages become interested in their experience and join the project. Weaving generates interest towards other crafts — garment-making, embroidery, patchwork, knitting. Such activities help unite the village residents. The local folk ensemble “Bolshukhas from Oshevensk” got a new breath of life.
“We gave the local seamstresses the fabric to make 11 sundresses. They checked with the museum to learn how to make traditional Kargopol sundresses properly; the museum staff showed them everything and taught them. They wore these sundresses all year long, going everywhere, giving concerts. This also highlighted the project's activities,” says Irina Mezhinskaya.
The main achievement of the work at this stage, according to the project author, is winning the trust of rural artisans and inspiring them to continue their development. New craftswomen are joining the project, interest in weaving looms is growing, and some of the residents are thinking about growing their own linen.
“The artisans come together, holding work meetings as they discuss how to weave. They don't treat weaving as a line production; they care about their activity creating value. To them, their mats aren't just striped, colored, red or green; they talk about them differently: “Here we have a sunset, here a field, this is a swamp, and this here is a berry.” That is, they clearly have a very palpable aesthetic perception of their work. Each doormat is special, original. Because it is made of rags, the pattern never repeats,” Irina Mezhinskaya explains.
Village residents are increasingly asking the author of the project: “What can we do, what can we sell, what can we make to earn some money?” It's a story about believing in yourself, Mezhinskaya believes.
“I had another woman approach me; she makes teterkas — local traditional decorated oven-baked rye bread. She said: “I can make teterkas, but I have to come up with the packaging.” Our designer made the logo, and we called the product “Bolshukha's Treat.” Bolshukha is the eldest woman in the family. We also made postcards for her with a description and recipe. Now, when tourists come to this woman's house for lunch, they can buy a box of teterkas to take home. I think this is also a good social effect,” Irina Mezhinskaya says.
Proceeds from the sales of mats in Moscow at the Northern Heritage Foundation's events and online, as well as at the Foundation's websites.
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Ядро. Проект БФ