Читаем без скачивания Суфражизм в истории и культуре Великобритании - Ольга Вадимовна Шнырова
[62] Kent S. Sex and Suffrage in Britain 1860–1914. L., 1987.
[63] Thomson-Price L. Op. cit.
[64] Мирович Н. Женский парламент в Лондоне. С. 126.
[65] Stubbs P. Women and Fiction: Feminism and the Novel 1880–1920. Brighton, 1979. P. 177.
[66] См., напр.: Strachey R. The Cause. L., 1978.
[67] Aikin K. W. The Last Years of Liberal England, 1900–1911. L., 1972. P. 132.
[68] Chew A. N. Nield Chew Р. 155.
[69] Green B. Op. cit. Р. 4.
[70] Кальманович А. А. Суфражистки и суфражетки. СПб., 1911.
[71] Suffrage Annual and Women’s Who is Who. L., 1913. P. 12.
[72] Ibid. P. 106.
[73] Ibid. P. 3.
[74] Crawford E. Op. cit. P. 451.
[75] The Daily Mail. 1907. 11 February.
[76] Leaflets of Women’s Social and Political Union // The Suffragette Fellowship Collection.
[77] Письмо Гладстона Самуэлю Смиту, 11 апреля 1892 (Hollis P. Women in Public: the Women’s Movement 1850–1900. L., 1979. P. 318).
[78] Nessheim R. British Political Newspapers and Women’s Suffrage, 1910–1918. Oslo, 1991. Р. 67–68.
[79] Ibid. P. 34.
[80] Tickner L. Op. cit. P. 59.
[81] National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies: Annual Report 1912. P. 37 // John Johnson Collection.
[82] The Times. 1910. 13 August.
[83] Ibid. 1910. 12 July.
[84] The Pall Mall Gazette. 1910. 20 June.
[85] Ibid. 1911. 18 December.
[86] The Morning Post. 1912. 29 March.
[87] The Westminster Gazette. 1910. 21 June.
[88] Ibid. 1911. 6 May.
[89] The Times. 1912. 28 March.
[90] WSPU Annual Report. L., 1911. P. 18.
[91] Letter of F. Drummond. 1911. Dec., 1 // The Suffragette Fellowship Collection.
[92] The Daily Express. 1908. 20 June.
[93] Scott-Holland H. Coming of Women: Leaflet of the NUSS. Reprinted by the NUSS from «The Commonwealth» // John Johnson Collection. Box 2.
[94] Kennedy М. O. Mr. Herbert Jacobs, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Men’s League for Women’s Suffrage // The Vote. Vol. 3. № 41.
[95] The Suffrage Annual and Women’s Who’s Who. P. 52.
[96] Crawford E. Op. cit. P. 405.
[97] Men’s League Annual Meeting, Queen’s Hall, February, 20 // The Vote. 1911. 24 February.
[98] Men’s League Annual Meeting, Queen’s Hall, February, 20 // Ibid. 1911. 24 February.
[99] Kennedy М. O. Mr. Cecil Chapman, J. P. on the Change of Policy in the Men’s League // Ibid. 1910. 8 October. P. 280.
[100] Ibid.
[101] The Men’s Share?: Masculinities, Male Support and Women’s Suffrage in Britain, 1890–1920 / Ed. by A. V. John, C. Eustance. L.; N. Y., 1997. Р. 16.
[102] Nevinson H. Women’s Vote and Men / Publ. by Women’s Freedom League. L., 1908. P. 8. Reprinted from «The English Review».
[103] The Men’s Share?: Masculinities, Male Support and Women’s Suffrage in Britain, 1890–1920. Р. 20.
[104] Fawcett M. Women’s Suffrage. L., 1912.
[105] Nevinson H. W. Fire of Life. L., 1935.
[106] The Times. 1907. 28 February.
[107] Keir Hardie J. The Citizenship of Women. A plea for Women’s Suffrage. Manchester, 1906. Р. 14.
[108] Мирович Н. Кейр Гарди и его защита равноправия женщин // Союз женщин. 1908. № 1.
[109] Цит. по: Панкхерст Э. Указ. соч. С. 183–184.
[110] Pankhurst S. The Suffragette Movement. L., 1977. P. 432.
[111] Housman L. Op. cit. Р. 40.
[112] Школьников И. А. Мужской суфражизм в Великобритании: риторика и репрезентации // Гендер и общество в истории. СПб., 2007.
[113] Strauss S. Traitors of the Masculine Cause: the Men’s Campaign for Women’s Rights. Westport, 1982. P. 214.
[114] Crawford E. Op. cit. P. 541.
[115] The Men’s Share?: Masculinities, Male Suport and Women’s Suffrage in Britain, 1890–1920.
[116] More Light on the Women’s Question / comp. from «Anglo-Russian» and «The Men’s League’s Monthly Record» by J. Prelooker; publ. by the Men’s League for Women’s Suffrage. Westminster, 1912. Sophia Smith Collection. Suffrage in Britain. Box 2.
[117] Ibid. Р. 17.
[118] Ibid. P. 29.
[119] Ibid. Р. 25.
[120] Statement by Hugh Franklin // Votes for Women: the Virago Book of Suffragettes. L., 2000. P. 131.
[121] Crawford E. Op. cit. P. 229.
[122] Chew A. N. Nield Chew Р. 202.
[123] Votes for Women. P. 190.
[124] Ibid. P. 70.
[125] Harrison B. Separate Sphere: the Opposition to Women’s Suffrage in Britain. N. Y., 1978. Р. 113.
[126] Ibid. P. 308.
[127] Banks O. Becoming a Feminist: the Social Origins of «First Wave» Feminism. Athens, 1986.
[128] См.: Harrison B. Op. cit. P. 118.
[129] Цит. по: Ibid.
[130] Women’s National Anti-Suffrage League Manifesto // Archive of the Women’s National Anti-Suffrage League. The Women’s Library (London).
[131] Women’s National Anti-Suffrage League Charter / Ibid.
[132] Ibid.
[133] The Anti-Suffrage Review. 1908. № 1. Р. 1.
[134] Izrael Zangvil Anti-Suffrage Humours // The Vote. Vol. 3. № 62. 1910.
[135] Women’s Franchise. 1908. Dec., 10. P. 291.
[136] Letter from Committee for Opposing Female Suffrage // Archive of the Women’s National Anti-Suffrage League. The Women’s Library.
[137] Ibid.
[138] The Annual Council Meeting // The Anti-Suffrage Review. 1910. № 20. Р. 10.
[139] The Queens Hall Protest Meeting // Ibid. № 21, August, 1910. P. 17.
[140] Ibid. Р. 2.
[141] Courtney J. The Woman of My Time. L., 1934. P. 52.
[142] Barlow G. Why I Oppose Woman Suffrage // Archive of the Women’s National Anti-Suffrage League. The Women’s Library (Листовка Мужского комитета против избирательных прав женщин).
[143] St. Strachey L. Why I am opposed to woman suffrage // The Anti-Suffrage review. 1910. November. Р. 5.
[144] Цит. по: Harrison B. Op. cit. Р. 130.
[145] Цит. по: Ibid. P. 132.
[146] The Annual Council Meeting // The Anti-Suffrage Review. 1910. № 20. Р. 10.
[147] The Annual Council Meeting // Ibid. 1911. № 33. Р. 166.
[148] The Annual Council Meeting, 1912 // Ibid. 1912. № 45. Р. 158.
[149] Ibid.
[150] Цит. по: Harrison B. Op. cit. Р. 134.