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class="p1" id="id53">[79] Цит. по: Aikin K. W. The Last Years of Liberal England, 1900–1914. L., 1972. P. 132.

[80] Evelin Sharp Nevinson Collection. Bodleian Library (Oxford).

[81] The Victorian Vision. L., 2002.

[82] Punch. 1894. 26 May. P. 252.

[83] Rubinstein D. Before he Suffragettes. Women’s Emancipation Movement in the 1890s. Brighton, 1986. Р. 18.

[84] The Daily Chronicle. 1894. 6 February.

[85] Fawcett М. G. «The Woman, Who Did» // The Contemporary Review. 1895. Vol. 67. May. P. 265.

[86] См., напр.: Strauss S. Op. cit.; The Men’s Share?: Masculinities, Male Suport and Women’s Suffrage in Britain, 1890–1920. L.; N. Y., 1997.

[87] См. годичные отчеты Manchester National Society for Women’s Suffrage за 1868–1879: Women’s Suffrage Collection from Manchester Central Library: microfilm. P. 1: Lydia Becker. Reel 2: Letter book and Annual Reports.

[88] Strachey R. Women’s suffrage and women’s service. Р. 16.

[89] Ibid.

[90] Дионео. Чарльз Дилк // Меняющаяся Англия. М., 1915. Т. 1.

[91] Цит. по: Rubinstein D. Before the Suffragettes: Women’s Emancipation Movement in 1890s. Brighton, 1986. P. 142.

[92] Speech of Jacob Bright Esq. M. P. Delivered at the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Manchester Society for Women’s Suffrage, 1872. 6 November. Manchester, 1872. Р. 8.

Глава 2. Суфражизм в эдвардианской Англии

[1] Ортега-и-Гассет Х. Восстание масс // Ортега-и-Гассет Х. Эстетика. Философия культуры. М., 1991. С. 309–350; Дюверже М. Политические партии. М., 2000.

[2] Gottllieb J. Suffragette Experience Through the Filter of Fascism // The Suffrage Reader. L.; N. Y., 2000.

[3] Marcus J. Re-reading the Punkhursts and Women’s Suffrage // Suffrage and the Pankhursts. L., 1987. P. 3.

[4] Dangerfield G. The Strange Death of Liberal England. N. Y., 1961; Fulford R. Votes for Women. L., 1957; Mitchell D. Queen Christabel. L., 1977.

[5] Rosen A. Rise Up, Women!: the Militant Campaign of the Women’s Social and Political Union 1903–1914. L., 1974.

[6] Bartley P. The Changing Role of Women, 1815–1914. L., 1996. P. 114.

[7] Elizabeth S. Christabel Pankhurst: Reclaiming Her Power // Feminist Theorists: Three Centuries of Women’s Intellectual Tradition. L., 1983. P. 259–283.

[8] Adam R. A Woman’s Place. L., 1975. P. 31.

[9] Holton S. Feminism and Democracy. Cambridge, 2003. P. 31.

[10] Purvis J. «Deeds, not Words»: Daily Life in the Women’s Social and Political Union in Edwardian Britain // Votes for Women / Ed. by J. Purvis, S. Holton. L.; N. Y., 2000. P. 137.

[11] Pethick-Lawrence E. The Meaning of Women’s Movement. L., 1908. P. 4–5.

[12] См., напр.: Housman L. Sex-War and Woman’s Suffrage: A lecture Given at the Large Essex Hall May 7, 1912 / Women’s Freedom League Publications. L., 1912.

[13] Votes for Women. 1907. № 1.

[14] Purvis J. Op. cit. P. 140.

[15] Lytton C. Prisons and Prisoners: Some Personal Experiences by Constance Lytton and Jane Warton, Spinster. L., 1914.

[16] Richardson M. Laugh a Defiance. L., 1953. P. 13.

[17] Ibid.

[18] Chew A. N. The Life and Writings of a Working Woman. L., 1982. Р. 122.

[19] Mitchell H. The Hard Way Up. L., 1968. P. 130.

