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Alarm squeezed the heart of Mrs. Harris (тревога сжала сердце миссис Харрис) as the import of what Mme. Colbert was saying struck home (когда суть /того/, что говорила мадам Кольбер, дошла до сознания; home — дом; в цель). "Lumme (Господи)! Myke me one — (сделайте для меня одно; myke = make)" she repeated (повторила она), and suddenly looking like an older travesty of herself, asked (и вдруг, похожая на более старую карикатуру самой себя, спросила; travesty — пародия; карикатура), " 'Ow long does it take (как долго = сколько времени это займет)?"

wrap [rxp], exactly [Ig'zxktlI], heart [hQ:t]

"It don't need no altering," Mrs. Harris was saying. "I'll take it just as it is. 'Ave it wrapped for me."

Mme. Colbert smiled. "But, my dear, surely you must know we cannot let you have this dress. This is the model and there is yet another month of summer showings. We will make you one, of course, exactly like…"

Alarm squeezed the heart of Mrs. Harris as the import of what Mme. Colbert was saying struck home. "Lumme! Myke me one…" she repeated, and suddenly looking like an older travesty of herself, asked, " 'Ow long does it take?"

Mme. Colbert felt alarm now too (мадам Кольбер встревожилась теперь тоже). "Ten days to two weeks ordinarily (от десяти дней до двух недель обычно) — but for you we would make an exception (но для вас мы сделаем исключение) and rush it through in a week (и сделаем срочно через неделю)…"

The awful silence (ужасная тишина) following upon this revelation (последовавшая за этим открытием) was broken by the cry torn from the depth of Mrs. Harris (была нарушена криком, вырвавшимся из глубины /души/ миссис Харрис). "But don't you understand (но разве вы не понимаете)? I can't stay in Paris (я не могу оставаться в Париже). I've just enough money to get me 'ome (у меня только достаточно денег, чтобы добраться до дома; 'ome = home)! It means I can't 'ave it (это значит, я не смогу купить его)!" She saw herself back in the gloomy Battersea flat (она увидела себя снова в мрачной квартире в Баттерси), empty-handed (с пустыми руками), possessed only of her useless money (имея только свои бесполезные деньги; use — польза; to possess — обладать). What did she want with all that money (что она хотела = зачем ей все эти деньги)? It was ownership of "Temptation" for which she craved (она жаждала только обладание «Искушением»), body and soul (/жаждала/ телом и душой), even though she never again put it on her back (даже если она никогда вновь не наденет его на себя обратно).

revelation ["revI'leISqn], useless ['ju:slIs], ownership ['qunqSIp]

Mme. Colbert felt alarm now too. "Ten days to two weeks ordinarily — but for you we would make an exception and rush it through in a week…"

The awful silence following upon this revelation was broken by the cry torn from the depth of Mrs. Harris. "But don't you understand? I can't stay in Paris. I've just enough money to get me 'ome! It means I can't 'ave it!" She saw herself back in the gloomy Battersea flat, empty-handed, possessed only of her useless money. What did she want with all that money? It was ownership of "Temptation" for which she craved, body and soul, even though she never again put it on her back.

"Horrible, dreadful, common woman, (страшная, ужасная, вульгарная женщина)" thought M. André (думал мсье Андрэ). Serves you right (так тебе и надо; to serve — служить), and I shall enjoy handing your vulgar money back to you (а я буду рад вручить твои вульгарные деньги обратно тебе; to enjoy smth. — получать удовольствие от чего-л.)."

Thereupon (вслед за этим), to the horror of all (к ужасу всех = ко всеобщему ужасу), they saw two tears form at the corners of the little eyes (они увидели две слезы из уголков маленьких глаз), followed by others (сопровождаемые другими) that coursed down the red-veined cheeks (которые стекали по испещренным красными прожилками щекам) as Mrs. Harris stood there in the midst of them (в то время как миссис Харрис стояла там среди них), in the exquisite ball gown (в изысканном вечернем/бальном платье), miserable (несчастная), abandoned (отвергнутая), desperately unhappy (безнадежно несчастная; desperate — доведенный до отчаяния).

thereupon ['Deqrq'pOn], course [kO:s], miserable ['mIzqrqbl]

"Horrible, dreadful, common woman," thought M. André. Serves you right, and I shall enjoy handing your vulgar money back to you."

Thereupon, to the horror of all, they saw two tears form at the corners of the little eyes, followed by others that coursed down the red-veined cheeks as Mrs. Harris stood there in the midst of them, in the exquisite ball gown, miserable, abandoned, desperately unhappy.

And M. André Fauvel (и мсье Андрэ Фовель), auditor and money man (аудитор и человек денег), supposedly with heart of stone (предположительно с сердцем из камня), suddenly felt himself moved (вдруг почувствовал себя тронутым) as he had never thought possible (как он никогда /не/ думал возможным), deeply and unbearably touched (глубоко и невыносимо тронутым; to bear — нести; переносить), and, with one of those flashes of insight of which the French are so capable (и, с одной из тех вспышек интуиции, на которую столь способны французы), knew that it was the hopeless love (/он/ знал, что это была безнадежная любовь) he felt for the girl Natasha (которую он испытывал к девушке Наташе) whose sweet and dear body had inhabited this garment (чье любимое и дорогое тело обитало в этом предмете одежды) that had brought him so suddenly to an understanding of the tragedy of this stranger (что привела его столь внезапно к пониманию трагедии этой чужестранки/незнакомки) who, on the brink of realizing her greatest desire, was to suffer frustration (которая на грани исполнения своего величайшего желания должна была испытать разочарование).

touch [tAtS], capable ['keIpqbl], brought [brO:t]

And M. André Fauvel, auditor and money man, supposedly with heart of stone, suddenly felt himself moved as he had never thought possible, deeply and unbearably touched, and, with one of those flashes of insight of which the French are so capable, knew that it was the hopeless love he felt for the girl Natasha whose sweet and dear body had inhabited this garment that had brought him so suddenly to an understanding of the tragedy of this stranger who, on the brink of realizing her greatest desire, was to suffer frustration.

