Читаем без скачивания Английский язык c дружелюбным скелетом. Легенды североамериканских индейцев - Илья Франк
failure [`feIljq], loom [lHm], surface [`sWfIs]
At last came the Yellow-Corn-Maidens, who had waited to watch the failure of the others. As they came where they could see Nah-chu-ru-chu sitting at his loom, they called: "Ah! here we have the meal that will stick!" and each threw a handful at the omate. But it did not stick at all; and still from his seat Nah-chu-ru-chu could see, in the shell's mirror-like surface, all that went on outside.
The Yellow-Corn-Maidens were very angry (очень разозлились), and instead of passing on (и вместо того, чтобы отойти: «пройти дальше»; to pass on) as the others had done (как другие сделали), they stood there (они стояли там) and kept throwing and throwing at the omate (и бросали и бросали /муку/ в оматэ; to keep throwing — продолжать бросать), which smiled back at them with undiminished luster (которое улыбалось им в ответ с неуменьшенным блеском; to diminish — уменьшать).
Just then (как раз тогда), last of all (последней из всех), came the Moon (пришла Луна), with a single handful of meal (с одной-единственной горстью муки) which she had hastily ground (которую она в спешке намолола; to grind). The two sisters were in a fine rage by this time (две сестры были в острой = сильной ярости к тому времени), and mocked her, saying (и издевались над ней, говоря):
instead [In`sted], pass [pRs], diminish [dI`mInIS], luster [`lAstq], fine [faIn]
The Yellow-Corn-Maidens were very angry, and instead of passing on as the others had done, they stood there and kept throwing and throwing at the omate, which smiled back at them with undiminished luster.
Just then, last of all, came the Moon, with a single handful of meal which she had hastily ground. The two sisters were in a fine rage by this time, and mocked her, saying:
"Hoh (хо)! Pah-hlee-oh (пах-хли-ох = ой-ли), Moon (Луна), you poor thing (бедняга/бедолага), we are very sorry for you (нам очень жаль тебя)! Here we have been grinding our meal for four days (вот мы мололи нашу муку в течение четырех дней) and still it will not stick (и все же она не прилипла), and we did not tell you till to-day (и мы не рассказывали тебе /обо всем/ до сегодняшнего дня). How then can you ever hope to win Nah-chu-ru-chu (как тогда ты можешь вообще надеяться заполучить: «выиграть» Нах-чу-ру-чу; ever — всегда; зд. употр. для усиления)? Puh (междометие, выражающее надменность, издевку, ср.: ха!), you silly little thing (ты глупая бедняжка)!"
grind [graInd], hope [hqup], silly [`sIlI]
"Hoh! Pah-hlee-oh, Moon, you poor thing, we are very sorry for you! Here we have been grinding our meal for four days and still it will not stick, and we did not tell you till to-day. How then can you ever hope to win Nah-chu-ru-chu? Puh, you silly little thing!"
But the Moon paid no attention whatsoever to their taunts (но Луна не обратила какого-либо внимания на их язвительные насмешки; taunt — насмешка, язвительное замечание). Drawing back her little dimpled hand (отведя назад свою маленькую руку; dimpled — с ямочками /чаще о щеках, подбородке/; dimple — ямочка), she threw the meal gently against the pearl omate (она осторожно бросила муку о жемчужное оматэ), and so fine was it ground (и так тонко была та размолота; to grind) that every tiniest bit of it (что каждая мельчайшая частица ее; tiny — очень маленький, крошечный) clung to the polished shell (прилипла к отполированной оболочке /ковша/; to cling), and not a particle fell to the ground (и ни крупицы ее не упало на землю; to fall)!
paid [peId], attention [q`tenS(q)n], whatsoever ["wOtsqu`evq], taunt [tLnt], particle [`pRtIkl]
But the Moon paid no attention whatsoever to their taunts. Drawing back her little dimpled hand, she threw the meal gently against the pearl omate, and so fine was it ground that every tiniest bit of it clung to the polished shell, and not a particle fell to the ground!
