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Читаем без скачивания Семь главных игр в истории человечества. Шашки, шахматы, го, нарды, скрабл, покер, бридж - Оливер Рейдер

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The Official ACBL Encyclopedia of Bridge. New York: Crown, 1971.

Owen, David. “Dirty Hands: A Cheating Scandal in the World of Professional Bridge.” New Yorker, February 29, 2016.

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Root, William S., and Richard Pavlicek. Modern Bridge Conventions. New York: Three Rivers, 1981.

Sheinwold, Alfred. 5 Weeks to Winning Bridge. New York: Permabooks, 1960.

Smith, Marc. Man vs. Machine: The Bridge Match of the Millennium. Bridge Plus, 1999.

Vanderbilt, Harold S. Contract Bridge: Bidding and the Club Convention. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1929.

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Wasserman, Anthony I. “Realization of a Skillful Bridge Bidding Program.” Proceedings of the Joint Computer Conference, November 1970, 433–44.

Allis, Victor. “A Knowledge-Based Approach of Connect-Four: The Game Is Solved – White Wins.” Master’s thesis, Vrije Universiteit, 1988.

Buro, Michael. “The Evolution of Strong Othello Programs.” In Entertainment Computing: Technologies and Application, edited by Ryohei Nakatsu and Junichi Hoshino, 81–88. Boston: Springer, 2003.

Gasser, Ralph. “Solving Nine Men’s Morris.” Computational Intelligence 12, no. 1 (February 1996): 24–41.

Ginsberg, Matthew L. “Dr. Fill: Crosswords and an Implemented Solver for Singly Weighted CSPs.” Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 42, no. 1 (September 2011): 851–86.

Hayward, Ryan B., and Bjarne Toft. Hex: The Full Story. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2019.

Müller, Martin, and Theodore Tegos. “Experiments in Computer Amazons.” In More Games of No Chance, 243–60. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

Romein, John W., and Henri E. Bal. “Awari Is Solved.” Journal of the ICGA 25 (2002): 162–65.

Sturtevant, Nathan R. “On Strongly Solving Chinese Checkers.” In Advances in Computer Games, edited by Tristan Cazenave, Jaap van den Herik, Abdallah Saffidine, and I–Chen Wu, 155–66. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2019.

Sturtevant, Nathan R., Ariel Felner, and Malte Helmert. “Exploiting the Rubik’s Cube 12-Edge PDB by Combining Partial Pattern Databases and Bloom Filters.” In Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Combinatorial Search, edited by Stefan Edelkamp and Roman Barták, 175–83. Palo Alto: AAAI Press, 2014.

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