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medicine [`medsIn], copperhead [`kOpqhed], spreading [`spredIN], bright [braIt], blind [blaInd], nasty [`nQ:stI]

The Little Men made medicine and changed two men to snakes, the Spreading-adder and the Copperhead, and sent them to watch near the door of the daughter of the Sun to bite the old Sun when she came next day. They went together and hid near the house until the Sun came, but when the Spreading-adder was about to spring, the bright light blinded him and he could only spit out yellow slime, as he does to this day when he tries to bite. She called him a nasty thing and went by into the house, and the Copperhead crawled off without trying to do anything.

So the people still died from the heat (итак, люди все еще умирали от жары), and they went to the Little Men a second time for help (и они пошли к Маленьким Человечкам во второй раз за помощью; time — /зд./ раз). The Little Men made medicine again (приготовили снадобье опять) and changed one man (и превратили одного человека) into the great Uktena (в огромную Уктену; Уктена — огромная рогатая змея, чудовище в мифологии западных и восточных индейцев чероки) and another into the Rattlesnake (а другого — в Гремучую Змею; to rattle — трещать, грохотать; греметь) and sent them to watch near the house (и послали их ждать/стеречь возле дома) and kill the old Sun (и убить старуху-Солнце) when she came for dinner (когда она придет на обед).

heat [hJt], second [`sek(q)nd], great [greIt], rattlesnake [`rxtlsneIk]

So the people still died from the heat, and they went to the Little Men a second time for help. The Little Men made medicine again and changed one man into the great Uktena and another into the Rattlesnake and sent them to watch near the house and kill the old Sun when she came for dinner.

They made the Uktena very large (они создали Уктену огромной), with horns on his head (с рогами на голове), and everyone thought (и все думали: «и каждый думал»; to think) he would be sure to do the work (/что/ он обязательно сделает работу = выполнит задуманное), but the Rattlesnake was so quick and eager (но Гремучая Змея был таким быстрым и так страстно желал /дела/; eager — страстно желающий, жаждущий /о человеке/; интенсивный, напряженный; энергичный, активный /о желании, взгляде, жесте и т. п./) that he got ahead (что вырвался вперед; to get ahead) and coiled up just outside the house (и свернулся кольцом снаружи = возле дома; just — точный; как раз, прямо), and when the Sun's daughter opened the door (и когда дочь Солнца открыла дверь) to look out for her mother (чтобы выглянуть /в поисках/ матери = поглядеть, где ее мать), he sprang up and bit her (он прыгнул и укусил ее; to spring) and she fell dead in the doorway (и она упала замертво в проеме двери = на пороге).

horn [hLn], thought [TLt], eager [`Jgq], ahead [q`hed]

They made the Uktena very large, with horns on his head, and everyone thought he would be sure to do the work, but the Rattlesnake was so quick and eager that he got ahead and coiled up just outside the house, and when the Sun's daughter opened the door to look out for her mother, he sprang up and bit her and she fell dead in the doorway.

He forgot to wait for the old Sun (он /Змея/ забыл дождаться старухи-Солнца), but went back to the people (но вернулся к людям; to go back — возвращаться: «идти назад»), and the Uktena was so very angry that he went back, too (и Уктена так разозлился, что тоже пошел домой). Since then we pray to the rattlesnake (с тех пор мы молимся гремучей змее) and do not kill him (и не убиваем ее = змею), because he is kind (потому что она = змея добрая) and never tries to bite (и никогда не пытается укусить) if we do not disturb him (если мы не беспокоим ее = змею). The Uktena grew angrier all the time (Уктена становилась злее все время; to grow angry — становиться сердитым) and very dangerous (и очень опасной; danger — опасность), so that if he even looked at a man (так что даже если она взглянула на человека = стоило ей посмотреть на человека), that man's family would die (семья этого человека умирала).

pray [preI], kind [kaInd], disturb [dIs`tWb], dangerous [`deInGrqs], family [`fxmIlI]

He forgot to wait for the old Sun, but went back to the people, and the Uktena was so very angry that he went back, too. Since then we pray to the rattlesnake and do not kill him, because he is kind and never tries to bite if we do not disturb him. The Uktena grew angrier all the time and very dangerous, so that if he even looked at a man, that man's family would die.

After a long time the people held a council (спустя долгое время люди провели совет; to hold a council — держать совет) and decided that he was too dangerous to be with them (и решили, что он слишком опасен, чтобы оставаться с ними), so they sent him up to Galunlati (поэтому они отослали его наверх в Галунлати), and he is there now (и сейчас он там). The Spreading-adder (Кидающаяся Гадюка), the Copperhead (Медноголовая Змея), the Rattlesnake (Гремучая Змея), and the Uktena (и Уктена) were all men (были все людьми).

council [kaunsl], decide [dI`saId], with [wID], all [Ll]

After a long time the people held a council and decided that he was too dangerous to be with them, so they sent him up to Galunlati, and he is there now. The Spreading-adder, the Copperhead, the Rattlesnake, and the Uktena were all men.

