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Читаем без скачивания Пьяное Средневековье. Средневековый алкоголь: факты, мифы и заблуждения - Екатерина Александровна Мишаненкова

Читать онлайн Пьяное Средневековье. Средневековый алкоголь: факты, мифы и заблуждения - Екатерина Александровна Мишаненкова






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Evidence for Women in Guilds and Trades in York, England between 1272 and 1377.

Green M. Bodies, Gender, Health, Disease: Recent Work on Medieval Women’s Medicine.

Hames G. Alcohol in World History.

Hammond P. W. Food and Feast in Medieval England.

Hazlitt W. C. Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine.

Hildegard Von Bingen. Hildegard’s Healing Plants: From Her Medieval Classic Physica / translator B. W. Hozeski.

Holt M. P. Europe Divided: Wine, Beer and Reformation in Sixteenth-Century Europe.

Hornsey I. S. A history of beer and brewing.

Hanawalt B. A. The wealth of wives: women, law, and economy in late medieval London.

Hughes P. S. and Baxter E. D. Beer: Quality, Safety and Nutritional Aspects.

Jotischky A. A Hermit’s Cookbook: Monks, Food and Fasting in the Middle Ages.

Kops H. de Bruyn. A Spirited Exchange: The Wine and Brandy Trade between France and the Dutch Republic in the Atlantic Framework, 1600–1650.

Lachiver, M. Vins, Vignes et Vignerons: Histoire du Vignoble Frangais.

Lacroix P. Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages and the Period of the Renaissance.

Le Goff J., The Medieval World.

Le Roy Ladurie E., Montaillou: Cathars and Catholics in a French Village.

Leyser H. Medieval Women.

Lewin MW B. Wine Myths and Reality.

Maguin M. La Vigne et le Vin en Lorraine, XIV–XVe Siècle.

Manners and Household Expenses of England in the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries, illustrated by original records.

Martin A. Lynn. Alcohol, sex and gender in late medieval and early modern Europe.

Martin A. Lynn. Alcohol, violence, and disorder in traditional Europe.

Martin A. Lynn. The Role of Drinking in the Male Construction of Unruly Women.

Millon M. Wine: A Global History.

Mitchell L. Family life in the Middle Ages.

Muldrew C. Food, energy and the creation of industriousness: work and material culture in agrarian England, 1550–1780.

Nelson M. The Barbarian’s Beverage: A History of Beer in Ancient Europe.

A Noble boke off cookry ffor a prynce houssolde or eny other estately houssolde: reprinted verbatim from a rare ms. in the Holkham collection / edited by Mrs. Alexander Napier.

Pamuk F. The wine trade, piracy and maritime contract law in late medieval Southampton.

Phillips K. A Cultural History of Women in the Middle Ages.

Phillips N. Craft Beer Culture and Modern Medievalism: Brewing Dissent.

Phillips R. Alcohol: a history.

Phillips R. A Short History of Wine

Pitt C. R. The Wine Trade in Bristol in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries.

Rasmussen S. C. The Quest for Aqua Vitae: The History and Chemistry of Alcohol from Antiquity to the Middle Ages.

Regional Cuisines in Medieval Europe / edited by M. W. Adamson.

Reinke-Williams T. Women, ale and company in early modern London.

Renaissance food from Rabelais to Shakespeare: culinary readings and culinary histories / edited by Joan Fitzpatrick.

Richmond C. The Paston Family in the Fifteenth Century.

Ricketts C. Measure for Measure.

Rigby S. H. The Wife of Bath, Christine de Pizan, and the Medieval Case for Women.

Rose S. The Wine Trade in Medieval Europe, 100–1500.

Singman J. L. Daily Life in Medieval Europe.

Smith G. D. Beer: A Global History.

Siebenhaar B. Die Küche des späten Mittelalters.

Solmonson L. J. Gin: A Global History

Stephenson A. Wining and dining in a medieval village at Mullaghmast, Co. Kildare.

Strickland J. W. Beer, Barbarism, and the Church from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages.

Swift H. J. Gender, Writing, and Performance: Men Defending Women in Late Medieval France, 1440–1538.

Tavormina T. The Middle English Letter of Ipocras.

The Forme of Cury: A Roll of Ancient English Cookery Compiled.

The Oxford Handbook of Women and Gender in Medieval Europe / edited by J. M. Bennett and R. Karras.

The York mercers and merchant adventurers, 1356–1917.

Thrupp S. The merchant class of the Medieval London (1300–1500).

Unger R. W. Beer in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

Unwin T. Wine and Vine: An Historical Geography of Viticulture and the Wine Trade.

Varshney K. R., Varshney L. R., Wang J., Myers D. Flavor Pairing in Medieval European Cuisine: A Study in Cooking with Dirty Data.

Ward J. Women in England in the Middle Age.

Willan A., Cherniavsky M. The Cookbook Library: Four Centuries of the Cooks, Writers, and Recipes That Made the Modern Cookbook.

Wilson C. A. Water of Life: A History of Wine-Distilling and Spirits, 500 BC – AD 2000.

Woolgar C. M. The Culture of Food in England, 1200–1500.

Women and Credit in Pre-Industrial Europe / edited by E. M. Dermineur.

Women and wealth in late Medieval Europe / edited by T. Earenfight.

Women in England, c. 1275–1525: Documentary Sources / translated and edited by P. J. P. Goldberg.

Women’s Lives in Medieval Europe: A Sourcebook (second edition) / edited by E. Amt.

Young, Bruce W. 2008. Family Life in the Age of Shakespeare.

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