Читаем без скачивания Английский язык с миссис Харрис, или платье от Диора - Илья Франк
sophisticated [sq'fIstIkeItId], guess [ges], impudence ['Impjudqns]
For seated next him in the most exclusive and sophisticated dress salon in Paris was the reincarnation of his Madame Mops of half a century ago.
True, there was no physical resemblance, for his neighbor was slight and worn thin by work — the old gentleman's eyes dropping to her hands confirmed the guess — but that was not how he recognized her; it was by the bearing, the speech, of course, and the naughty little eyes, but above all by the aura of indomitable courage and independence and impudence that surrounded her.
"A Dior dress," he echoed her (повторил он /ее слова/)," a splendid idea (великолепная мысль). Let us hope (будем надеяться) that you will find here this afternoon what you desire (что вы найдете здесь сегодня вечером то, что вы желаете)."
There was no need in him to question her (не было нужды = ему не требовалось спрашивать ее) as to how it was possible for her to fulfill such a wish (относительно того, как было возможным для нее исполнить такое желание). He knew from his own experience (он знал по собственному опыту) something of the nature of these special Englishwomen (кое-что о характере этих особенных англичанок) and simply assumed (и просто предположил) that she had been left a legacy (что ей было оставлено наследство), or had suddenly acquired a large sum of money (или неожиданно получила крупную сумму денег) through one of those massive and extraordinary football lotteries (в одну из тех крупных и удивительных футбольных лотерей) he was always reading about in the papers (о которых он всегда = постоянно читал в газетах) as conferring untold wealth upon British railroad porters (как о дарующих несметные богатства проводникам Британской железной дороги; to confer — жаловать /кому-л. что-л./, даровать; дарить), coal miners (шахтерам: «углекопам») or grocery clerks (или клеркам бакалейной лавки). But had he known (но если бы он знал) just how Mrs. Harris had come by the entire sum (как именно миссис Харрис получила полную сумму; to come by — доставать, достигать, приобретать, находить) needed to satisfy her ambition (необходимую, чтобы удовлетворить ее стремление) he would not have been surprised either (он не был бы удивлен также).
echo ['ekqu], acquire [q'kwaIq], entire [In'taIq]
"A Dior dress," he echoed her, "a splendid idea. Let us hope that you will find here this afternoon what you desire."
There was no need in him to question her as to how it was possible for her to fulfill such a wish. He knew from his own experience something of the nature of these special Englishwomen and simply assumed that she had been left a legacy, or had suddenly acquired a large sum of money through one of those massive and extraordinary football lotteries he was always reading about in the papers as conferring untold wealth upon British railroad porters, coal miners or grocery clerks. But had he known just how Mrs. Harris had come by the entire sum needed to satisfy her ambition he would not have been surprised either.
They now understood one another (они теперь понимали один другого = друг друга) as did old friends (как старые друзья) who had much in life behind them (которые через многое прошли вместе: «имели многое в жизни позади них»).
"I wouldn't let on to anyone else (я не сказала бы никому другому; to let on — выдавать секрет)," Mrs. Harris confessed from the comfort of her new-found friendship (миссис Харрис призналась от ободрения = приободрившись, благодаря вновь обретенной дружбе), "but I was frightened to death to come 'ere (но я была напугана = боялась до смерти приехать сюда)."
The old man looked at her in astonishment (пожилой джентльмен посмотрел на нее с удивлением). "You? Frightened? (Вы? Напуганы?)"
"Well (ну)," Mrs. Harris confided (сказала по секрету/доверилась), "you know, the French (вы знаете, французы) ..."
frightened [fraItnd], death [deT], confide [kqn'faId]
They now understood one another as did old friends who had much in life behind them.
"I wouldn't let on to anyone else," Mrs. Harris confessed from the comfort of her new-found friendship, "but I was frightened to death to come 'ere."
The old man looked at her in astonishment. "You? Frightened?"
"Well," Mrs. Harris confided, "you know, the French ..."
The gentleman emitted a sigh (джентльмен вздохнул: «испустил вздох»). "Ah yes (о, да). I know them very well (я знаю их очень хорошо). Still, there is nothing now but for you to choose the gown (однако, теперь вам ничего не остается, кроме как выбрать платье) that you like the best (которое вам понравится больше всего). It is said (говорят) the collection this spring is superb (что коллекция этой весной превосходна)."
There was a stir and a rustle (там были = послышались движение и шорох; stir — шевеление; движение). A chic (элегантная), expensively dressed woman (дорого одетая = одетая в дорогую одежду женщина) came in acolyted by two salesladies (вошла, сопровождаемая двумя продавщицами; to acolyte — помогать, ассистировать; acolyte — прислужник в церкви; псаломщик) and made for the seat beside Mrs. Harris (и направилась к месту рядом с миссис Харрис; to make for — направиться) where the shabby handbag containing the latter's fortune (где потертая сумка, содержащая богатство последней; latter — последний /из двух названных/) reposed momentarily (лежала временно; momentarily — на мгновение, на минуту).
superb [sju:'pq:b], rustle [rAsl], chic [Si:k]
The gentleman emitted a sigh. "Ah yes. I know them very well. Still, there is nothing now but for you to choose the gown that you like the best. It is said the collection this spring is superb."
There was a stir and a rustle. A chic, expensively dressed woman came in acolyted by two salesladies and made for the seat beside Mrs. Harris where the shabby handbag containing the latter's fortune reposed momentarily.
Mrs. Harris snatched it away with an (миссис Харрис резко убрала ее, сказав; to snatch — хватать) "Oops, dearie, sorry (ой, дорогая, простите)!" then brushed the seat of the chair with her hand and (затем почистила сиденье стула своей рукой), smiling cheerily, said (радостно улыбаясь): "There you are now (вот). All ready for you (все готово для вас)."
