Читаем без скачивания Английский язык c дружелюбным скелетом. Легенды североамериканских индейцев - Илья Франк
At last it happened (наконец, случилось /так/) that P'ah-whá-yoo-óo-deh, the Little Black Ant (что П'ах-уá-йу-ó-дех, Маленький Черный Муравей), took a journey and went up the bewitched pine (отправился в поход/путь и поднялся на заколдованную сосну; to take a journey; to go up), even to its top in the sky (даже до /самой/ ее вершины в небе). When he found Kahp-too-óo-yoo there a prisoner (когда он обнаружил там Кахп-ту-ó-йу в плену; prisoner — пленник), the Little Black Ant was astonished (Маленький Черный Муравей был поражен), and said:
"Great Kah-báy-deh (великий Ках-бэй-дех) [Man of Power (Могучий Человек: «Человек Силы»)], how comes it (почему; how come — почему /разг./) that you are up here in such a condition (ты здесь наверху в таком положении/состоянии), while your people at home are suffering and dying for rain (в то время как твой народ дома страдает и умирает /без/ дождя: «в ожидании дождя/томясь по дождю»), and few are left to meet you if you return (и немногие останутся, чтобы встретить тебя, если ты вернешься; few /сущ./ — незначительное число, немногие, мало)? Are you here of your free will (ты здесь по своей доброй: «свободной» воле)?"
journey [`Gq:nI], prisoner [`prIznq], astonish [qs`tOnIS]
At last it happened that P'ah-whá-yoo-óo-deh, the Little Black Ant, took a journey and went up the bewitched pine, even to its top in the sky. When he found Kahp-too-óo-yoo there a prisoner, the Little Black Ant was astonished, and said:
"Great Kah-báy-deh [Man of Power], how comes it that you are up here in such a condition, while your people at home are suffering and dying for rain, and few are left to meet you if you return? Are you here of your free will?"
"No (нет)," groaned Kahp-too-óo-yoo (простонал); "I am here because of the jealousy of him (я здесь из-за зависти того) who was as my brother (кто был /мне/ как брат), with whom I shared my food and labor (с кем я делил пищу и труд), whose home was my home (чей дом был моим домом), and my home his (и мой дом — его). He is the cause (он причина), for he was jealous and bewitched me hither (он завидовал и заточил меня сюда; to bewitch — заколдовывать, околдовывать; hither — /нареч. книж./ сюда). And now I am dying of famine (и теперь я умираю от голода)."
brother [`brADq], whom [hu:m], whose [hu:z], home [hqum], cause [kLz], hither [`hIDq], famine [`fxmIn]
"No," groaned Kahp-too-óo-yoo; "I am here because of the jealousy of him who was as my brother, with whom I shared my food and labor, whose home was my home, and my home his. He is the cause, for he was jealous and bewitched me hither. And now I am dying of famine."
"If that is so (если это так)," said the Little Black Ant, "I will be the one to help you (я буду тем, кто поможет тебе)"; and he ran down to the world as fast as he could (и он побежал вниз на землю так быстро, как он мог; to run; world — мир, земля). When he got there (когда он добрался туда; to get) he sent out the crier to summon all his nation (он послал глашатая созвать весь его народ; to send), and also that of the In-toon, the Big Red Ants (и еще /народ/ Ин-тун, Больших Красных Муравьев). Soon all the armies of the Little Black Ants and the Big Red Ants met at the foot of the pine (вскоре все армии Маленьких Черных Муравьев и Больших Красных Муравьев встретились у подножия сосны; army — множество; масса; армия; to meet), and held a council (и провели: «держали» совет; to hold). They smoked the weer (они выкурили табак/траву) and deliberated what should be done (и размышляли, что следует сделать; to deliberate — обдумывать, размышлять; совещаться).
fast [fRst], summon [`sAmqn], nation [neISn], ant [Rnt], deliberate [dI`lIb(q)rqt]
"If that is so," said the Little Black Ant, "I will be the one to help you"; and he ran down to the world as fast as he could. When he got there he sent out the crier to summon all his nation, and also that of the In-toon, the Big Red Ants. Soon all the armies of the Little Black Ants and the Big Red Ants met at the foot of the pine, and held a council. They smoked the weer and deliberated what should be done.
