Читаем без скачивания Англия Тюдоров. Полная история эпохи от Генриха VII до Елизаветы I - Джон Гай
Область меловых холмов в Кенте, обращенная на пролив.
Mattingly G. The Defeat of the Spanish Armada. London, 1959; Howarth D. The Voyage of the Armada: The Spanish Story. London, 1981; Quinn D. B. Spaniards at Sea // Times Literary Supplement. 18 Dec. 1981. P. 1473–1474; Thompson I. A. A. Spanish Armada Guns // Mariner’s Mirror, 61. 1975. P. 355–371.
Один из самых северных городов Франции, расположен на побережье Северного моря между Дюнкерком и Кале.
Залив Северного моря близ Эдинбурга.
Quinn. Spaniards at Sea; Mattingly. The Defeat of the Spanish Armada.
Wernham R. B. After the Armada: Elizabethan England and the Struggle for Western Europe, 1588–1595. Oxford, 1984; Adams. Protestant Cause. fos. 104–153.
Филипп II был женат на Елизавете Валуа, сестре королей Франциска, Карла и Генриха.
Wernham. After the Armada. P. 93–94, 181–184, 246–249, 262–269, 412–418, 555–566; Andrews, Trade, Plunder and Settlement. P. 223–255.
Луи де Гиз, архиепископ Реймсский.
Parker. Spain and the Netherlands. P. 70–73.
Wernham. After the Armada. P. 141–145, 149–151, 161–162, 179–181, 204, 271–280, 294–301, 358, 362–364, 381, 412–416, 421, 460–461, 503, 529–534, 542–547, 554.
Parker. Spain and the Netherlands. P. 70–73.
Wernham. After the Armada. P. 287–291, 414–420, 488–513, 520–522.
Adams. Protestant Cause. fos. 135–145; Wernham. After the Armada. P. 556–558.
Parker. Army of Flanders. P. 185–206, 244–251, 263–268; Parker. Spain and the Netherlands. P. 45–63, 106–121; Wernham. After the Armada. P. 23–47, 53–87.
Wernham. After the Armada. P. 207–233.
Там же, 407, 415–420.
Parker. Army of Flanders. P. 245–251, 264–265; Parker. Spain and the Netherlands. P. 18–43; Wernham. After the Armada. P. 563–566; Dietz F. C. English Public Finance, 1485–1641. 2 vols.; Urbana, Ill., 1921; 2nd edn., London, 1964. ii. 455–459.
Wernham. After the Armada. P. 514–559; Parker. Army of Flanders. P. 246–251.
Wernham. After the Armada. P. 114.
Там же, 92–130; Wernham R. B. Queen Elizabeth and the Portugal Expedition of 1589 // English Historical Review, 66. 1951. P. 1–26, 194–218; Andrews. Trade, Plunder and Settlement. P. 236–238.
Adams’s Chronicle of Bristol / Ed. F. F. Fox. Bristol, 1910. P. 137, цитируется в Andrews. Trade, Plunder and Settlement. P. 238.
Wernham. After the Armada. P. 235–261, 445–460; Andrews K. R. Elizabethan Privateering: English Privateering during the Spanish War, 1585–1603. Cambridge, 1964; Andrews K. R. Trade, Plunder and Settlement. P. 238–255.
Andrews. Trade, Plunder and Settlement. P. 240–242; Cruickshank. Elizabeth’s Army. P. 251–279.
Andrews. Trade, Plunder and Settlement. P. 242–340; Andrews K. R. Elizabethan Privateering // Raleigh in Exeter: Privateering and Colonisation in the Reign of Elizabeth I / Ed. J. Youings. Exeter, 1985. P. 1–19.
Об этом см. в: Skinner Q. The Foundations of Modem Political Thought. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1978, repr. 1979. ii. 349–358.
Salter E. G. Tudor England through Venetian Eyes. London, 1930. P. 68–79, 117–127; The Works of Sir John Fortescue, Knight, Chief Justice of England and Lord Chancellor to King Henry the Sixth / Ed. T. Fortescue [Lord Clermont]. 2 vols. London, 1869. i. 552.
Merchant of Venice, I. iii. 49.
Henry V, III. ii. 136.
Ellis S. G. Crown, Community and Government in the English Territories, 1450–1575 // History, 71. 1986. P. 194, 203.
Elton G. R. Wales in Parliament, 1542–1581 // Welsh Society and Nationhood: Historical Essays Presented to Glanmor Williams / Ed. R. R. Davies, R. A. Griffiths, I. G. Jones, К. O. Morgan. Cardiff, 1984. P. 108–121.
Ellis. Crown, Community and Government. P. 195–196; Hand G. J. Aspects of Alien Status in Medieval English Law, with Special Reference to Ireland // History Studies, 1972 / Ed. D. Jenkins Legal. Cardiff, 1975. P. 129–134.
Dewar M. Sir Thomas Smith: A Tudor Intellectual in Office. London, 1964. P. 157.
The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe / Ed. G. Townsend. 8 vols. London, 1843–9. iv. 447–555.
Пер. Михаила Донского.
Hurstfield J. The Queen’s Wards: Wardship and Marriage under Elizabeth I. London, 1958. P. 257.
Ellis S. G. England in the Tudor State // Historical Journal, 26. 1983. P. 201–212; Ellis S. G. Crown, Community and Government. P. 187–204; Williams P. The Tudor Regime. Oxford, 1979. P. 4–6, 421–452.
Ellis. England in the Tudor State. P. 212.
James M. E. Society, Politics and Culture: Studies in Early Modern England. Cambridge, 1986. P. 48–175; Reid R. R. The King’s Council in the North. London, 1921, repr. 1975. P. 147–165; Williams. Tudor Regime. P. 443–447.
Контроль над герцогствами Ланкастер и Корнуолл и палатинатами Честер и Ланкастер вернулся к короне к 1399 году. Юрисдикция епископа Дарема распространялась на территорию, выходящую за границы современного графства. В 1536 году Генрих VIII сократил уголовную юрисдикцию епископа, хотя именно он назначал мировых судей до 1836 года. Emsley K., Fraser С. M. The Courts of the County Palatine of Durham from Earliest Times to 1971. Durham, 1984.
Ellis S. G. Tudor Ireland: Crown, Community and the Conflict of Cultures, 1470–1603. London, 1985; A New History of Ireland, iii. Early Modem Ireland, 1534–1691 / Ed. T. W. Moody, F. X. Martin, F. J. Byrne. Oxford, 1976. См. также Ellis. Nationalist Historiography and the English and Gaelic Worlds in the Late Middle Ages // Irish Historical Studies, 25. 1986. P. 1–18.
Ellis S. G. Reform and Revival: English Government in Ireland, 1470–1534. Woodbridge, 1986; Ellis S. G. Tudor Ireland. P. 26–30, 53–148.