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With morde hirfaiture and hir face,
Who is so fresshe, fair and gai,
That Шуе flour in month of mai,
Ne rose on reise and snow on tree
Nis nat so reed and whyt to see
Ibid., 1798999:
Therof greet iolitee thei taken
And to be fair andfresshe, maken
Robes newe qfkifhir dolour
Of many queynt and glad colour,
And hongen oute hirfleeces dene
To dreye ayein the sonne shene,
And goon a-scatered on lofte
When wederis ben warm and sofмe:
Tho spinnen thei and casten oute
Foissoun of white threed aboute.
Ibid., 202859:
For who made compansoun
Hit wer a greet mispnsioun,
Sauf that compansoun that is
Betwixen trouthe and fable iwis.
Ibid., 2030526:
Who lokede on that park withoute,
Portrayed on the mal but doute
Are alle develes and depe helle,
Fulfeendliche on to see and felle,
And every vyce and eek outrage
That hath in helle his herbergage,
And Cerberus our aller foo;
Ther mihte he loke on erthe also
And these secree richesses olde
That erthe can in barmefolde;
Ther openly he mihte see
The fisshes fletinge in the see,
The salte see and alle his thinges;
Wateres bittere, swete springes,
And creatures alderkynne
These smale wateres withinne,
And in the eyre briddes goon
And smale Jlyes everychoon
That maken aidai soun and route;
Also thefyr that faste aboute
Clippeth the reste and the meving
Of thelementes in a ring.
Ibid., 2001016:
For alwey stant in oo moment
Hir day that nevere night hath shent,
Ne hit conquered nevere a del;
For no mesure temporel
Hit nath, but alwey as at рrimе
That bnghte dai, withouten time
Of temps Jutur ne pretent,
Also hit laugheth, evere abit.
Ibid., 20351:
Tho thinges in that garden smale
Nis but lesinge and trotevale.
См. изд.: Langlois. Т. I. Р. 32 et seq.
См.: Ж К. Coghill. The Character of Piers Plowman // Medium Aevum. Vol. II, no. 2. P. 108 et seq.
Piers Plowman, С, Passus IX; Чосер. Кентерберийские рассказы, Пролог, 43 сл.
Упоминание «Петра Пахаря» в письме Джона Болла крестьянам Эссекса (см.: Sisam. Fourteenth Century Prose and Verse. P. 160) может ввести кого‑то в заблуждение. По моему мнению, наиболее вероятно, что Джон Болл не заимствовал этого имени у Ленгленда; и он, и Ленгленд пользуются одними и теми же плодами народной фантазии. По–видимому, использование Петра как символа Христа принадлежит Ленгленду; а вот образ Петра, честного пахаря, мог быть уже столь же знакомым, как образ Томми Аткинса, Джона Булля или Деда Мороза.
Piers Plowman, В, XV, 23 ел.:
The whiles I quykke the corps, quod he, calld am I Anima;
And whan I wilne and wolde, Animus ich hatte;
And for that I can knowe, called am I Mens;
And whan I make mone to God, Memoria is my name.
Ibid, C, IV, 363:
Thus is relacion red ryht as adiective and substantif
Acordeth in alle kyndes with his antecede
Usk. Testament of Love, I, III (Skeat. Chauserian and other Pieces. P. 18, 1. 153; v. p. XXVII).
Piers Plowman, С, XXIII, 80 et seq.:
Kinde huyrde tho Conscience, and cam out of the planetes
And sente forth his foreyours, fevers andfluxes —
Ther was «Harow!» and «Help! Here cometh kynde,
With Deth that is dredful to undo us alle!»
The Lord that lyuede after lust, to come and here hus baner.
«Alarme, alarrne!» quath that Lord, «eche lyf kepe hus owene!»
Ibid, С, XIV. 135 et seq. Я предполагаю в этом свидетельство знакомства Ленгленда с поэмой Алана «О плаче Природы».
Ibid., С, И, 149 сл.:
Love is the plonte of pees and most preciouse of vertues;
For hevene holde hit ne myyte so hevy hit semede,
Til hit hadde on ertheyoten hym'selue.
Was never lef upon lynde lyghter ther‑after,
As whanne hit hadde of the folde flesch and blodeytake.
Tho was it portatyf and pershaunt as the poynt of a nedle.
См.: Deschamps. Ballade to Chaucer, lines 11; 31.
Gower. Confessio Amantis, VIII, 1st version, 2941; Usk. Testament of Love, III. IV (p. 123 in Skeat s Chaucerian and other Pieces).
Hoccleve. Regement of Princes, 4978 (cp. там же, 1973: «его книги, изящно слаженные, просвещающие весь этот край»); Lydgate. Troy Book, III, 4237. «Ибо он [т. е. Чосер] своими стихами украсил наш английский язык, прежде неотесанный и грубый, который до его появления был весьма далек от совершенства».
Book of the Duchesse, 985 et seq.:
To speke of goodnesse: trewly she
Had as moche debonairte
As ever had Hester in the bible,
And more, if more mere possible.
And soth to seyne therwith-al
She had a wit so general,
So hool enclyned to alle gode,
That all Mr wit was set, by the rode,
Withoute malice, upon gladnesse.
Compleynt of Mars, 1 et seq.:
Gladeth, ye foules, of the morwe gray,
Lo! — Venus risen