When Nah-chu-ru-chu saw that (когда Нах-чу-ру-чу увидел это), he rose up quickly from his loom (он поднялся быстро от своего станка; to rise up) and came and took the Moon by the hand (подошел и взял Луну за руку), saying (говоря): "You are she who shall be my wife (ты та, кто станет моей женой). You shall never want for anything (ты никогда не будешь ни в чем нуждаться), since I have very much (так как у меня /всего/ очень много)." And he gave her many beautiful mantas (и он подарил ей много красивых одеяний), and cotton wraps (и хлопковые шали), and fat boots of buckskin (и толстые сапоги из оленьей кожи) that wrap round and round (которые оборачиваются вокруг /ноги/), that she might dress as the wife of a rich chief (чтобы она могла одеться, как подобает жене богатого вождя). But the Yellow-Corn-Maidens (но Желтые Кукурузы), who had seen it all (которые видели все это), went away vowing vengeance on the Moon (пошли прочь, клятвенно обещая отомстить Луне; to vow — давать обет; клясться; vengeance — месть).
wrap [rxp], cotton [`kOt(q)n], away [q`weI], vow [vau], vengeance [`venG(q)ns]
When Nah-chu-ru-chu saw that, he rose up quickly from his loom and came and took the Moon by the hand, saying: "You are she who shall be my wife. You shall never want for anything, since I have very much." And he gave her many beautiful mantas, and cotton wraps, and fat boots of buckskin that wrap round and round, that she might dress as the wife of a rich chief. But the Yellow-Corn-Maidens, who had seen it all, went away vowing vengeance on the Moon.
Nah-chu-ru-chu and his sweet Moon-wife were very happy together (Нах-чу-ру-чу и его дорогая жена Луна были очень счастливы вместе). There was no other such housekeeper in all the pueblo as she (не было другой такой искусной домохозяйки во всем пуэбло, как она), and no other hunter brought home so much buffalo-meat (и никакой другой охотник не приносил домой так много мяса буйвола; to bring) from the vast plains to the east (из обширных равнин на востоке/к востоку), nor so many antelopes (и так много антилоп), and black-tailed deer (и чернохвостых оленей), and jack-rabbits from the Manzanos (и зайцев из Манзано; jack rabbit /jackass rabbit, jackass/ — название ряда видов крупных прерийных зайцев, отличающихся особенно длинными ушами и лапами /отсюда название/; может также сокращаться до jack), as did Nah-chu-ru-chu (как делал Нах-чу-ру-чу). But constantly he was saying to her (но постоянно он повторял/говорил ей):
sweet [swJt], vast [vRst], buffalo [`bAfqlqu]
Nah-chu-ru-chu and his sweet Moon-wife were very happy together. There was no other such housekeeper in all the pueblo as she, and no other hunter brought home so much buffalo-meat from the vast plains to the east, nor so many antelopes, and black-tailed deer, and jack-rabbits from the Manzanos, as did Nah-chu-ru-chu. But constantly he was saying to her:
"Moon-wife (жена /моя/ Луна), beware of the Yellow-Corn-Maidens (берегись Желтых Кукуруз), for they have the evil road (ибо они /идут/ по пути зла) and will try to do you harm (и попытаются причинить тебе вред); but you must always refuse to do (но ты всегда должна отказываться) whatever they propose (что бы они ни предлагали)."
And always the young wife promised (и всегда молодая жена обещала).
harm [hRm], refuse [rI`fju:z], propose [prq`pquz], whatever [wOt`evq], promise [`prOmIs]
"Moon-wife, beware of the Yellow-Corn-Maidens, for they have the evil road and will try to do you harm; but you must always refuse to do whatever they propose."
And always the young wife promised.
One day the Yellow-Corn-Maidens came to the house and said (однажды Желтые Кукурузы пришли к /их/ дому и сказали): "Friend (друг) Nah-chu-ru-chu, we are going to the llano (мы направляемся в льяносы[13]), the plain (/на/ равнину), to gather amole (собирать амоле)." (Amole is a soapy root the Pueblos use for washing (амоле — мыльный корень, который пуэбло используют для стирки).) "Will you not let your wife go with us (не отпустишь ли ты свою жену пойти с нами)?"
"Oh, yes, she may go (о, да, она может пойти)," said Nah-chu-ru-chu.
llano [`ljRnqu], plain [pleIn], use, v. [jHz]
One day the Yellow-Corn-Maidens came to the house and said: "Friend Nah-chu-ru-chu, we are going to the llano, the plain, to gather amole." (Amole is a soapy root the Pueblos use for washing.) "Will you not let your wife go with us?"