Thereupon (после этого) he dedicated his next remark to that girl (он посвятил свое следующее высказывание той девушке) who would never know (которая никогда не узнает) how much or greatly he had loved her (как сильно или значительно он любил ее), or that he had loved her at all, for that matter (или, что он любил ее вообще, если на то пошло/по правде говоря). He presented himself to Mrs. Harris with a formal little bow (он представился миссис Харрис с официальным небольшим поклоном). "If Madame would care (если мадам пожелает; to care — заботиться; иметь желание), I invite her to come to my home (я приглашаю ее прийти в мой дом) and remain with me during this period as my guest (и оставаться со мной в течение этого времени в качестве моей гостьи). It is not much — only a small house (он небольшой — всего лишь маленький домик), but my sister has had to go to Lille (но моя сестра должна была уехать в Лилль) and there would be room (и там будет комната)…"

dedicated ['dedIkeItId], remain [rI'meIn], guest [gest]

Thereupon he dedicated his next remark to that girl who would never know how much or greatly he had loved her, or that he had loved her at all, for that matter. He presented himself to Mrs. Harris with a formal little bow. "If Madame would care, I invite her to come to my home and remain with me during this period as my guest. It is not much — only a small house, but my sister has had to go to Lille and there would be room…"

His reward was almost immediate in the expression (его награда была почти незамедлительной = его награда последовала незамедлительно в выражении) that came over the little woman's face and her cry of (которое появилось на лице маленькой женщины и в ее крике; to come — приходить; появляться) "Oh, Lor' love yer (ах, храни вас Господь)! Do yer really mean it (вы не шутите; to mean — намереваться; подразумевать)?" and the odd gesture of Mme. Colbert (и /в/ странном жесте мадам Кольбер) which might have been the brushing away of something from the corner of her eyes (который мог бы быть смахиванием чего-то из уголка ее глаза) as she said (когда она сказала): "Oh, André, vous êtes un ange (ах, Андрэ, вы ангел /фр./)!"

But then Mrs. Harris gave a little shriek (но затем миссис Харрис издала небольшой крик = вскрикнула; to give — давать; издать /звук/). "Oh lumme — my jobs… (о, Господи — моя работа)"

immediate [I'mi:djqt], gesture ['dZestSq], shriek [Sri:k]

His reward was almost immediate in the expression that came over the little woman's face and her cry of "Oh, Lor' love yer! Do yer really mean it?" and the odd gesture of Mme. Colbert which might have been the brushing away of something from the corner of her eyes as she said: "Oh, André, vous êtes un ange!"

But then Mrs. Harris gave a little shriek. "Oh lumme — my jobs…"

"Haven't you a friend (нет ли у вас подруги)," suggested Mme. Colbert helpfully (предложила мадам Кольбер с целью помочь), "someone who would help you out (кого-нибудь, кто бы выручил вас) while you were away (пока вы отсутствуете)?"

"Mrs. Butterfield," Mrs. Harris replied immediately (ответила тотчас). "But a whole week (но целая неделя)…"

"If she is a real friend (если она настоящий друг) she will not mind (она не будет возражать)," Mme. Colbert counseled (сказала: «посоветовала» мадам Кольбер). "We could send her a telegram from you (мы могли бы послать ей телеграмму от вас)".

suggest [sq'dZest], immediately [I'mi:djqtlI], counsel ['kaunsql]

"Haven't you a friend," suggested Mme. Colbert helpfully, "someone who would help you out while you were away?"

"Mrs. Butterfield," Mrs. Harris replied immediately. "But a whole week…"

"If she is a real friend she will not mind," Mme. Colbert counseled. "We could send her a telegram from you."

Mrs. Butterfield would not mind (миссис Баттерфилд не будет возражать), particularly when she heard all about it (особенно когда она услышит все об этом), Mrs. Harris felt certain (миссис Харрис была уверена; to feel certain — быть уверенным). Her conscience smote her (ее совесть мучила/терзала ее; to smite — ударять; мучить) when she thought of Pamela Penrose (когда она подумала о мисс Пенроуз) and her important producer friends (и ее важных друзьях-продюсерах) and her career (и ее карьере). Yet there was "Temptation" (однако здесь было «Искушение»). "I'll do it (я сделаю это)," she cried (воскликнула она). "I've got to 'ave it (я должна/мне нужно приобрести его)".

Thereupon (затем), to her excitement and delight (к ее восхищению и восторгу), her horde of fitters (ее толпа примерщиков), cutters (закройщиков), dressmakers and seamstresses (портних и швей) descended upon her with tape (налетели на нее с мерной лентой), pattern muslin (муслиновой выкройкой), pins (булавками), basting thread (нитками для наметки), scissors (ножницами) and all the wondrous exciting paraphernalia (и всеми теми удивительными волнующими принадлежностями) that was connected with making up the most expensive dress in the world (которые были связаны с изготовлением самого дорогого платья в мире).

particularly [pq'tIkjulqlI], certain [sq:tn], conscience ['kOnSqns], muslin ['mAzlIn]

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