When the Sun found her daughter dead (когда Солнце обнаружила свою дочь мертвой; to find — находить, встречать, обнаруживать /в различных смыслах/; заставать), she went into the house and grieved (она зашла в дом и /стала/ горевать), and the people did not die any more (и люди больше не умирали), but now the world was dark all the time (но теперь мир был темным все время = оставался во тьме все время), because the Sun would not come out (потому что Солнце не желала выходить). They went again to the Little Men (они снова пошли к Маленьким Человечкам), and these told them (и те сказали им; to tell) that if they wanted the Sun to come out again (что если они хотят, чтобы Солнце снова появилась: «вышла») they must bring back her daughter from Tsusginai (они должны привести назад ее дочь из Цусгинаи), the Ghost country (Страны Духов), in Usunhiyi (/которая находится/ в Усунхийи), the Darkening land in the west (/в/ Темнеющей стране = Закатной стране на западе). They chose seven men to go (они выбрали семерых мужчин, /которые должны были/ идти; to choose) and gave each a sourwood rod a hand-breadth long (и дали каждому /по/ ветке вереска, длиной /равной/ ширине ладони; breadth — ширина; hand — рука /кисть/; sourwood — оксидендрум древовидный, семейства вересковых).

grieve [grJv], dark [dRk], ghost [gqust], chose [tSquz], breadth [bredT]

When the Sun found her daughter dead, she went into the house and grieved, and the people did not die any more, but now the world was dark all the time, because the Sun would not come out. They went again to the Little Men, and these told them that if they wanted the Sun to come out again they must bring back her daughter from Tsusginai, the Ghost country, in Usunhiyi, the Darkening land in the west. They chose seven men to go, and gave each a sourwood rod a hand-breadth long.

The Little Men told them (Маленькие Человечки сказали им) they must take a box with them (/что/ они должны были взять с собой ящик), and when they got to Tsusginai (и когда они доберутся до Цусгинаи) they would find all the ghosts at a dance (они увидят, что все духи танцуют; to find — обнаружить, застать). They must stand outside the circle (они должны стать за пределами круга), and when the young woman passed in the dance (и когда молодая женщина пройдет мимо в танце) they must strike her with the rods (они должны хлестнуть ее ветками) and she would fall to the ground (и она упадет на землю). Then they must put her into the box (затем они должны положить ее в ящик) and bring her back to her mother (и принести ее назад матери), but they must be very sure not to open the box (но они ни в коем случае не должны открывать ящик; to be sure to do smth. — непременно сделать что-либо), even a little way (даже ненамного), until they were home again (пока не доберутся домой).

outside [`aut`saId], open [qup(q)n], box [bOks], until [qn`tIl]

The Little Men told them they must take a box with them, and when they got to Tsusginai they would find all the ghosts at a dance. They must stand outside the circle, and when the young woman passed in the dance they must strike her with the rods and she would fall to the ground. Then they must put her into the box and bring her back to her mother, but they must be very sure not to open the box, even a little way, until they were home again.

They took the rods and a box (они взяли прутья/ветки и ящик) and traveled seven days to the west (и шли семь дней на запад) until they came to the Darkening land (пока не достигли Закатной страны). There were a great many people there (там было великое множество людей), and they were having a dance (и они танцевали) just as if they were at home in the settlements (как будто бы они были дома в селениях; to settle — поселиться). The young woman was in the outside circle (молодая женщина танцевала/была во внешнем круге), and as she swung around (и когда она повернулась; to swing — вертеть/ся/; поворачивать/ся/) to where the seven men were standing (туда, где семь мужчин стояли), one struck her with his rod (один ударил ее своей веткой; to strike) and she turned her head and saw him (и она повернула свою голову и увидела его; to see).

darkening [`dRk(q)nIN], settlement [`setlmqnt], circle [sWkl]

They took the rods and a box and traveled seven days to the west until they came to the Darkening land. There were a great many people there, and they were having a dance just as if they were at home in the settlements. The young woman was in the outside circle, and as she swung around to where the seven men were standing, one struck her with his rod and she turned her head and saw him.

As she came around the second time (когда она пришла по кругу во второй раз) another touched her with his rod (еще один прикоснулся к ней своей веткой), and then another (и затем еще один) and another (и еще один), until at the seventh round (пока на седьмом круге) she fell out of the ring (она не выпала из круга), and they put her into the box (и они положили ее в ящик) and closed the lid fast (и крепко закрыли крышку). The other ghosts seemed never to notice (остальные духи, казалось, так и не заметили) what had happened (что произошло).

touch [tAC], round [raund], notice [`nqutIs]

As she came around the second time another touched her with his rod, and then another and another, until at the seventh round she fell out of the ring, and they put her into the box and closed the lid fast. The other ghosts seemed never to notice what had happened.

They took up the box (они взяли ящик) and started home toward the east (и отправились домой по направлению к востоку; to start — отправляться, пускаться в путь; трогаться). In a little while (через некоторое время) the girl came to life again (девушка снова вернулась к жизни) and begged to be let out of the box (и взмолилась, чтобы /ее/ выпустили из ящика: «и взмолилась быть выпущенной из ящика»), but they made no answer (но они не ответили: «не сделали ответа») and went on (и продолжили путь; to go on). Soon she called again (вскоре она позвала снова) and said she was hungry (и сказала, что она была голодна), but still they made no answer (но они все же не отвечали) and went on (и шли дальше). After another while she spoke again (спустя некоторое время она заговорила снова) and called for a drink (и попросила воды: «напиться»; to call for — требовать) and pleaded so (и умоляла так) that it was very hard to listen to her (что было очень трудно/тяжело слушать ее), but the men who carried the box said nothing (но люди, которые несли ящик, не сказали ничего) and still went on (и все равно продолжали путь; still — до сих пор, все еще, по-прежнему).

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