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furrow ['fArqu], kneeling [ni:lIN], beneath [bI'ni:T]

All manner of memories and isolated pictures crowded into her thoughts. For an instant she saw the furrowed brows and concentrated expressions of the fitters kneeling before her, their mouths bristling with pins. She felt once more the pile of the thick gray carpet beneath her feet and smelled the sweet, thrilling odor of the interior of the House of Dior.

The hubbub and murmur of the voices of the audience (гул и приглушенный шум голосов зрителей) in the gray and white salon (в серо-белом салоне) seemed to come back to her (казалось, возвратились к ней), and immediately (и тотчас), blinking through her tears (мигая сквозь слезы; to blink — мигать; щуриться), she was there again (она была там вновь) as each model more beautiful than the last (в то время как модели, одна краше другой: «более красивая, чем предыдущая»; the last — последний, недавний) clad in the loveliest frocks (одетые в самые прекрасные платья), suits (костюмы), ensembles (ансамбли), gowns and furs (платья и меха) came thrusting, swaying or gliding into the room (выходили, покачиваясь или скользя, в зал) — three steps and a twirl (три шага и поворот) — three more steps and another twirl (еще три шага и другой/еще один поворот) — then off with the pastel mink or dark marten coat (затем снимается пастельное норковое или темное кунье пальто) to be dragged behind on the soft carpet (и волочится позади по мягкому ковру), off with the jacket (долой жакет) — a toss of the head (взмах головой), another twirl (еще один поворот) and she was gone to be replaced by yet another (и она уходит, чтобы на ее месте появилась другая /модель/: «чтобы быть замененной другой»).

loveliest ['lAvlIqst], ensemble [Q:n'sQ:mbl], marten ['mQ:tIn]

The hubbub and murmur of the voices of the audience in the gray and white salon seemed to come back to her, and immediately, blinking through her tears, she was there again as each model more beautiful than the last clad in the loveliest frocks, suits, ensembles, gowns and furs came thrusting, swaying or gliding into the room — three steps and a twirl — three more steps and another twirl — then off with the pastel mink or dark marten coat to be dragged behind on the soft carpet, off with the jacket — a toss of the head, another twirl and she was gone to be replaced by yet another.

From there it was but a flash for her to be back (мгновенье — и вот она уже оттуда /от этого момента воспоминаний/ возвращается: «была лишь вспышка для нее — вернуться оттуда») in the hive of the cubicles (в улей кабинок для примерки), a part of the delicious atmosphere of woman world (часть восхитительной атмосферы женского мира) compounded of the rustle of silks and satins (составленного из шелеста шелков и атласов), the variegated perfumes carried thither by the clients (разнообразных духов, /запах которых/ заносится туда клиентами), the murmuring voices of saleswomen and dressmakers (бормочущих голосов продавщиц и портних) like the droning of bees (как гудение пчел) and the sound of whispering from neighboring booths (и звук шепота из соседних кабинок) and smothered laughter (и приглушенный смех; to smother — душить, вызвать приступ удушья; задыхаться; гасить, тушить; сдерживать, подавлять /зевок, гнев/).

delicious [dI'lISqs], thither ['DIDq], neighboring ['neIbqrIN]

From there it was but a flash for her to be back in the hive of the cubicles, a part of the delicious atmosphere of woman world compounded of the rustle of silks and satins, the variegated perfumes carried thither by the clients, the murmuring voices of saleswomen and dressmakers like the droning of bees and the sound of whispering from neighboring booths and smothered laughter.

Then she was sitting in the sunlight beneath a sky of a peculiar blue (затем она сидела в солнечном свете = на солнце под небом необычно голубого цвета; peculiar — специфический; особенный, своеобразный; необычный, особый), on a bench in the Flower Market (на скамейке на Цветочном рынке), surrounded by nature's own fashion creations (окруженная творениями моды, созданными самой природой), flowers in their matchless shapes and colors (цветами, с их непревзойденными формами и оттенками) and emanating perfumes of their own (и испускающими собственные ароматы). And next to her was a handsome aristocratic old gentleman (и рядом с ней был статный пожилой аристократ) who had understood her (который понял ее) and treated her as an equal (и обращался с ней как с равной).

sunlight ['sAnlaIt], peculiar [pI'kju:ljq], equal ['i:kwql]

Then she was sitting in the sunlight beneath a sky of a peculiar blue, on a bench in the Flower Market, surrounded by nature's own fashion creations, flowers in their matchless shapes and colors and emanating perfumes of their own. And next to her was a handsome aristocratic old gentleman who had understood her and treated her as an equal.

But it was the people she had met (но это были люди, /c которыми/ она познакомилась; to meet — встречать; знакомиться) who kept returning to her thoughts (которые продолжали возвращаться в ее мысли), and she remembered the expressions on the faces of Fauvel and Natasha (и она вспомнила выражения лиц Фовеля и Наташи) as they had embraced her the night of the Pre-Catelan (когда они обняли ее вечером в «Пре-Кателан») and seemed to feel once again the warm pressure of Mme. Colbert's arms about her (и, казалось, почувствовала еще раз теплые объятия рук мадам Кольбер) as she had kissed her before her departure (когда она поцеловала ее перед ее отъездом) and whispered (и прошептала): "You have been very lucky for me, my dear... (вы принесли такое счастье мне, моя дорогая; lucky — приносящий счастье, удачу)"

embrace [Im'breIs], pressure ['preSq], departure [dI'pQ:tSq]

But it was the people she had met who kept returning to her thoughts, and she remembered the expressions on the faces of Fauvel and Natasha as they had embraced her the night of the Pre-Catelan and seemed to feel once again the warm pressure of Mme. Colbert's arms about her as she had kissed her before her departure and whispered: "You have been very lucky for me, my dear..."