"You Big Red Ants are stronger than we who are small (Вы, Большие Красные Муравьи, сильнее, чем мы, которые меньше)," said the War-Captain of the Little Black Ants (сказал Военачальник Маленьких Черных Муравьев; war — война; captain — капитан; командир),"and for that you ought to take the top of the tree to work (и поэтому вы должны заняться верхушкой дерева)."
"No!" said the War-Captain of the Big Red Ants. "If you think we are the stronger (если вы думаете, /что/ мы сильнее), give us the bottom (дайте нам низ = оставьте нам низ), where we can work more (где мы сможем поработать больше), and you go to the top (а вы отправляйтесь на вершину)."
small [smLl], ought [Lt], war [wL], captain [`kxptIn], bottom [`bOtqm], more [mL]
"You Big Red Ants are stronger than we who are small," said the War-Captain of the Little Black Ants, "and for that you ought to take the top of the tree to work."
"No!" said the War-Captain of the Big Red Ants. "If you think we are the stronger, give us the bottom, where we can work more, and you go to the top."
So it was agreed (так и порешили: «так это было решено»), and the captains made their armies ready (и военачальники приготовили армии; to make smth. ready — подготовить что-либо: «сделать что-либо готовым»). But first the Little Black Ants got the cup of an acorn (но сначала Маленькие Черные Муравьи принесли чашку из желудя), and mixed in it corn-meal (и смешали в ней маисовую муку) and water and honey (и воду c медом), and carried it up the tree (и отнесли ее на верх дерева; to carry). They were so many (их было так много) that they covered its trunk (что они покрыли его ствол) all the way to the sky (до самых небес; way — путь, дорога).
When Kahp-too-óo-yoo saw (когда Кахп-ту-ó-йу увидел), his heart was heavy (его сердце осталось мрачным/печальным), and he thought (и он подумал; to think): "But what good will that very little do me (но что хорошего /сможет/ эта малость принести/сделать мне), for I am dying of hunger and thirst (когда я умираю от голода и жажды)?"
ready [`redI], honey [`hAnI], trunk [trANk], heavy [`hevI], thirst [Tq:st]
So it was agreed, and the captains made their armies ready. But first the Little Black Ants got the cup of an acorn, and mixed in it corn-meal and water and honey, and carried it up the tree. They were so many that they covered its trunk all the way to the sky.
When Kahp-too-óo-yoo saw, his heart was heavy, and he thought: "But what good will that very little do me, for I am dying of hunger and thirst?"
"Nay, friend (нет, друг)," answered (ответил) the Captain of the Little Black Ants, who knew his thought (который понял его мысль; to know — знать; узнавать). "A person should not think so (человеку = никому нельзя думать так). This little is enough (этой малости достаточно; little — небольшое количество), and there will be some left (и еще немного останется; some — некоторое количество; to leave — оставлять)."
And it was so (и было так); for when Kahp-too-óo-yoo had eaten all he could (так как когда Кахп-ту-ó-йу съел все, /что/ он мог), the acorn-cup was still nearly full (желудевая чашка была все еще почти полной). Then the ants carried the cup to the ground and came back to him (затем муравьи отнесли чашку на землю и вернулись назад к нему).
"Now, friend (теперь, друг)," said the Captain, "we will do our best (мы сделаем все, что возможно; to do one’s best — сделать все возможное, стараться изо всех сил). But now you must shut your eyes till I say (но сейчас ты должен закрыть свои глаза, пока я не скажу) 'Ahw (ау)!'"
friend [frend], enough [I`nAf], acorn [`eIkLn]
"Nay, friend," answered the Captain of the Little Black Ants, who knew his thought. "A person should not think so. This little is enough, and there will be some left."