[20] Purvis J. Op. cit.

[21] The Suffragette. 1914. 13 February. P. 392.

[22] Ibid. 6 March. P. 465.

[23] Pankhurst C. Forcing the Pass // Ibid. 1914. 7 August. P. 1913.

[24] Women’s Freedom League: Report of the Annual Conference. L., 1908. P. 5.

[25] Miss Clemence Hausman’s Triumph // Votes for Women. 1911. 13 October.

[26] The Suffragette Fellowship Collection.

[27] Brackenbury M. Op. cit. P. 19.

[28] Панкхерст Э. Указ. соч. С. 129.

[29] Laski H. The Militant Temper in Politics: Mrs. M. L. Legge Verbatim Shorthand Writer. P. 3 // The Suffragette Fellowship Collection.

[30] См. напр.: Rosen A. Op. cit.

[31] The Men’s Share?: Masculinities, Male Support and Women's Suffrage in Britain, 1890–1920 / Ed. by A. V. John, C. Eustance. L.; N. Y., 1997.

[32] О культурных репрезентациях суфражизма см. также: Tickner B. The Spectacle of Women. L., 1989; Green B. Spectacular Confessions. Autobiography, Performative Activism and the Sites of Suffrage 1905–1938. L, 1997.

[33] Official Programme Timetable and Route of the Funeral Procession, Saturday, June 14, 1913 // John Johnson Collection. Bodleian Library.

[34] The Daily Chronicle. 1908. 19 June.

[35] The Women’s Coronation Procession // John Johnson Collection (Листовка с программой).

[36] Tickner B. Op. cit. P. 62.

[37] Инструкция для членов WFL об участии в Женской коронационной процессии (The Vote. 1911. Vol. 4. № 86. P. 97).

[38] Мирович Н. Женский парламент в Лондоне // Русская мысль. 1909. № 7.

[39] The Daily Chronicle. 1911. 19 June.

[40] The Guardian. 1911. 19 June.

[41] The Anti-Suffrage Review. 1911. № 31.

[42] Beware! A warning – to… Suffragists. L., s. a.; History of Women: microfilm. Reel 955. № 9547. Neilson Library. Smith College, Mass. University.

[43] Цит. по: Crawford E. The Women’s Suffrage Movement: a Reference Guide. 1866–1928. L.; N. Y., 2000. P. 554.

[44] Housman L. Alice in Ganderland. L., 1911. Sophia Smith Collection. Suffrage in Britain. Box 2.

[45] Fawcett M. The Women’s Victory – and After: Personal Reminiscences, 1911–1918. L., 1920.

[46] Shaw B. Press Cuttings. N. Y., 1913. Sophia Smith Collection. Suffrage in Britain. Box 2.

[47] Ibid. P. 5.

[48] Ibid. P. 7.

[49] Ibid. P. 27.

[50] Ibid. P. 30.

[51] St. John C., Thursby Ch. The Coronation. L., 1911.

[52] Thomson-Price L. On the Library Table: an Improbable Comedy // The Vote. 1911. Vol. 4. № 97. 2 September.

[53] Joannou M. Suffragette Fiction and the Fictions Suffrage / The Women’s Suffrage Movement. New Feminist Perspectives. Manchester; N. Y., 1998. P. 102.

[54] Crawford E. Op. cit. P. 467.

[55] Ada Nield Chew «Men, Women and the Vote»; Charlotte Despard «Outlowed»; Evelyn Sharp «Rebel», etc.

[56] Joannou M. Op. cit. P. 104.

[57] Colmore G. Suffragette Sally. L., 1911.

[58] West R. The Judge. L., 1922.

[59] См.: «Бостонцы» Г. Джеймса, «Энн Вероника» Г. Уэллса, «Делия Бланшфлауэр» Х. Ворд.

[60] Wells H. G. Ann Veronica. L., 1909. P. 176.

[61] Wells H. G. The Wife of Sir Isaak Harman. L., 1914.

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