Читаем без скачивания Человеческая природа в литературной утопии. «Мы» Замятина - Бретт Кук
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Rancour-Laferriere 1981a – Rancour-Laferriere D. Preliminary Remarks on Literary Memetics // Axia: Davis Symposium on Literary Evaluation / ed. by K. Menges, D. Rancour-Laferriere. Stuttgart: Akademischer Verlag, 1981. P. 77–87.
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Rancour-Laferriere 1994 – Rancour-Laferriere D. Why Natasha Bumps Her Head: The Value of Self-Analysis in the Application of Psychoanalysis to Literature // Self-Analysis in Literary Study / ed. by D. Rancour-Laferriere. New York: New York University Press, 1994. P. 130–144.
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Richards 1961 – Richards D. J. Four Utopias // Slavonic and East European Review. 1961. Vol. 40, № 94. P. 220–228.
Richards 1962 – Richards D. J. Zamyatin: A Soviet Heretic. New York: Hillary House, 1962.
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Rose 1981 – Rose M. Alien Encounters: Anatomy of Science Fiction. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1981.
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Russell 1973 – Russell R. Literature and Revolution in Zamyatin’s “My” // Slavonic and East European Review. 1973. Vol. 51 (122). P. 36–46.
Russell 2000 – Russell R. Zamyatin’s “We”. London: Bristol Classical Press, 2000.
Sale 1990 – Sale K. The Conquest of Paradise: Christopher Columbus and the Columbian Legacy. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1990.
Schmolke-Hasselmann 1982 – Schmolke-Hasselmann B. The Round Table: Ideal, Fiction, Reality// Arthurian Literature. 1982. № 2. P. 41–75.
Shane 1968 – Shane A. M. The Life and Works of Evgenij Zamjatin. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1968.
Sicher 1984 – Sicher E. Hard Times in Paradise: An Example of an Inverted Biblical Pattern // Biblical Patterns in Modern Literature / ed. by D. Hirsch, N. Aschkenazy. Chico: Scholars Press, 1984. P. 165–172.
Singleton 1997 – Singleton A. C. Noplace Like Home: The Literary Artist and Russia’s Search for Cultural Identity. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1997.
Skoyles 1990 – Skoyles J. R. The Origin of Classical Greek Culture: The Transparent Chain Theory of Literacy I Society Interaction // Journal of Social and Biological Structures. 1990. Vol. 13, № 4. P. 321–353.
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Slusser 1996 – Slusser G. The Solitary Eater in Science Fiction and Horror // Foods of the Gods: Eating and the Eaten in Fantasy and Science Fiction / ed. by G. Westfahl, G. Slusser, E. S. Rabkin. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1996. P. 56–75.
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