And it was so; for when Kahp-too-óo-yoo had eaten all he could, the acorn-cup was still nearly full. Then the ants carried the cup to the ground and came back to him.
"Now, friend," said the Captain, "we will do our best. But now you must shut your eyes till I say 'Ahw!'"
Kahp-too-óo-yoo shut his eyes (закрыл свои глаза; to shut), and the Captain sent signals down to those at the foot of the tree (и Военачальник послал знак вниз, тем, кто /был/ у подножия дерева; to send; at the foot of). And the Little Black Ants above put their feet against the sky (и Маленькие Черные Муравьи наверху уперлись лапками в небо) and pushed with all their might on the top of the pine (и оттолкнулись изо всех сил на верхушке сосны; might — энергия; мощность, физическая сила); and the Big Red Ants below caught the trunk (а Большие Красные Муравьи охватили ствол внизу; to catch — ловить; хватать, охватывать) and pulled as hard as they could (и потянули так сильно, как могли; hard /нареч./ — жестко; крепко; энергично, активно, решительно, настойчиво); and the very first tug (и самый первый рывок) drove the great pine a quarter of its length into the earth (загнал огромную сосну на четверть ее длины в землю; to drive — гнать).
"Ahw!" shouted (закричал) the Captain of the Little Black Ants, and Kahp-too-óo-yoo opened his eyes (открыл свои глаза); but he could see nothing below (но он не смог ничего увидеть внизу).
eyes [aIz], signal [sIgnl], those [Dquz], above [q`bAv], feet [fJt], push [puS], below [bI`lqu]
Kahp-too-óo-yoo shut his eyes, and the Captain sent signals down to those at the foot of the tree. And the Little Black Ants above put their feet against the sky and pushed with all their might on the top of the pine; and the Big Red Ants below caught the trunk and pulled as hard as they could; and the very first tug drove the great pine a quarter of its length into the earth.
"Ahw!" shouted the Captain of the Little Black Ants, and Kahp-too-óo-yoo opened his eyes; but he could see nothing below.
"Shut your eyes again (закрой глаза снова)," said the Captain, giving the signal (подавая сигнал). Again the Little Black Ants pushed mightily against the sky (снова Маленькие Черные Муравьи оттолкнулись с усилием от неба), and the Big Red Ants pulled mightily from below (потянули с усилием снизу); and the pine was driven another fourth of its length into the earth (и сосну загнали: «сосна была загнана» еще на четверть длины в землю; fourth — четвертая часть; четвертый).
"Ahw!" cried (закричал) the Captain; and when Kahp-too-óo-yoo opened his eyes (открыл глаза) he could just see the big, brown world (он смог увидеть только большой, коричневый мир).
driven [drIvn], length [leNT], world [wq:ld]
"Shut your eyes again," said the Captain, giving the signal. Again the Little Black Ants pushed mightily against the sky, and the Big Red Ants pulled mightily from below; and the pine was driven another fourth of its length into the earth.
"Ahw!" cried the Captain; and when Kahp-too-óo-yoo opened his eyes he could just see the big, brown world.
Again he closed his eyes (снова он закрыл свои глаза). There was another great push and pull (/последовал/ еще один грандиозный/большой толчок и рывок; another — еще один, другой), and only a quarter of the pine was left above the ground (и только четверть сосны осталось над землей). Now Kahp-too-óo-yoo could see, far below (теперь Кахп-ту-ó-йу мог видеть, далеко внизу), the parched fields (высохшие поля; to parch — испепелять, иссушать, жечь) strewn with dead animals (усыпанные мертвыми животными; to strew — разбрасывать; усыпать чем-либо), and his own village full of dying people (и свою собственную деревню, полную умирающих людей).