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startle ['stRtl], heavy ['hevI], apparition ["xpq'rISqn]
Mechanically the ticket seller repeated: "Haute Couture, number six, fifty pounds, to win," and then, startled by the amount, bent down to look through the wire screen at the heavy bettor. His eyes looked into the glowing blue beads of Mrs. Harris, and the apparition of the little char startled him into an exclamation of "Blimey," which he quickly corrected into "Good luck, madam," and pushed the ticket to her. Mrs. Harris' hand was not even trembling as she took it, but Mrs. Butterfield stared at it as though it were a snake that might bite her. The two went off to the trackside to attend the fulfillment of the promised miracle.
The tragedy that they then witnessed (трагедия, которой они затем были свидетелями) was brief and conclusive (была краткой и окончательной/убедительной; conclusive — завершающий, конечный; решающий, подводящий итог, определяющий; основополагающий, убедительный). Haute Couture led the first time around (От Кутюр лидировала первый круг; to lead — вести), running easily and smoothly (бежа легко и ровно), like the thoroughbred lady she was (как чистокровная «леди», какой она была = будучи чистокровной леди), but at the last turn (но на последнем повороте) she was assailed suddenly by an uncontrollable itch (на нее неожиданно напал неудержимый зуд; uncontrollable — неудержимый; не поддающийся контролю). She ran out into the middle of the track (она выбежала на середину трека), sat down and scratched it to her relief and satisfaction (села и чесалась: «чесала его /зуд/» к своему облегчению и удовлетворению). When she had finished (когда она закончила /чесаться/), so was the race (закончилась и гонка) — and Mrs. Harris (и миссис Харрис = и миссис Харрис была измотана и огорчена; to finish — заканчивать; до крайности изнурить).
conclusive [kqn'klHzIv], thoroughbred ['TArqbred], suddenly ['sAdnlI]
The tragedy that they then witnessed was brief and conclusive. Haute Couture led the first time around, running easily and smoothly, like the thoroughbred lady she was, but at the last turn she was assailed suddenly by an uncontrollable itch. She ran out into the middle of the track, sat down and scratched it to her relief and satisfaction. When she had finished, so was the race — and Mrs. Harris.
It was not so much the loss of her hard-earned (не столько потеря ее с трудом заработанных), hard-saved (с трудом сэкономленных), so-valued fifty pounds that upset Mrs. Harris (таких ценных пятидесяти фунтов расстроила миссис Харрис; to upset — опрокидывать, переворачивать; расстраивать, огорчать, причинять огорчения) and darkened her otherwise ebullient spirits in the following days (и омрачила ее вообще-то полный энтузиазма дух/настроение в последовавшие дни; ebullient — кипящий; вскипающий, переливающийся через край; кипучий, полный энтузиазма, энергии; otherwise — иначе, иным способом; иным образом; в других отношениях; во всем остальном), as the evidence that the policeman-magistrate God was uppermost (сколько свидетельство /того/, что Бог-полицейский-судья был главенствующим), and that He was out of sorts with her (и что он был недоволен ей; to be out of sorts — быть не в духе). She had evidently misread His intentions (она явно неправильно истолковала его намерения; to misread — неправильно прочесть, понять), or perhaps it was only her own idea to take a flyer (или, возможно, это была лишь ее собственная идея рискнуть), and the Creator did not hold with this (а Создатель не был с этим согласен; to hold with — соглашаться). He had sent swift and sure punishment (он послал скорое и верное наказание; sure — уверенный; надежный/верный) in the form of a heavenly flea (в виде бича Господня; heavenly — небесный; flea — блоха; резкое замечание, разнос). Did it mean that He was not going to allow Mrs. Harris to have her dress after all (значило ли это, что Он не собирался позволить миссис Харрис получить ее платье в конце концов)? Was she wishing for something so foolish and out of keeping with her position (мечтала ли она о чем-то настолько глупом и неподобающем ее положению: «вне согласия с ее положением») that He had chosen this method to indicate His disapproval (что Он избрал этот способ, чтобы указать на свое неодобрение)?
ebullient [I'bAljqnt], evidence ['evIdqns], allow [q'lau]
It was not so much the loss of her hard-earned, hard-saved, so-valued fifty pounds that upset Mrs. Harris and darkened her otherwise ebullient spirits in the following days, as the evidence that the policeman-magistrate God was uppermost, and that He was out of sorts with her. She had evidently misread His intentions, or perhaps it was only her own idea to take a flyer, and the Creator did not hold with this. He had sent swift and sure punishment in the form of a heavenly flea. Did it mean that He was not going to allow Mrs. Harris to have her dress after all? Was she wishing for something so foolish and out of keeping with her position that He had chosen this method to indicate His disapproval?
