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"Oh, Moon-friend, Moon-friend (о, подруга Луна)! Come and look in this still water (подойти и взгляни на эту спокойную воду), and see how pretty you are (и увидишь, как ты красива)!"

thirsty [`TWstI], polite [pq`laIt], urge [WG], call [kLl], pretty [`prItI]

"Ay!" said the Yellow-Corn-Maidens, "How hot and thirsty is our walk! Come, let us get a drink of water."

But the Moon, remembering her husband's words, said politely that she did not wish to drink. They urged in vain, but at last, looking down into the pozo, they called:

"Oh, Moon-friend, Moon-friend! Come and look in this still water, and see how pretty you are!"

The Moon (Луна), you must know (/как/ вы должны знать = как известно), has always been just as fond of looking at herself in the water (всегда точно так же любила смотреть на свое отражение в воде; to be fond of doing smth. — любить что-либо делать, увлекаться чем-либо) as she is to this very day (как и по сей день); and forgetting Nah-chu-ru-chu's warning (и, забыв предупреждение Нах-чу-ру-чу), she came to the brink (она подошла к краю) and looked down upon her fair reflection (и взглянула вниз на свое прекрасное отражение; fair — /книжн./ красивый, прекрасный /обычно о женщинах/; светлый, белокурый). But at that very moment (но в этот самый момент) the two witch-sisters pushed her head foremost into the pozo (две сестры толкнули ее головой вперед в посо; foremost — передний; head foremost — передний головой вперед), and drowned her (и утопили ее); and then they filled the well with earth (а затем они наполнили колодец землей), and went away as happy (и пошли домой такими счастливыми) as wicked hearts can be (какими могут быть злые сердца).

herself [hW`self], fair [feq], reflection [rI`flekS(q)n], push [puS], foremost [`fO:mqust], drown [draun]

The Moon, you must know, has always been just as fond of looking at herself in the water as she is to this very day; and forgetting Nah-chu-ru-chu's warning, she came to the brink and looked down upon her fair reflection. But at that very moment the two witch-sisters pushed her head foremost into the pozo, and drowned her; and then they filled the well with earth, and went away as happy as wicked hearts can be.

As the sun crept along the adobe floor (когда солнце двигалось по полу глинобитного дома; to creep — ползти, красться), closer and closer to his seat (ближе и ближе к его месту: «сиденью»), Nah-chu-ru-chu began to look oftener from his loom to the door (начал отрывать взгляд чаще от своего станка и смотреть на дверь: «начал смотреть чаще от своего станка на дверь»). When the shadows were very long (когда тени были = стали очень длинными), he sprang suddenly to his feet (он вдруг вскочил на ноги; to spring), and walked to the house of the Yellow-Corn-Maidens (и пошел к дому Желтых Кукуруз) with long, long strides (длинными, длинными шагами; stride — большой шаг).

"Yellow-Corn-Maidens," he asked them very sternly (он спросил их мрачно/сурово), "where is my little wife (где моя маленькая жена = где моя женушка)?"

floor [flL], loom [lHm], shadow [`Sxdqu]

As the sun crept along the adobe floor, closer and closer to his seat, Nah-chu-ru-chu began to look oftener from his loom to the door. When the shadows were very long, he sprang suddenly to his feet, and walked to the house of the Yellow-Corn-Maidens with long, long strides.

"Yellow-Corn-Maidens," he asked them very sternly, "where is my little wife?"

"Why, isn't she at home (как, разве она не дома)?" asked the wicked sisters (спросили злые сестры), as if greatly surprised (словно очень удивившись). "She got enough amole long before we did (она набрала достаточно амоле задолго до нас: «задолго до того, как мы сделали /то же самое/»)."

"Ah (ах)," groaned Nah-chu-ru-chu within himself (охнул Нах-чу-ру-чу про себя; within — внутри), "it is as I thought (как я и думал)—they have done her ill (они причинили ей зло; ill — вред, зло; что-то плохое)." But without a word to them (но, не говоря им ни слова) he turned on his heel (он круто повернулся; turn on one's heels — круто повернуться /и уйти/: «повернуться на пятках») and went away (и ушел прочь).

wicked [`wIkId], surprise [sq`praIz], within [wI`DIn], groan [grqun], heel [hJl]

"Why, isn't she at home?" asked the wicked sisters, as if greatly surprised. "She got enough amole long before we did."

"Ah," groaned Nah-chu-ru-chu within himself, "it is as I thought—they have done her ill." But without a word to them he turned on his heel and went away.

From that hour all went wrong at Isleta (с этого часа все шло не так в Ислете); for Nah-chu-ru-chu held the well-being of all his people (ведь Нах-чу-ру-чу отвечал за процветание всего своего народа; to hold — держать, управлять; well-being — /материальное/ благосостояние, достаток; благополучие, процветание, благоденствие), even unto life and death (/имея власть/ даже над жизнью и смертью). Paying no attention to what was going on about him (не обращая никакого внимания на то, что происходило вокруг него), he sat motionless (он сидел недвижимый; to sit; motion — движение) upon the topmost crosspiece of the kiva (or sacred council chamber ladder—the highest point in all the town) (на самой верхней поперечине кивы[14], или священной лестницы зала совета, — самой высокой точке во всем городе) with his head bowed upon his hands (с головой, склоненной на руки = склонив голову на руки).

death [deT], motionless [`mquS(q)nlIs], sacred [`seIkrId]

From that hour all went wrong at Isleta; for Nah-chu-ru-chu held the well-being of all his people, even unto life and death. Paying no attention to what was going on about him, he sat motionless upon the topmost crosspiece of the kiva (or sacred council chamber ladder—the highest point in all the town) with his head bowed upon his hands.

