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ghastly ['gQ:stlI], workworn ['wWkwLn], despair [dIs'peq]

The little blue eyes of Mrs. Harris became filled with fear, alarm, suspicion. "That would be telling a lie, wouldn't it?" she said, looking helplessly from one to the other. "I don't mind telling a fib or two, but I don't tell lies. That would be bryking the law. I could go to jail for that…" Then as the true and ghastly import of what M. Fauvel said dawned upon her she quite suddenly sank down into the pile of the gray carpet, covered her face with her workworn hands and sent up a wail of despair that penetrated through the establishment so that the Great Patron himself came running in. "I can't 'ave it. It ain't for such as me. I should 'ave known me place. Tyke it away — give it away, do anything. I'll go 'ome and forget about it."

The story of the dilemma (история этого затруднительного положения) ran like wildfire through the building (распространилась как пожар = со сверхъестественной быстротой по всему зданию; to run like wildfire — распространяться со сверхъестественной быстротой). Experts appeared from all sides to give advice (знатоки появлялись со всех сторон, чтобы дать совет), including that there be a petition directed to the British Ambassador (включая совет: «такой», о прошении английскому послу), until it was pointed out (пока не было отмечено) that so stern was the British regard for the law (что таким строгим было отношение британцев к закону) that not even the Ambassador or the Queen herself (что ни посол, ни даже сама королева) could intervene to have it set aside (не могли вмешаться и попросить проигнорировать его; to set aside — отложить; игнорировать), even in so worthy a cause (даже в таком достойном деле)…

ambassador [xm'bxsqdq], law [lO:], intervene ["Intq'vi:n]

The story of the dilemma ran like wildfire through the building. Experts appeared from all sides to give advice, including that there be a petition directed to the British Ambassador, until it was pointed out that so stern was the British regard for the law that not even the Ambassador or the Queen herself could intervene to have it set aside, even in so worthy a cause…

It was the Patron himself (это был шеф лично), familiar with Mrs. Harris' story (знакомый с историей миссис Харрис), who solved the dilemma (кто разрешил дилемму), severing the Gordian knot with one swift (разрубая Гордиев узел одним быстрым; to sever — отделять, разделять; отрезать; разрубать), generous stroke (великодушным ударом) — or thought he had (или /по крайней мере/ ему так думалось). "Reduce the price of the dress to this good woman (снизьте цену платья для этой хорошей женщины)", he ordered auditor Fauvel (велел он аудитору Фовелю), "and give her the balance in cash to pay the duty (и выдайте ей разницу наличными, чтобы заплатить пошлину).

"But, sir (но, сэр)", protested the horrified Fauvel (запротестовал в ужасе Фовель), who now for the first time himself saw the trap (который теперь впервые сам увидел западню) into which his benefactress had fallen (в которую его благодетельница попала), "it is impossible (это невозможно)!"

familiar [fq'mIljq], generous ['dZenqrqs], benefactress ['benIfxktrIs]

It was the Patron himself, familiar with Mrs. Harris' story, who solved the dilemma, severing the Gordian knot with one swift, generous stroke — or thought he had. "Reduce the price of the dress to this good woman," he ordered auditor Fauvel, "and give her the balance in cash to pay the duty.

"But, sir," protested the horrified Fauvel, who now for the first time himself saw the trap into which his benefactress had fallen, "it is impossible!"

They all stared at him (все уставились на него) as though he were a poisonous reptile (как будто он был ядовитой змеей: «рептилией»; poison — яд). "Do you not see (разве вы не понимаете)? Madame has already unwittingly broken British law (мадам уже непреднамеренно нарушила британский закон) by exporting the one thousand four hundred dollars (вывезя тысячу четыреста долларов), illegally exchanged by her American friend in the United Kingdom (незаконно обмененных ее американской подругой в Соединенном Королевстве). If now she, poor woman, appears at British customs at the airport (если теперь она, бедная женщина, появится на британской таможне в аэропорту) declaring a dress worth five hundred pounds (декларируя платье стоимостью пятьсот фунтов) and offers a further hundred and fifty pounds in cash to pay the duty (и предложит еще сто пятьдесят фунтов наличными, чтобы уплатить пошлину), there would be inquiries how she (будут вопросы, как она), a British subject (британская подданная), had come by these monies (получила эти деньги; to come by — получить); there would be a scandal (будет скандал)…"

poisonous ['pOIznqs], unwittingly [An'wItINlI], inquiry [In'kwaIqrI]

They all stared at him as though he were a poisonous reptile. "Do you not see? Madame has already unwittingly broken British law by exporting the one thousand four hundred dollars, illegally exchanged by her American friend in the United Kingdom. If now she, poor woman, appears at British customs at the airport declaring a dress worth five hundred pounds and offers a further hundred and fifty pounds in cash to pay the duty, there would be inquiries how she, a British subject, had come by these monies; there would be a scandal…"

They continued to look at the unfortunate auditor (они продолжали смотреть на несчастного аудитора) as though he were a king cobra (как будто он был королевской коброй), but they also knew that he was right (но они также знали, что он был прав). "Let me go 'ome and die (дайте мне уехать домой и умереть)", wailed Mrs. Harris (завывала/причитала миссис Харрис).