Reflecting now upon Mme. Colbert (размышляя теперь о мадам Кольбер; to reflect — отражать; размышлять), Mrs. Harris thought how the Frenchwoman had worked and schemed (миссис Харрис думала теперь, как эта француженка работала = старалась и замышляла/интриговала/планировала) to help her to realize her vain (чтобы помочь ей реализовать ее тщеславное), foolish wish to possess a Dior dress (глупое желание иметь платье от Диора). Had it not been for her and her clever plan at the end (если бы не она и ее умный план в конце) it would never have reached England (оно никогда бы не достигло Англии). And Mrs. Harris thought (и миссис Харрис подумала) that even the damage to "Temptation" might not be irreparable (что даже порчу «Искушения» можно поправить; irreparable — непоправимый). A letter to Mme. Colbert would result in the immediate dispatch of another beaded panel (письмо к мадам Кольбер будет иметь результатом незамедлительную отправку нового украшенного бусинами клина) such as had been destroyed (такого же, какой был испорчен). A clever seamstress could insert it so (умелая швея могла бы вставить = вшить его так) that the dress would be as good as new (что платье будет так же хорошо, как новое). And yet would it ever be the same again (но все же, будет ли оно когда-нибудь тем же самым снова)?

scheme [ski:m], damage ['dxmIdZ], immediate [I'mi:djqt]

Reflecting now upon Mme. Colbert, Mrs. Harris thought how the Frenchwoman had worked and schemed to help her to realize her vain, foolish wish to possess a Dior dress. Had it not been for her and her clever plan at the end it would never have reached England. And Mrs. Harris thought that even the damage to "Temptation" might not be irreparable. A letter to Mme. Colbert would result in the immediate dispatch of another beaded panel such as had been destroyed. A clever seamstress could insert it so that the dress would be as good as new. And yet would it ever be the same again?

This ephemeral question had a most curious effect upon Mrs. Harris (этот мимолетный вопрос произвел самый любопытный эффект на миссис Харрис; to have effect — подействовать, дать результат). It stopped the flow of tears from her eyes (он остановил поток слез из ее глаз) and brought her to her feet once more (и заставил ее подняться; to bring to one’s feet — заставить встать на ноги) as she looked about the flower-laden room (когда она осмотрела заполненную цветами комнату; laden — груженый, нагруженный) and the answer came to her in one shrewd, inspired burst of insight (и ответ пришел к ней в одной пронизывающей, вдохновенной вспышке интуиции; to inspire — внушать; инспирировать; вдохновлять).

It would not (оно не будет). It would never be the same again (оно никогда не будет прежним снова). But then neither would she (но, впрочем, также /не будет/ и она).

ephemeral [I'femqrql], curious ['kjuqrIqs], shrewd [Sru:d]

This ephemeral question had a most curious effect upon Mrs. Harris. It stopped the flow of tears from her eyes and brought her to her feet once more as she looked about the flower-laden room and the answer came to her in one shrewd, inspired burst of insight.

It would not. It would never be the same again. But then neither would she.

For it had not been a dress she had bought so much as an adventure and an experience (потому что она приобрела не столько платье, сколько приключение и опыт) that would last her to the end of her days (которые останутся с ней до конца ее дней). She would never again feel lonely or unwanted (она никогда больше не будет чувствовать себя одинокой или ненужной). She had ventured into a foreign country (она рискнула /отправиться/ в зарубежную страну) and a foreign people she had been taught to suspect and despise (и /столкнуться с/ иностранцами, /которых/ она была приучена подозревать и презирать). She had found them to be warm and human (она обнаружила, что они сердечные и человечные), men and women to whom human love and understanding was a mainspring of life (мужчины и женщины, для кого человеческая любовь и понимание были главной движущей силой жизни). They had made her feel that they loved her for herself (они заставили ее почувствовать, что они любили ее ради нее самой).

unwanted [An'wOntId], foreign ['fOrIn], taught [tO:t]

For it had not been a dress she had bought so much as an adventure and an experience that would last her to the end of her days. She would never again feel lonely or unwanted. She had ventured into a foreign country and a foreign people she had been taught to suspect and despise. She had found them to be warm and human, men and women to whom human love and understanding was a mainspring of life. They had made her feel that they loved her for herself.

Mrs. Harris opened the suitcase and took out "Temptation" (открыла чемодан и достала «Искушение»). Once more she fingered the burnt place (еще раз она потрогала сгоревшее место) and saw how easily the panel could be replaced and the damage repaired (и увидела, как легко клин мог быть заменен и повреждение устранено). But she would not have it so (но она не хочет этого). She would keep it as it was (она сохранит его таким, каким оно было), untouched by any other fingers (нетронутым ничьими другими пальцами) than those which had expedited every stitch (чем те, которые скоро выполнили каждый стежок) because of love and feeling for another woman's heart (из любви и сочувствия к сердцу другой женщины; feeling — чувство; сочувствие/симпатия).

easily ['i:zIlI], repair [rI'peq], heart [hQ:t]

Mrs. Harris opened the suitcase and took out "Temptation." Once more she fingered the burnt place and saw how easily the panel could be replaced and the damage repaired. But she would not have it so. She would keep it as it was, untouched by any other fingers than those which had expedited every stitch because of love and feeling for another woman's heart.

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