The woman, who had close-set eyes and a too small mouth (женщина, у которой были близко посаженные глаза и слишком маленький рот), sat down with a jangle of gold bracelets (села со звоном золотых браслетов), and immediately Mrs. Harris felt herself enveloped in a cloud of the most delectable and intoxicating perfume (и тотчас миссис Харрис почувствовала себя окутанной облаком самых восхитительных и опьяняющих духов). She leaned closer to the woman (она наклонилась ближе к женщине) for a better sniff (чтобы лучше почувствовать запах: «для лучшего принюхивания») and said with sincere admiration (и сказала с искренним восхищением): "My (вот это да: my — мой; надо же!/вот это да!), you do smell good (как вы хорошо пахнете)."
bracelet ['breIslIt], delectable [dI'lektqbl], sincere [sIn'sIq]
Mrs. Harris snatched it away with an "Oops, dearie, sorry!" then brushed the seat of the chair with her hand and, smiling cheerily, said: "There you are now. All ready for you."
The woman, who had close-set eyes and a too small mouth, sat down with a jangle of gold bracelets, and immediately Mrs. Harris felt herself enveloped in a cloud of the most delectable and intoxicating perfume. She leaned closer to the woman for a better sniff and said with sincere admiration: "My, you do smell good."
The newcomer made a testy motion of withdrawal (новоприбывшая раздраженно отклонилась: «сделала раздраженный жест удаления»; to withdraw — отдергивать /напр., руку/; отнимать; ретироваться, удаляться, уходить; to draw — тащить, тянуть) and a line appeared between the narrow eyes (и складка появилась между узкими = прищуренными глазами). She was looking towards the door (она смотрела в сторону двери) as though searching for someone (как будто ища кого-то).
It would be time to begin soon (вероятно, приближалось время начала: «это было бы время начинать скоро»). Mrs. Harris felt as eager and excited as a child (миссис Харрис чувствовала /себя/ = была такой нетерпеливой и взволнованной, как ребенок) and mentally apostrophized herself (и мысленно обратилась к себе; to apostrophize — обращаться /к кому-л. или чему-л. в речи, поэме и т. п./): "Look at you (взгляни на себя), Ada 'Arris! Whoever would have thought (Ада Харрис! кто бы мог подумать) you'd be sitting in the parlor at Dior's in Paris one day (что ты будешь сидеть в гостиной /Дома/ Диор в Париже однажды), buying a dress with all the toffs (покупая платье со всеми сливками общества; toff — джентльмен; франт)? And yet 'ere you are (и все же ты здесь), and noffink can stop you now (и ничто не может остановить тебя теперь; noffink = nothing)…"
withdrawal [wID'drO:ql], eager ['i:gq], apostrophize [q'pOstrqfaIz]
The newcomer made a testy motion of withdrawal and a line appeared between the narrow eyes. She was looking towards the door as though searching for someone.
It would be time to begin soon. Mrs. Harris felt as eager and excited as a child and mentally apostrophized herself: "Look at you, Ada 'Arris! Whoever would have thought you'd be sitting in the parlor at Dior's in Paris one day, buying a dress with all the toffs? And yet 'ere you are, and noffink can stop you now…"
But the woman next her (но женщина рядом с ней), the wife of a speculator (жена биржевого дельца), had found whom she sought — Madame Colbert (нашла /того/, кого она разыскивала, — мадам Кольбер), who had just emerged from the dressing rooms (которая только что вышла из гардеробных комнат) leading off from the stairs (начинающихся от лестницы), and she beckoned her over (и она подозвала ее; to beckon — манить, кивать; делать знак /рукой, пальцем/), speaking sharply and loudly to her in French (говоря резко и громко с ней по-французски) as she neared (когда она приблизилась). "What do you mean (что вы хотите сказать) by seating a vulgar creature like this next to me (размещением = посадив это вульгарное создание, как это, рядом со мной)? I wish her removed at once (я хочу, /чтобы/ ее удалили сейчас же). I have a friend coming later (у меня есть друг/подруга, прибывающая позже) who will occupy her chair (которая займет ее стул)."
emerge [I'mq:dZ], beckon ['bekqn], vulgar ['vAlgq]
But the woman next her, the wife of a speculator, had found whom she sought — Madame Colbert, who had just emerged from the dressing rooms leading off from the stairs, and she beckoned her over, speaking sharply and loudly to her in French as she neared. "What do you mean by seating a vulgar creature like this next to me? I wish her removed at once. I have a friend coming later who will occupy her chair."
Mme. Colbert's heart sank (сердце мадам Кольбер упало: «потонуло»). She knew the woman and the breed (она знала эту женщину и эту породу). She bought not for love of clothes (она покупала не из любви к одежде; to buy), but for the ostentation of it (а для показной роскоши/хвастовства ей). Nevertheless (тем не менее), she spent money (она тратила деньги; to spend). To temporize Mme. Colbert said (стараясь выиграть время, мадам Кольбер сказала): "I am sorry, madame (простите, мадам), but I have no recollection of reserving this seat (но я не припоминаю о резервировании этого места) for a friend of yours (для вашей подруги), but I will look (но я посмотрю = проверю)."
heart [hO:t], bought [bO:t], clothes [klquDz]
Mme. Colbert's heart sank. She knew the woman and the breed. She bought not for love of clothes, but for the ostentation of it. Nevertheless, she spent money. To temporize Mme. Colbert said: "I am sorry, madame, but I have no recollection of reserving this seat for a friend of yours, but I will look."