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easily ['i:zIlI], repair [rI'peq], heart [hQ:t]
Mrs. Harris opened the suitcase and took out "Temptation." Once more she fingered the burnt place and saw how easily the panel could be replaced and the damage repaired. But she would not have it so. She would keep it as it was, untouched by any other fingers than those which had expedited every stitch because of love and feeling for another woman's heart.
Mrs. Harris hugged the dress to her thin bosom (прижала платье к своей худощавой груди; to hug — сжимать в объятиях; обнимать), hugged it hard (сжала его сильно), as though it were alive and human (как будто оно было живым: «живым и человеческим существом»), nestling her face to the soft folds of the material (прильнув своим лицом к мягким складкам материи). Tears flowed again from the small, shrewd blue eyes (слезы хлынули снова из ее маленьких, проницательных голубых глаз) and furrowed down the apple cheeks (и пробороздили = оставили дорожки на румяных щечках), but they were no longer tears of misery (но они не были больше слезами страдания).
She stood there rocking back and forth (она стояла там, покачиваясь взад и вперед), holding and embracing her dress (держа и обнимая свое платье), and with it she was hugging them all (и с ним она обнимала их всех), Mme. Colbert, Natasha, André Fauvel, down to the last anonymous worker (вплоть до последнего безымянного работника), seamstress and cutter (швеи и закройщика), as well as the city that had bestowed upon her (так же, как и город, который подарил ей; to bestow — давать, даровать, награждать /on, upon/) such a priceless memory treasure of understanding (такое бесценное запоминающееся сокровище понимания), friendship and humanity (дружбы и человечности).
hug [hAg], bosom ['buzqm], bestow [bI'stqu]
Mrs. Harris hugged the dress to her thin bosom, hugged it hard, as though it were alive and human, nestling her face to the soft folds of the material. Tears flowed again from the small, shrewd blue eyes and furrowed down the apple cheeks, but they were no longer tears of misery.
She stood there rocking back and forth, holding and embracing her dress, and with it she was hugging them all, Mme. Colbert, Natasha, André Fauvel, down to the last anonymous worker, seamstress and cutter, as well as the city that had bestowed upon her such a priceless memory treasure of understanding, friendship and humanity.
"The Tatler" — "Тэтлер" (журнал о светской жизни; печатает биографические очерки, моды, фотографии гостей на приемах и премьерах; выходит 10 раз в год; издается в Лондоне. Основан в 1709. Буквально: сплетник