Читаем без скачивания Англия Тюдоров. Полная история эпохи от Генриха VII до Елизаветы I - Джон Гай
Polity, VIII. vi. 11.
Там же, ii. 13.
Lake P. G. Calvinism and the English Church, 1570–1635 // Past and Present, no. 114. 1987. P. 32–76; Adamson J. S. A. The Vindiciae Veritatis and the Political Creed of Viscount Saye and Sele // Historical Research, 60. 1987. P. 45–63.
Morgan V. Whose Prerogative in Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Century England? // Custom, Courts and Counsel / Ed. A. Kiralfy, M. Slatter, R. Virgoe. London, 1985. P. 39–55.
Hurstfield J. Freedom, Corruption and Government in Elizabethan England. London, 1973. P. 105.
Challis С. E. The Tudor Coinage. Manchester, 1978. P. 126–127, 258, 263–265, 268–274.
PRO SP 12/287/59; Dietz F. C. English Public Finance, 1485–1641. 2 vols. Urbana, Ill., 1921, 2nd edn., London, 1964. ii. 4, 18–21, 44, 62–66, 296–301, 307–327.
The History of the King’s Works, iv. 1485–1660. Part II / Ed. H. M. Colvin. London, 1982. P. 8; Dietz. ii. 34–35.
Dietz. ii. 22–29, 53–55, 70–72, 80–81, 380–393.
PRO SP 12/263/80 (fos. 113–16).
Там же (fos. 115–16).
Alsop J. D. The Theory and Practice of Tudor Taxation // English Historical Review, 97. 1982. P. 1–30; Alsop J. D. Innovation in Tudor Taxation. ibid. 99. 1984. P. 83–93; Harriss G. L. Thomas Cromwell’s “New Principle” of Taxation. ibid. 93. 1978. P. 721–738; Elton G. R. Studies in Tudor and Stuart Politics and Government. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1974–1983. iii. 216–233; Elton G. R The Parliament of England, 1559–1581. Cambridge, 1986. P. 151–174; Dietz. ii. 22–24, 380–382.
Alsop. Theory and Practice of Tudor Taxation. P. 13; Dietz, ii. 380.
См. с. 5.
Alsop. Theory and Practice of Tudor Taxation. P. 26–30.
Coleman C. Artifice or Accident? The Reorganization of the Exchequer of Receipt, c. 1554–1572 // Revolution Reassessed: Revisions in the History of Tudor Government and Administration / Ed. Coleman, D. R. Starkey. Oxford, 1986. P. 195; Dietz. ii. 47–48.
Dietz. ii. 16.
Outhwaite R. B. Royal Borrowing in the Reign of Elizabeth I: The Aftermath of Antwerp // English Historical Review, 86. 1971. P. 251–263; Dietz. ii. 25–29.
Dietz. ii. 22, 84, 382–388.
Ibid. i. 161–162; ii. 382–393; Fletcher A. A County Community in Peace and War: Sussex 1600–1660. London, 1975. P. 203.
Cheyney E. P. A History of Englandfrom the Defeat of the Armada to the Death of Elizabeth. 2 vols. London, 1914–26. ii. 214–244; Dietz. ii. 384–393; Fletcher. A County Community. P. 203. В 1622 году состояние лорда верховного казначея Миддлсекса оценили для налогообложения в £150, однако на деле оно приближалось к £90 250. Доход герцога Бекингема оценили в £400, но его ежегодный доход в 1623 году составлял £15 000.
Dietz. ii. 384–388; Russell C. Parliaments and English Politics, 1621–1629. Oxford, 1979. P. 50.
Williams P. The Tudor Regime. Oxford, 1979. P. 459.
Department of Special Collections, Spencer Library, University of Kansas, MS Q12:39 (список долгов Елизаветы из документов сэра Джулиуса Цезаря).
Местная система потенциально была более эффективной, чем процедура субсидий, поскольку в ней у людей оценивали все их земли и недвижимость там, где они находились; субсидию после 1559 года можно было взыскать только по месту основного проживания налогоплательщика, хотя эта тема требует дальнейшего изучения.
Cruickshank C. G. Elizabeth’s Army. Oxford, 1946, 2nd edn., 1966. P. 17–40, 91–142; Williams P. The Crown and the Counties // The Reign of Elizabeth I / Ed. C. Haigh. London, 1984. P. 129–131; Williams P. Tudor Regime. P. 76–77; Clark P. English Provincial Society from the Reformation to the Revolution: Religion, Politics and Society in Kent, 1500–1640. Hassocks, 1977. P. 221–226; Hassell Smith A. Militia Rates and Militia Statutes, 1558–1663 // The English Commonwealth, 1547–1640 / Ed. P. Clark, A. G. R. Smith, N. Tyacke. Leicester, 1979. P. 93–110.
Smith A. G. R. The Government of Elizabethan England. London, 1967; Hassell Smith A. County and Court: Government and Politics in Norfolk, 1558–1603. Oxford, 1974; MacCulloch D. Suffolk and the Tudors: Politics and Religion in an English County, 1500–1600. Oxford, 1986; Clark. English Provincial Society; Hodgett G. A. J. Tudor Lincolnshire. Lincoln, 1975; Fletcher A. Reform in the Provinces: The Government of Stuart England. London, 1986. P. 3–5; Fletcher A. A County Community. P. 127–129.
Forster G. C. F. The East Riding Justices of the Peace in the Seventeenth Century. East Yorks. Local History Society, York, 1973. P. 12–19; Fletcher. Reform in the Provinces. P. 3–11; Elton G. R. The Tudor Constitution. Cambridge, 1960, 2nd edn., 1982. P. 464–468.
См. с. 315–317.
Williams. The Crown and the Counties. P. 126–127; Hassell Smith. County and Court. P. 127–131.
Cruickshank. Elizabeth’s Army. P. 17–40, 290–291; Wernham R. B. After the Armada: Elizabethan England and the Struggle for Western Europe, 1588–1595. Oxford, 1984. P. 281, 381, 416–420, 462–463, 565–568; Cheyney. History of England. ii. 359–380. О проблеме в последующий период см.: Fissel M. C. Bellum Episcopale: The Bishops’ Wars and the End of the “Personal Rule” in England, 1638–1640. Unpublished UC Berkeley, Ph. D. dissertation, 1984.
Hassell Smith. Militia Rates and Militia Statutes. P. 96–99; Wernham. After the Armada. P. 418–419; Clark. English Provincial Society. P. 221–226; Power M. J. London and the Control of the “Crisis” of the 1590s’ // History, 70. 1985. P. 382.
Clark. English Provincial Society. P. 221–268; но также см. обзор Р. Эштона в Economic History Review, 2nd ser. 31, 1978. P. 468–469; Barnes T. G. Somerset 1625–1640: A County’s Government during the ‘Personal Rule’. Cambridge, Mass., 1961; Fissel. ‘Bellum Episcopate’. fos. 212–403; Fletcher. A County Community. P. 202–217; Kent J. R. The English Village Constable, 1580–1642. Oxford, 1986; MacCulloch. Suffolk and the Tudors. P. 258–282;