There he sat for days (там он сидел днями; for days), never speaking (никогда = вовсе /ничего/ не говоря), never moving (не двигаясь). The children who played along the streets (дети, которые играли на улице: «вдоль улиц») looked up with awe to the motionless figure (поглядывали с ужасом на неподвижную фигуру; motion — движение), and ceased their boisterous play (и прекращали свои шумные/бурные игры). The old men shook their heads gravely (старики качали головами серьезно; to shake — трясти), and muttered (и бормотали): "We are in evil times (мы /живем/ в плохие времена = настали плохие времена), for Nah-chu-ru-chu is mourning (ведь Нах-чу-ру-чу в трауре/скорбит) and will not be comforted (и не хочет быть утешен = и он безутешен); and there is no more rain (и больше нет дождя), so that our crops are dying in the fields (так что наш урожай умирает на полях). What shall we do (что нам делать)?"

moving [`mu:vIN], awe [L], figure [`fIgq], cease [sJz], boisterous [`bOIstqrqs], comfort [`kAmfqt]

There he sat for days, never speaking, never moving. The children who played along the streets looked up with awe to the motionless figure, and ceased their boisterous play. The old men shook their heads gravely, and muttered: "We are in evil times, for Nah-chu-ru-chu is mourning and will not be comforted; and there is no more rain, so that our crops are dying in the fields. What shall we do?"

At last all the councilors met together (наконец, члены совета собрались/встретились вместе), and decided (и решили) that there must be another effort made (что нужно сделать еще одну попытку; to make an effort) to find the lost wife (чтобы найти пропавшую жену). It was true (действительно: «было истинным») that the great Nah-chu-ru-chu had searched for her in vain (что великий Нах-чу-ру-чу искал ее напрасно), and the people had helped him (и люди ему помогали); but perhaps someone else might be more fortunate (но, возможно, кому-то еще повезет; to be fortunate — быть удачливым). So they took some of the sacred smoking-weed (итак/поэтому, они взяли немного священной курительной травы) wrapped in a corn-husk (завернутой в кукурузную шелуху) and went to the Eagle (и пошли к Орлу), who has the sharpest eyes in all the world (у которого самые острые глаза во всем мире). Giving him the sacred gift (отдавая ему священный подарок), they said:

councilor [`kaunslq], decide [dI`saId], effort [`efqt], perhaps [pq`hxps], fortunate [`fLCnIt], eagle [Jgl], gift [gIft]

At last all the councilors met together, and decided that there must be another effort made to find the lost wife. It was true that the great Nah-chu-ru-chu had searched for her in vain, and the people had helped him; but perhaps someone else might be more fortunate. So they took some of the sacred smoking-weed wrapped in a corn-husk and went to the Eagle, who has the sharpest eyes in all the world. Giving him the sacred gift, they said:

"Eagle-friend (друг Орел), we see Nah-chu-ru-chu in great trouble (мы видим, /что/ Нах-чу-ру-чу в великой беде), for he has lost his Moon-wife (ведь он потерял свою жену Луну). Come, search for her (пойди, поищи ее), we pray you (мы умоляем/просим тебя), to discover (разузнать; to discover — открыть; обнаружить) if she be alive or dead (мертва ли она или жива)."

trouble [trAbl], pray [preI], discover [dIs`kAvq]

"Eagle-friend, we see Nah-chu-ru-chu in great trouble, for he has lost his Moon-wife. Come, search for her, we pray you, to discover if she be alive or dead."

So the Eagle took the offering (итак, Орел взял подношение; to offer — предлагать; делать предложение), and smoked the smoke-prayer (и выкурил молитвенную трубку); and then he went winging upward into the sky (а затем он поднялся на крыльях вверх в небо; to wing — лететь /на крыльях/; wing — крыло). Higher and higher he rose (выше и выше он поднимался; to rise), in great upward circles (большими /уходящими/ вверх кругами), while his keen eyes noted every stick (в то время как его острые глаза замечали каждую палочку), and stone (и камень), and animal (и зверя) on the face of all the world (на лице всего мира = на лике земли). But with all his eyes (но /при помощи/ всего своего зрения: «всех своих глаз»), he could see nothing of the lost wife (он так и не увидел пропавшей жены: «не смог увидеть ничего от пропавшей жены»); and at last he came back sadly (и наконец, он вернулся печально = в печали), and said:

upward [`Apwqd], high [haI], nothing [`nATIN]

So the Eagle took the offering, and smoked the smoke-prayer; and then he went winging upward into the sky. Higher and higher he rose, in great upward circles, while his keen eyes noted every stick, and stone, and animal on the face of all the world. But with all his eyes, he could see nothing of the lost wife; and at last he came back sadly, and said:

"People-friends (друзья люди), I went up to where I could see the whole world (я поднялся вверх туда, откуда я мог видеть целый мир), but I could not find her (но я не смог найти ее)." Then the people went with an offering to the Coyote (тогда люди пошли с подарком/подношением к Койоту), whose nose is sharpest in all the world (чей нюх: «нос» самый острый во всем мире), and besought him to try and find the Moon (и заклинали его попробовать найти Луну; to beseech). The Coyote smoked the smoke-prayer (Койот выкурил молитвенную трубку), and started off with his nose to the ground (и отправился в путь, /приблизив/ нос к земле), trying to find her tracks (пытаясь найти ее следы). He trotted all over the earth (он обежал всю землю; to trot — бежать рысью); but at last he too came back (но, наконец, он тоже вернулся) without finding what he sought (не найдя того, что он искал; to seek).

coyote [`kOIqut], beseech [bI`sJC], sought [sLt]

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