Читаем без скачивания Эпоха Регентства. Любовные интриги при британском дворе - Фелицити Дэй
Susan C. Law, Through the Keyhole: Sex, Scandal and the Secret Life of the Country House (Stroud: The History Press, 2015).
Sybil Wolfram, Divorce in England 1700–1857 in Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Summer 1985, Vol. 5., P. 155–186.
The Gentleman’s Magazine, Vol IV (London: William Pickering, 1835).
The New Bon Ton Magazine, Vol II (London: J. Johnston, 1819).
The Marquess of Anglesey, One-Leg, The Life and Letters of Henry William Paget, First Marquess of Anglesey K.G. (1768–1854), (London: Jonathan Cape, 1962).
The Marquess of Anglesey (ed.), The Capel Letters, Being the Correspondence of Lady Caroline Capel and her daughters with the Dowager Countess of Uxbridge from Brussels and Switzerland 1814–1817 (London: Jonathan Cape, 1955).
The Trial of Sir Arthur Paget, K.B Late Ambassador to the Courts of Vienna and Constantinople, for Criminal Conversation with Countess Borringdon, Wife of Earl Borringdon, and Daughter to the late Earl of Westmorland (London: J. Day, 1808).
William John Fitzpatrick, The Life, Times and Contemporaries of Lord Cloncurry (Dublin: James Duffy, 1855).
Глава 9. Могила любви?
A. Aspinall (ed.), The Correspondence of Charles Arbuthnot, Camden Third Series. Vol 65 (Royal Historical Society, 1941).
A.C. Benson and Viscount Esher (eds.), The Letters of Queen Victoria: A Selection from her Majesty’s Correspondence between the Years 1837 and 1861, 3 Vols (London: John Murray, 1907), Vol II. Betty Askwith, The Lytteltons: A Family Chronicle of the Nineteenth Century (London: Chatto & Windus, 1975).
Diane Urquhart, The Ladies of Londonderry: Women and Political Patronage (London: I.B. Tauris, 2007).
Dorothy Howell-Thomas, Lord Melbourne’s Susan (Gresham Books, 1978).
Edith, Marchioness of Londonderry, Frances Anne: The Life and Times of Frances Anne Marchioness of Londonderry and her husband Charles Third Marquess of Londonderry, (London: Macmillan & Co., 1958).
Elizabeth Longford, Wellington: Pillar of State (St Albans: Panther Books, 1975).
E.A. Smith, Wellington and the Arbuthnots: A Triangular Friendship, (Stroud: Alan Sutton, 1994).
Francis Bamford and the Duke of Wellington (ed.), The Journal of Mrs Arbuthnot 1820–1832, 2 Vols (London: Macmillan & Co., 1950), Vol I.
Hon. F. Leveson Gower, Letters of Harriet Countess Granville, 1810–1845, 2 Vols, 3rd edn. (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1894), Vol I.
Hon. Mrs H. Wyndham (ed.), Correspondence of Sarah Spencer, Lady Lyttelton 1787–1870 (John Murray, 1912).
Lewis Melville (ed.), The Huskisson Papers (London: Constable, 1931).
Lord William Pitt Lennox, Fifty Years’ Biographical Reminiscences, 2 Vols (London: Hurst and Blackett, 1863), Vol II.
Peter Quennell and Dilys Powell (ed.), The Private Letters of Princess Lieven to Prince Metternich, 1820–1826 (London: John Murray, 1937).
Richard Edgcumbe (ed.), The Diary of Frances Lady Shelley 1818–1873 (John Murray, 1913).
Sydney, Lady Morgan, Passages from my Autobiography (London: Richard Bentley, 1859).
W.H. Dixon (ed.), Lady Morgan’s Memoirs: Autobiography, Diaries and Correspondence, 2 Vols (London: W.H. Allen & Co., 1862), Vol I.
W.H. Dixon (ed.), Lady Morgan’s Memoirs: Autobiography, Diaries and Correspondence, 2 Vols (London: W.H. Allen & Co., 1862), Vol II.
Избранные дополнительные источники
Parliamentary Archives: 1809 Act to dissolve the marriage of Lord and Lady Boringdon.
University of Southampton Library: Deed of separation of Sir Henry Brooke Parnell and Lady Caroline Parnell, 1816.
The Bedford Estates: Letters relating to the engagement of 7th Duke and Duchess of Bedford.
British Library: Add. MS 76183 (Accounts of receipts and expenditure of 2nd Earl Spencer, August 1812 – June 1813); Add. MS 48406 (Letters to Sir Arthur Paget from his sisters and Lady Jersey).
Amanda Vickery, The Gentleman’s Daughter: Women’s Lives in Georgian England (London: Yale University Press, 1998).
Brian Southam, Jane Austen and the Navy, 2nd. Edn. (London: National Maritime Museum Publishing, 2005).
Carolyn A. Day, Consumptive Chic: A History of Beauty, Fashion, and Disease (London: Bloomsbury, 2017).
Colin Gibson, Dissolving Wedlock (London: Routledge, 1994).
Donna T. Andrews, Aristocratic Vice: The Attack on Duelling, Suicide, Adultery, and Gambling in Eighteenth-Century England (London: Yale University Press, 2013).
F.M.L. Thompson, English Landed Society in the Nineteenth Century (London: Routledge, 1963).
K.D. Reynolds, Aristocratic Women and Political Society in Victorian Britain (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998).
Hannah Greig, The Beau Monde: Fashionable Society in Georgian London (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013).
Hilary Davidson, Dress in the Age of Jane Austen: Regency Fashion (London: Yale University Press, 2019).
Ian Mortimer, The Time Traveller’s Guide to Regency Britain (London: The Bodley Head, 2020).
Judith M. Bennett and Amy M. Froide (eds.), Singlewomen in the European Past, 1250–1800 (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999).
Lawrence Stone, The Family, Sex and Marriage in England 1500–1800, abridged edition (New York: Harper & Row, 1979).
Robert D. Hume, Money in Jane Austen, The Review of English Studies, April 2013, New Series, Vol 64, No. 264 (April 2013). P. 289–310.
Samuel and Sarah Adams, The Complete Servant (London: Knight and Lacey, 1825).
Susan Staves, Married Women’s Separate Property in England, 1660–1833 (London: Harvard University Press, 1990).
Venetia Murray, High Society in the Regency Period, 1788–1830 (London: Penguin, 1999).
The History of Parliament Online (https://www.historyofparliamentonline.org/).
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Всем известно, что ни одна книга в гордом одиночестве не пишется, и я хочу особо поблагодарить тех двоих, без кого «Эпоха Регентства. Любовные интриги при британском дворе» могли и не увидеть света. Во-первых, это мой агент Элла Кан, в полной мере оценившая их потенциал, призвавшая меня подойти к написанию книги как можно амбициознее и проделавшая ювелирную пошаговую работу по доведению ее до публикации. Во-вторых, это мой редактор Элли Карр, которая сходу поняла и поддержала мой замысел – и неимоверно способствовала его воплощению своими меткими замечаниями и здравыми предложениями. Спасибо вам обеим за безмерный энтузиазм, с которым вы отнеслись к теме любовных романов эпохи Регентства!
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