"Oh, yes, she may go," said Nah-chu-ru-chu.
But taking her aside (но, отведя ее в сторону), he said: "Now be sure that while you are with them (так вот, обязательно, пока ты с ними; be sure that — обязательно, непременно сделай так, чтобы: «будь уверен, что»), you refuse (отказывайся) whatever they may propose (от того, что бы они ни предложили; whatever — что бы ни)."
The Moon promised (Луна пообещала), and started away with the Yellow-Corn-Maidens (и ушла с Желтыми Кукурузами).
aside [q`saId], start [stRt], take [teIk]
But taking her aside, he said: "Now be sure that while you are with them, you refuse whatever they may propose."
The Moon promised, and started away with the Yellow-Corn-Maidens.
In those days there was only a thick forest of cottonwoods (в те дни был только густой лес из тополей) where now the smiling vineyards (где сейчас улыбающиеся виноградники), gardens (сады), and orchards of Isleta (и огороды Ислета) are spread (тянутся/распространились; to spread — развертываться; раскидываться; простираться; расстилаться), and to reach the llano (и, чтобы добраться до льяносов) the three women had to go through the forest (трем женщинам пришлось пойти через лес). In the very center of it (в самом центре его) they came to a deep pozo (они подошли к глубокому посо)—a square well (квадратному колодцу), with steps at one side (со ступенями на одной стороне) leading down to the water's edge (ведущими вниз к кромке воды).
vineyard [`vInjqd], orchad [`LCqd], spread [spred], forest [`fOrIst], one [wAn]
In those days there was only a thick forest of cottonwoods where now the smiling vineyards, gardens, and orchards of Isleta are spread, and to reach the llano the three women had to go through the forest. In the very center of it they came to a deep pozo—a square well, with steps at one side leading down to the water's edge.
"Ay (ай)!" said the Yellow-Corn-Maidens, "How hot and thirsty is our walk (какая жаркая и вызывающая жажду наша прогулка = как жарко и хочется пить)! Come (давайте; come — зд. восклицание, означающее приглашение, побуждение), let us get a drink of water (напьемся воды: «давайте достанем глоток воды»)."
But the Moon (но Луна), remembering her husband's words (помня о словах своего мужа), said politely (сказала вежливо) that she did not wish to drink (что она не хочет пить). They urged in vain (они убеждали напрасно; in vain), but at last (но, наконец), looking down into the pozo (глядя вниз в посо), they called (они позвали):
"Oh, Moon-friend, Moon-friend (о, подруга Луна)! Come and look in this still water (подойти и взгляни на эту спокойную воду), and see how pretty you are (и увидишь, как ты красива)!"
thirsty [`TWstI], polite [pq`laIt], urge [WG], call [kLl], pretty [`prItI]
"Ay!" said the Yellow-Corn-Maidens, "How hot and thirsty is our walk! Come, let us get a drink of water."
But the Moon, remembering her husband's words, said politely that she did not wish to drink. They urged in vain, but at last, looking down into the pozo, they called:
"Oh, Moon-friend, Moon-friend! Come and look in this still water, and see how pretty you are!"
The Moon (Луна), you must know (/как/ вы должны знать = как известно), has always been just as fond of looking at herself in the water (всегда точно так же любила смотреть на свое отражение в воде; to be fond of doing smth. — любить что-либо делать, увлекаться чем-либо) as she is to this very day (как и по сей день); and forgetting Nah-chu-ru-chu's warning (и, забыв предупреждение Нах-чу-ру-чу), she came to the brink (она подошла к краю) and looked down upon her fair reflection (и взглянула вниз на свое прекрасное отражение; fair — /книжн./ красивый, прекрасный /обычно о женщинах/; светлый, белокурый). But at that very moment (но в этот самый момент) the two witch-sisters pushed her head foremost into the pozo (две сестры толкнули ее головой вперед в посо; foremost — передний; head foremost — передний головой вперед), and drowned her (и утопили ее); and then they filled the well with earth (а затем они наполнили колодец землей), and went away as happy (и пошли домой такими счастливыми) as wicked hearts can be (какими могут быть злые сердца).