She went about her work torn by this new problem (она вернулась к своей работе, обеспокоенная этой новой проблемой; to tear — рвать; беспокоить), moody and preoccupied (угрюмая и поглощенная раздумьями; mood — настроение; расположение духа), and, of course, just because her Preceptor seemed to be against the idea (и, конечно, только потому, что ее Наставник, казалось, был против этой идеи) it made desire for the dress all the greater (это делало желание /иметь/ платье все сильнее). She was of the breed (она была из тех: «из той породы») who could defy even her Maker if it was necessary (кто мог бросить вызов даже своем Творцу, если было нужно), though, of course, she had no notion (хотя, конечно, у нее не было мысли) that one could win out over Him (что кто-то мог бы одержать победу над Ним). He was all-powerful (Он был всесилен), and His decisions final (а Его решения — окончательными), but that did not say (но это не означало) that Mrs. Harris had to like them (что миссис Харрис должна была любить их = что они должны были ей нравиться), or take them lying down (или принимать их без сопротивления: «ложась»).
preoccupied [prJ'OkjupaId], preceptor [prI'septq], decision [dI'sIZqn]
She went about her work torn by this new problem, moody and preoccupied, and, of course, just because her Preceptor seemed to be against the idea it made desire for the dress all the greater. She was of the breed who could defy even her Maker if it was necessary, though, of course, she had no notion that one could win out over Him. He was all-powerful, and His decisions final, but that did not say that Mrs. Harris had to like them, or take them lying down.
The following week (на следующей неделе), as she returned one evening from her labors (когда она возвращалась однажды вечером со своей работы), her eyes cast down due to the oppression that sat upon her (ее глаза были опущены из-за угнетенности, которая села = навалилась на нее; to cast — бросать), they were caught by a glitter in the gutter (они были привлечены ярким блеском в водосточной канаве: to catch — ловить), as of a piece of glass reflecting in the lamplight overhead (как будто от осколка стекла, отражающего свет фонаря над головой). But when she bent down (но когда она нагнулась; to bend), it was not a piece of glass at all (это был вовсе не осколок стекла), but a diamond clip (а бриллиантовая брошь), and one, as she saw at once, from the platinum frame and the size of the stones, of considerable value (и брошь, как она сразу поняла по платиновой оправе и размеру камней, значительной ценности; to see — видеть; понимать).
oppression [q'preSqn], diamond ['daIqmqnd], considerable [kqn'sIdqrqbl]
The following week, as she returned one evening from her labors, her eyes cast down due to the oppression that sat upon her, they were caught by a glitter in the gutter, as of a piece of glass reflecting in the lamplight overhead. But when she bent down, it was not a piece of glass at all, but a diamond clip, and one, as she saw at once, from the platinum frame and the size of the stones, of considerable value.
This time she had no truck either with hunches or communications (на этот раз у нее не было и следа предчувствия или посланий). The thought that this piece of jewelry might be ten times the worth (мысль, что это ювелирное изделие могло бы быть в десять раз дороже; worth — стоимость) of the dress she longed for (платья, которое она так хотела) never even entered her head (ни разу даже не пришла ей в голову). Because she was who she was and what she was (потому что она была тем, кем была и чем была), she responded almost automatically (она отреагировал почти автоматически); she wended her way to the nearest police station and turned the article in (она направилась в ближайший полицейский участок и сдала предмет; to wend — уходить, отправляться; идти, направляться; to wend one's way — держать путь, направляться /to/; to turn in — сдавать/возвращать), leaving her name and address (оставив свое имя и адрес), and a description of where she had found it (и описание /места/, где она нашла ее). Within a week she was summoned back to the police station (в течение недели она снова была вызвана в полицейский участок), where she received the sum of twenty-five pounds' reward (где она получила сумму в двадцать пять фунтов вознаграждения) from the grateful owner of the lost clip (от благодарного владельца потерянной броши).
thought [TLt], jewelry [GHqlrI], long [lON]
This time she had no truck either with hunches or communications. The thought that this piece of jewelry might be ten times the worth of the dress she longed for never even entered her head. Because she was who she was and what she was, she responded almost automatically; she wended her way to the nearest police station and turned the article in, leaving her name and address, and a description of where she had found it. Within a week she was summoned back to the police station, where she received the sum of twenty-five pounds' reward from the grateful owner of the lost clip.
And now all oppression was lifted from the soul of Mrs. Harris (и теперь вся подавленность была снята с души миссис Харрис; to lift — поднимать), for the stern Magistrate Above had taken off His wig (потому что суровый Судья Свыше снял свой парик), reversed it and donned it as the beard of Santa Claus (перевернул его и надел его как бороду Санта-Клауса), and she was able to interpret both that which had happened to her and the Divine Intention (и она могла объяснить и то, что случилось с ней, и Божественный замысел). He had returned half her money (Он вернул половину ее денег) to show that He was no longer angry with her (чтобы показать, то Он больше не сердит на нее), and that if she were faithful and steadfast (и если она будет верной и стойкой) she might have her dress (она сможет получить свое платье) — but she was no longer to gamble (но ей больше нельзя играть в азартные игры); the missing twenty-five pounds said that (утраченные двадцать пять фунтов указали на это; to say — сказать; свидетельствовать/указывать). It was to be earned by work (оно должно быть заработано трудом), sweat and self-denial (пόтом и самопожертвованием). Well, in the joy that filled her (что ж, в радости, которая наполнила ее), she was prepared to give all that (она была готова дать все это).
beard [bIqd], faithful ['feITful], sweat [swet]
And now all oppression was lifted from the soul of Mrs. Harris, for the stern Magistrate Above had taken off His wig, reversed it and donned it as the beard of Santa Claus, and she was able to interpret both that which had happened to her and the Divine Intention. He had returned half her money to show that He was no longer angry with her, and that if she were faithful and steadfast she might have her dress — but she was no longer to gamble; the missing twenty-five pounds said that. It was to be earned by work, sweat and self-denial. Well, in the joy that filled her, she was prepared to give all that.