Natasha was at her side, her arms about her (Наташа была с ней рядом, обняв ее: «ее руки вокруг нее»). Voices rose in a babel of sympathy (голоса поднимались = становились громче в галдеже сочувствия; babel — Вавилон; вавилонское смешение языков; галдеж, шумиха). Mme. Colbert had an inspiration (у мадам Кольбер возникла идея: «вдохновение»). "Wait (подождите)", she cried (закричала она), "I have it (я знаю/придумала)". She too dropped to her knees at Mrs. Harris' side (она тоже опустилась на колени рядом с миссис Харрис). "My dear, will you listen to me (моя дорогая, вы выслушаете меня)? I can help you (я могу помочь вам). I shall be lucky for you (я принесу счастье вам), as you have been for me (как вы мне)…"

unfortunate [An'fO:tSnIt], babel ['beIbql], inspiration ["Inspq'reISqn]

They continued to look at the unfortunate auditor as though he were a king cobra, but they also knew that he was right. "Let me go 'ome and die," wailed Mrs. Harris.

Natasha was at her side, her arms about her. Voices rose in a babel of sympathy. Mme. Colbert had an inspiration. "Wait," she cried, "I have it." She too dropped to her knees at Mrs. Harris' side. "My dear, will you listen to me? I can help you. I shall be lucky for you, as you have been for me…"

Mrs. Harris removed her hands (миссис Харрис убрала свои руки) to reveal the face of an old and frightened Capuchin monkey (чтобы обнаружить лицо старой и напуганной обезьяны-капуцина). "I won't do nuffink dishonest (я не сделаю ничего непорядочного) — or tell no lies (и врать не стану)".

"No, no (нет). Trust me (верьте мне; to trust — верить, доверять). You shall say nothing but the absolute truth (вы не скажете ничего, кроме абсолютной правды). But you must do exactly how and what I say (но вы должны сделать точно /так/, как и что я вам говорю) for, my dear, we ALL wish you to have your beautiful dress to take home (потому что, моя дорогая, мы ВСЕ желаем, чтобы вы смогли привезти ваше прекрасное платье домой). Now listen (теперь слушайте)." And Mme. Colbert (и мадам Кольбер), placing her lips close to Mrs. Harris' little monkey ear (прильнув: «поместив свои губы близко» к обезьяньему ушку миссис Харрис) so that no one else might hear (так, чтобы никто больше не мог слышать), whispered her instructions (прошептала свои инструкции).

frightened [fraItnd], dishonest [dIs'OnIst], listen [lIsn]

Mrs. Harris removed her hands to reveal the face of an old and frightened Capuchin monkey. "I won't do nuffink dishonest — or tell no lies."

"No, no. Trust me. You shall say nothing but the absolute truth. But you must do exactly how and what I say for, my dear, we ALL wish you to have your beautiful dress to take home. Now listen." And Mme. Colbert, placing her lips close to Mrs. Harris' little monkey ear so that no one else might hear, whispered her instructions.

As she stood in the customs hall of London Airport (когда она стояла в холле таможни Лондонского аэропорта), Mrs. Harris felt sure that her thumping heart must be audible to all (миссис Харрис чувствовала с уверенностью, что ее колотящееся сердце, должно быть, слышно всем), yet by the time the pleasant-looking young customs officer reached her (однако когда приятного вида молодой таможенный инспектор добрался до нее), her native-born courage and cheerfulness buoyed her up (ее прирожденное мужество и жизнерадостность поддержали ее), and her naughty little eyes (а ее озорные маленькие глазки) were even twinkling with an odd kind of anticipatory pleasure (даже мерцали каким-то странным предвкушаемым удовольствием).

thumping ['TAmpIN], audible ['O:dqbl], buoy [bOI]

As she stood in the customs hall of London Airport, Mrs. Harris felt sure that her thumping heart must be audible to all, yet by the time the pleasant-looking young customs officer reached her, her native-born courage and cheerfulness buoyed her up, and her naughty little eyes were even twinkling with an odd kind of anticipatory pleasure.

On the counter before her rested not the glamorous Dior box (на стойке перед ней покоилась не очаровательная коробка Диора), but a large and well-worn plastic suitcase (а большой и изрядно потертый пластмассовый чемодан) of the cheapest kind (самого дешевого вида). The officer handed her a card (офицер дал ей карточку) on which was printed the list of dutiable articles purchased abroad (на которой был напечатан список товаров, приобретенных за границей, облагаемых пошлиной).

"You read it to me, duckie (вы прочтете это для меня, милый)", Mrs. Harris grinned impudently (миссис Харрис усмехнулась дерзко; impudent — бесстыдный; нахальный, дерзкий), "I left me specs at 'ome (я оставила мои очки дома)".

dutiable ['dju:tjqbl], purchase ['pq:tSqs], impudently ['ImpjudqntlI]

On the counter before her rested not the glamorous Dior box, but a large and well-worn plastic suitcase of the cheapest kind. The officer handed her a card on which was printed the list of dutiable articles purchased abroad.

"You read it to me, duckie," Mrs. Harris grinned impudently, "I left me specs at 'ome."

The inspector glanced at her sharply once (инспектор мельком взглянул на нее остро один раз = пронзил ее один раз взглядом) to see whether he was being had (чтобы посмотреть, не смеются ли над ним; to have — иметь; поставить в невыгодное, проигрышное положение; обмануть, надуть); the pink rose on the green hat bobbed at him (розовая роза на зеленой шляпе качнулась к нему); he recognized the breed at once (он узнал эту породу сразу). "Hullo (здравствуйте)," he smiled (он улыбнулся). "What have you been doing over in Paris (что вы делали в Париже)?"

" 'Aving a bit of a 'oliday on me own (имела немножечко отпуска = небольшой отпуск сама по себе; on one’s own — самостоятельно)".

The customs man grinned (таможенник усмехнулся). This was a new one on him (это было для него чем-то новеньким). The British char abroad (английская уборщица за границей). The mop-and-broom business must be good (бизнес швабры и метлы, должно быть, хорош), he reflected (он подумал), then inquired routinely (затем спросил как положено: «рутинно»): "Bring anything back with you (везете что-нибудь обратно с собой)?"

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