Читаем без скачивания Английский язык c дружелюбным скелетом. Легенды североамериканских индейцев - Илья Франк
The boy promised to obey (мальчик обещал послушаться) and soon the man who had brought him (и вскоре человек, который привез его; to bring) came ashore on the island (сошел на берег на острове). Then the boy jumped into the canoe (тогда мальчик запрыгнул в каноэ), saying, "Come, swans, let's go to our place (вперед, лебеди, поплыли домой: «в наше место»)"; and as they went (и когда они плыли) he sang just as the man had done (он пел так же, как делал мужчина). They had gone but a little way (они отплыли на небольшое расстояние) when the man saw them (когда мужчина увидел их). He began to cry (он начал кричать), "Come back (вернись; to come back)! Oh, do come back (о, вернись же)!" but the boy did not look around (но мальчик не оглянулся) and they kept on their way (и они продолжили свой путь; to keep on).
promise [`prOmIs], obey [q`beI], just [GAst], done [dAn], saw [sL]
Then the boy jumped into the canoe, saying, "Come, swans, let's go to our place"; and as they went he sang just as the man had done. They had gone but a little way when the man saw them. He began to cry, "Come back! Oh, do come back!" but the boy did not look around and they kept on their way.
By and by they came to a large rock (вскоре они приплыли к большой скале; by and by — вскоре) in which there was a hole (в которой была пещера), and the swans went up into the rock (и лебеди поднялись внутрь скалы) until they came to a door (пока они не добрались до двери) which the boy proceeded to open (которую мальчик принялся открывать). Upon entering the cave (по вхождению в пещеру = когда он вошел в пещеру) he found his own clothes and many others (он нашел свою собственную одежду и много другой), and also a fire (а также костер) and food all prepared (и приготовленную еду), but no living person (но ни /одного/ живого существа). After putting on his clothes (после того, /как он/ надел свою одежду) he went to sleep for the night (он заснул на ночь). In the morning he found a fire and food (утром он нашел/обнаружил костер и еду), but saw no one (но не увидел никого).
proceed [prq`sJd], fire [faIq], food [fHd], prepare [prI`peq]
By and by they came to a large rock in which there was a hole, and the swans went up into the rock until they came to a door which the boy proceeded to open. Upon entering the cave he found his own clothes and many others, and also a fire and food all prepared, but no living person. After putting on his clothes he went to sleep for the night. In the morning he found a fire and food, but saw no one.
Upon leaving the cave he found the swans (выйдя из пещеры, он обнаружил, /что/ лебеди) still waiting at the entrance (все еще ожидали у входа), and, jumping into the canoe (и, запрыгнув в каноэ), he said, "Come, swans, let's go to the island (вперед, лебеди, пойдем = поплывем на остров)." When he arrived there (когда он прибыл туда) he found the man had been killed (он обнаружил, /что/ мужчина был убит) and nearly eaten up (и почти съеден). He then went to the skeleton (он затем пошел к скелету), which said (который сказал), "You are a very smart boy (ты очень умный/сметливый мальчик); now you must go and get your sister (теперь ты должен пойти и забрать свою сестру) whom this man carried off many years ago (которую этот человек увез/забрал много лет назад). You must start tonight and go east (ты должен отправиться сегодня и плыть на восток), and by and by you will come to some very high rocks (и вскоре ты приплывешь к очень высоким скалам; some — некоторый, какой-то) where she goes for water (куда она приходит за водой), and you will find her there (и ты найдешь ее там) and she will tell you what to do (и она скажет тебе, что делать)."
entrance [`entrqns], arrive [q`raIv], tonight [tq`naIt]
Upon leaving the cave he found the swans still waiting at the entrance, and, jumping into the canoe, he said, "Come, swans, let's go to the island." When he arrived there he found the man had been killed and nearly eaten up. He then went to the skeleton, which said, "You are a very smart boy; now you must go and get your sister whom this man carried off many years ago. You must start tonight and go east, and by and by you will come to some very high rocks where she goes for water, and you will find her there and she will tell you what to do."
