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Sumner W.G., Keller A.G. The Science of Society. New Haven, 1946 (1-st ed. — 1927), v. 1, p. 424, 427.


Murdock G.P. Tribe. — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1965, v. 22, p. 465, 466.


Notes and Queries on Anthropology. 4-th ed. London, 1912, p. 156; 6-th ed. London, 1951, p. 66.


Boas F. Anthropology and Modern Life. New York, 1928, p. 66–68.


См., например: Reichard G. Social Life. — General Anthropology. Boston, 1938, p. 413.


Beals R., Hoijer H. An Introduction to Anthropology. New York, 1954, p. 444; Keesing R.M. Cultural Anthropology: the Science of Custom. New York, 1958, p. 290.


Westermarck E. The Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas. London, 1912, v. 2, p. 202, 220, 221; Hobhouse L.T., Ginsberg M., Wheeler G.C. The Material Culture and Social Institutions of the Simpler Peoples. London, 1965 (1-st ed. — 1926), p. 47–53; Radcliff-Brown A.R. Method in Social Anthropology. Chicago, 1958, p. 171, 184; Forde C.D. Habitat…; Linton R. The Tree of Culture. New York, 1955, p. 22, 23, 154, 157, 161; Goldschmidt W. Exploring the Ways of Mankind. New York, 1960, p. 276; Hoebel E.A. Anthropology: the Study of Man. New York, 1966, p. 572.


Westermarck E. The History of Human Marrige. London, 1921, v. 1, p. 54–68; Idem. The Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas. London, 1912, v. 2, p. 199, 200; Forde C.D. Habitat…, p. 12, 143.


Malinowski B. Freedom and Civilization. New York, 1944, p. 252–260.


Hobhouse L.T., Ginsberg M., Wheeler G.C. The Material Culture…, p. 47–53; Fortes M., Evans-Pritchard E.E. Introduction. — In: African Political Systems. Oxford, 1970 (1-st ed. — 1940), p. 5–24; Oberg K. Types of Social Structure among the Lowland Tribes of South America. — American Anthropologist, 1955, v. 57, N 3, pt. 1, p. 472–487; Eisenstadt S.N. Primitive Political Systems: an Preliminary Comparative Analysis. — American Anthropologist, 1959, v. 61, N 2, p. 200–220.


Swanton J.R. The Evolution of Nations. Washington, 1942, 23 p.


Sahlins M.D. The Segmentary Lineage: an Organization of Predatory Expantion. — American Anthropologist, 1961, V. 63, N 2, pt. 1, p. 322–342; Sahlins M.D. Tribesmen. Englewood Cliffs, 1968, 118 p.


Service E.R. Primitive Social Organization: An Evolutionary Perspective. New York, 1971 (1-st ed. — 1962), 221 p.


Sahlins M.D. The Segmentary Lineage…, p. 324; Idem. Tribesmen, p. 2, 3; Service E.R. Primitive…, p. 99.


Sahlins M.D. The Segmentary Lineage…, p. 325.


Sahlins M.D. Tribesmen, p. VII–VIII.


Sahlins M.D. The Segmentary Lineage…, p. 324.


Service E.R. Primitive…, p. 58.


Ibid., p. 100.


Wissler C. The American Indian. New York, 1922, p. 156–216; Idem. Man and Culture. New York, 1923, p. 48, 49, 282–284.


Wissler C. The American Indian, p. 364–367.


Murdock G.P. The Processing of Anthropological Materials. — In: Anthropology Today. Chicago, 1953, p. 478, 479.


Swanton J.R. The Evolution…, p. 1–3. Впрочем, ряд ценных замечаний о несовпадении языка, культуры и антропологического типа сделал еще Ф. Боас. См.: Боас Ф. Ум первобытного человека. М.Л.: Госиздат, 1926, с. 72–77.


Naroll R. On Ethnic Unit Classification. — Current Anthropology, 1964, v. 5, N 4, p. 283–312; Idem. Who the Lue are. — In: Essays on the Problem of Tribe. Washington, 1968, p. 72–82; Idem. The Culture-Bearing Unit in Cross-Cultural Surveys. — In: A Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology. New York, London, 1973, p. 721–765.


См., например: Westermarck E. The Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas. London, 1912, v. 2, p. 168, 171, 172; Wissler C. Man and Culture, p. 338; Reichard G. Social Life, p. 414.


Linton R. The Study of Man. New York, 1936, p. 231.


Ibid., p. 233, 240.


Mandelbaum D.G. Social Groupings. — In: Man, Culture and Society Oxford, 1971 (1-st ed. — 1956), p. 368.


Goldschmidt W. Exploring…, p. 276–277.


Sahlins M.D. Tribesmen, p. 23.


LeVine R.A., Campbell D.T. Ethnocentrism: Theories of Conflict Ethnic Attitudes and Group Behavior. New York, 1972, p. 82–84- Fried M.H. The Notion of Tribe’. Menlo Park, 1975, p. 39–41.


LeVine R.A., Campbell D.T. Ethnocentrism…, p. 83, 84.


Sharp L. People without Politics: the Australian Yir Yoront. — In: Systems of Political Control and Bureaucracy in Human Societies. Seattle, 1958, p. 1–7; Berndt R.M. The Concept of the «Tribe» in the Western Desert of Australia. — Oceania, Sidney, 1959, v. 30, N 2, p. 81–107; Berndt R.M. Territoriality and the Problem of Demarcating Sociocultural Space. — In: Tribes and Boundaries…, p. 133–161.


Tribes and Boundaries… Подробно об этнической ситуации в Австралии см. статью В.А. Шнирельмана «Протоэтнос охотников и собирателей» в настоящем сборнике.


Birdsell J.B. A Basic Demographic Unit. — Current Anthropology, 1973, v 14, N 4, p. 337–350; Birdsell J.B. Realities and Transformations: the Tribes of the Western Desert of Australia. — In: Tribes and Boundaries…, p. 95–120; Tindale N.B. Aboriginal Tribes of Australia. Berkeley, Los Angeles, 1974, 404 p.; Tindale N.B. Some Ecological Basis for Australian Tribal Boundaries — In:

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