The boy started and in three days arrived at the rocks (мальчик отправился и через три дня добрался до скал), where he found his sister (где он нашел свою сестру), to whom he called (кого он позвал), "Sister, come, go home with me (сестра, давай, пойдем домой со мной)"; but she replied (но она ответила), "No, dear brother (нет, дорогой брат), I cannot go (я не могу уйти); a bad man keeps me here (злой: «плохой» человек держит меня здесь), and you must go (а ты должен идти), for he will kill you (так как он убьет тебя) if he finds you here (если он найдет тебя здесь)." But as the boy would not be persuaded to leave without her (но так как мальчика нельзя было убедить уйти без нее) she allowed him to stay (она позволила ему остаться). Now this very bad man had gone to a great swamp (ну а этот очень злой человек ушел на огромное болото) where women and children were picking cranberries (где женщины и дети собирали клюкву).
dear [dIq], persuade [pq`sweId], allow [q`lqu], swamp [swOmp]
The boy started and in three days arrived at the rocks, where he found his sister, to whom he called, "Sister, come, go home with me"; but she replied, "No, dear brother, I cannot go; a bad man keeps me here, and you must go, for he will kill you if he finds you here." But as the boy would not be persuaded to leave without her she allowed him to stay. Now this very bad man had gone to a great swamp where women and children were picking cranberries.
The sister then went to the house (сестра затем пошла домой) and, taking up the planks (и, подняв доски) over which her bed was made (над которыми была устроена ее постель), she dug a pit underneath it (она выкопала яму под ними; to dig) sufficiently large for her brother to sit in (достаточно большую для ее брата, /чтобы/ сесть /в нее/); then she went to her brother (затем она пошла к своему брату) and bade him follow her (и приказала ему последовать за ней; to bid), and to be sure (и непременно) and step in her tracks (наступать в ее следы) and not touch anything with his hands or his clothes (и ничего не касаться своими руками или своей одеждой). So she covered him up in the pit (итак, она спрятала его в яме) she had prepared for him (/которую/ она приготовила для него), and made her bed up again over the place (и сделала = постлала свою постель снова наверху над тем местом). She then cooked a little boy for the man (она затем сварила маленького мальчика для /своего/ мужа), put it with wood and water by his bed (поставила его = еду с дровами и водой у его постели), and then went and lay down (а потом пошла и легла; to lie down).
underneath ["Andq`nJT], sufficiently [sq`fIS(q)ntlI], cook [kuk], lay [leI]
The sister then went to the house and, taking up the planks over which her bed was made, she dug a pit underneath it sufficiently large for her brother to sit in; then she went to her brother and bade him follow her, and to be sure and step in her tracks and not touch anything with his hands or his clothes. So she covered him up in the pit she had prepared for him, and made her bed up again over the place. She then cooked a little boy for the man, put it with wood and water by his bed, and then went and lay down.
Soon the man and dogs returned (вскоре мужчина c собаками вернулся); then immediately the dogs began barking and tearing around (и тотчас же собаки начали лаять и не находили себе места; to tear — рвать; беспокоиться, не находить себе места; бушевать, неистовствовать) as if they were mad (словно бы они сошли с ума: «были сумасшедшие»). The man said, "You surely have visitors (у тебя, безусловно, есть гости/посетители; to visit — посещать)"; she replied (она ответила), "None but you (никого, кроме тебя)." And he said, "I know better (я знаю лучше)"; and he took a stick (и он взял палку) and commanded her to tell him the truth (и приказал ей говорить правду), but she denied it (но она отрицала все), saying, "Kill me if you like (убей меня, если хочешь), but I have none (но у меня никого нет)." He then went to his bed (тогда он пошел к своей постели) and sat down to eat his supper (и уселся есть свой ужин); but he said to himself (но сказал себе), "She has some one hidden (у нее кто-то спрятан: «она имеет кого-то спрятанным»; to hide); I will kill him in the morning (я убью его утром)."
return [rI`tq:n], immediately [I`mi:djqtlI], visitor [`vIzItq], command [kq`mRnd], deny [dI`naI], morning [`mLnIN]
Soon the man and dogs returned; then immediately the dogs began barking and tearing around as if they were mad. The man said, "You surely have visitors"; she replied, "None but you." And he said, "I know better"; and he took a stick and commanded her to tell him the truth, but she denied it, saying, "Kill me if you like, but I have none." He then went to his bed and sat down to eat his supper; but he said to himself, "She has some one hidden; I will kill him in the morning."
He then called her to build a fire (он затем позвал ее разжечь огонь/костер: «построить = соорудить огонь»), but she replied (но она ответила), "You have wood (у тебя дрова), build your own fire (разжигай свой собственный огонь = у тебя дрова, ты и разжигай)." Then he said, "Come, take off my moccasins (пойди = давай, сними мои мокасины)"; but she replied, "I am tired, take them off yourself (я устала, сними их сам)." Then he said to himself (тогда он сказал себе), "Now I know she has seen some one (теперь я знаю, она видела кого-то = виделась с кем-то), for she was never so saucy (ибо она никогда не была такой дерзкой; saucy — дерзкий, нахальный: «с соусом»; sauce — соус)."
In the morning he started off for the swamp (утром он ушел/отправился на болото) to get some children for his dinner (/чтобы/ поймать детишек себе на обед). A short distance from home he concealed himself (на небольшом расстоянии от дома он спрятался/затаился) to watch the girl (/чтобы/ понаблюдать за девушкой).
build [bIld], moccasin [`mOkqsIn], saucy [`sLsI]
He then called her to build a fire, but she replied, "You have wood, build your own fire." Then he said, "Come, take off my moccasins"; but she replied, "I am tired, take them off yourself." Then he said to himself, "Now I know she has seen some one, for she was never so saucy."
In the morning he started off for the swamp to get some children for his dinner. A short distance from home he concealed himself to watch the girl.
As soon as he was gone (как только он ушел) she called her brother and said (она позвала своего брата и сказала), "Come, let us take his canoe and go quickly (давай возьмем его каноэ и уплывем быстро)." So they ran and jumped into the canoe and went off (поэтому они побежали, прыгнули в каноэ и отплыли), but the man saw them and ran (но мужчина увидел их и побежал), throwing a hook (бросив крюк) which caught the canoe (который зацепился /за/ каноэ), but as he was pulling it ashore (но когда он тянул его к берегу) the boy took a stone from the bottom of the canoe (мальчик взял камень со дна каноэ) and broke the hook (и разбил крюк; to break).
gone [gOn], hook [huk], stone [stqun], bottom [`bOtqm]
As soon as he was gone she called her brother and said, "Come, let us take his canoe and go quickly." So they ran and jumped into the canoe and went off, but the man saw them and ran, throwing a hook which caught the canoe, but as he was pulling it ashore the boy took a stone from the bottom of the canoe and broke the hook.
Then they proceeded again very fast (затем они продолжили снова очень быстро). Then the enraged man resorted to another expedient (тогда разъяренный мужчина прибегнул к другому средству): Laying himself down upon the shore (улегшись на берег) he began to drink the water from the lake (он начал пить воду из озера), which caused the boat to return very fast (что заставило лодку возвращаться = плыть назад очень быстро). The man continued to drink (мужчина продолжал пить), until he grew very big with so much water in him (пока он не стал очень большим от такого большого /количества/ воды в нем). The boy took another stone and threw it (мальчик взял еще один камень и бросил его) and hit the man so it killed him (и попал в мужчину, так что /камень/ убил его; to hit — ударить), and the water ran back into the lake (и вода побежала назад в озеро).