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clothes [klquDz], sink [sINk], cicatrice ['sIkqtrIs]

Dust lay thick; nothing had been touched for a week; books and clothes were scattered about. It took no trick of the imagination to estimate the piled-up dishes in the kitchen sink, the greasy pans on the stove, as well as the condition of the bathroom and the unmade beds above.

Never was a man in such confusion. His honorable scar gleaming white in a face crimson with shame — the cicatrice rather made him attractive-looking — M. Fauvel appeared before them stammering: "Oh, no — no — Mademoiselle Natasha — you of all people — I cannot permit you to enter — I, who would have given anything to have welcomed — I mean, I have been living alone here for a week — I am disgraced…"

Mrs. Harris saw nothing unusual in the condition of the place (миссис Харрис не увидела ничего необычного в состоянии места). If anything (во всяком случае), it was comfortably like old times (оно успокаивающе походило на прежние времена; comfortably — уютно, удобно), for it was exactly the same (потому что оно было таким же) as greeted her in every house (чем встречал ее каждый дом), flat or room (квартира или комната) when she came to work daily in London (когда она ежедневно выходила на работу в Лондоне).

"'Ere, 'ere, ducksie (ну, ну, голубчик)," she called out genially (она крикнула добродушно). "What's all the fuss about (о чем все это беспокойство)? I'll 'ave all this put right in a jiffy (я все это приведу в порядок в одно мгновение; to put right — привести в порядок/исправить). Just you show me where the mop closet is (только вы покажите мне, где чулан со швабрами), and get me a bucket and a brush (и добудьте мне ведро и щетку)…"

exactly [Ig'zxktlI], genially ['dZi:njqlI], jiffy ['dZIfI]

Mrs. Harris saw nothing unusual in the condition of the place. If anything, it was comfortably like old times, for it was exactly the same as greeted her in every house, flat or room when she came to work daily in London.

"'Ere, 'ere, ducksie," she called out genially. "What's all the fuss about? I'll 'ave all this put right in a jiffy. Just you show me where the mop closet is, and get me a bucket and a brush…"

As for Natasha (что касается Наташи) — she was looking right through and past the dirt and disorder (она смотрела прямо сквозь и мимо грязи и беспорядка) to the solid bourgeois furniture she saw beneath it (на прочную мещанскую обстановку: «буржуазную мебель», которую она видела под этим), the plush sofa (плюшевый диван), the whatnot cabinet (шкафчик для безделушек), the huge portrait-size framed photographs of M. Fauvel's grandfather (огромные, портретного размера, вставленные в рамку фотографии дедушки мсье Фовеля) and — mother in stiff, beginning-of-the-century clothes (и — матери в строгих одеждах начала века; stiff — тугой, негибкий, неэластичный, жесткий), the harpsichord in one corner (клавесин в одном углу), the great tub with the plant in another (большую бадью с растением в другом), the lace on the sofa pillows (кружево на диванных подушках), the chenille curtains and the overstuffed chairs (синельные занавески и мягкие стулья; overstuffed — мягкий /о мебели/; stuff — материя; to stuff — набивать) — comfort without elegance (комфорт без изящества) — and her heart yearned towards it (и ее сердце устремилось к нему; to yearn — жаждать, стремиться /for, to — к чему-л./). This was a home (это был дом), and she had not been in one like it (и она не бывала в доме, похожем на этот) since she had left her own in Lyon (с тех пор, как она покинула свой собственный /дом/ в Лионе).

bourgeois ['buqZwQ:], furniture ['fq:nItSq], harpsichord ['hQ:psIkO:d]

As for Natasha — she was looking right through and past the dirt and disorder to the solid bourgeois furniture she saw beneath it, the plush sofa, the whatnot cabinet, the huge portrait-size framed photographs of M. Fauvel's grandfather and — mother in stiff, beginning-of-the-century clothes, the harpsichord in one corner, the great tub with the plant in another, the lace on the sofa pillows, the chenille curtains and the overstuffed chairs — comfort without elegance — and her heart yearned towards it. This was a home, and she had not been in one like it since she had left her own in Lyon.

"Oh please (ах, пожалуйста)," she cried (воскликнула она), "may I remain and help (могу я остаться и помочь)? Would you permit it, monsieur (вы разрешите, мсье)?"

M. Fauvel went into a perfect hysteria of abject apologies (мсье Фовель разразился нервными извинениями: «вошел = впал в настоящую истерию самоуничижительных извинений»; abject — смиренный; малодушный; самоуничижительный) — "But, mademoiselle (но, мадмуазель) — you of all people (кто-кто, но не вы) — in this pigpen (в этом свинарнике), for which I could die of shame (за который я готов умереть от стыда) — to soil those little hands (пачкать эти ручки) — never in a thousand years could I permit (никогда за тысячу лет не мог бы я позволить)…"

permit [pq'mIt], hysteria [hIs'tIqrIq], abject ['xbdZekt]

"Oh please," she cried, "may I remain and help? Would you permit it, monsieur?"

M. Fauvel went into a perfect hysteria of abject apologies — "But, mademoiselle — you of all people — in this pigpen, for which I could die of shame — to soil those little hands — never in a thousand years could I permit…"

"Ow — come off it, dearie (да прекратите, голубчик)," ordered Mrs. Harris succinctly (велела мисс Харрис кратко; succinct — краткий; сжатый; короткий, лаконичный). "Blimey (вот это да!), but all the thick 'eads ain't on our side of the Channel (не все больные головы с нашей стороны Ла-Манша). Carn't you see the girl WANTS to (разве вы не видите, девушка ХОЧЕТ /помочь/)? Run along now and keep out of the way (уходите теперь и уступите дорогу) and let us get at it (и дайте нам добраться до этого)."

Dear me (Боже мой), Mrs. Harris thought to herself (миссис Харрис подумала про себя) as she and Natasha donned headcloths and aprons (когда она и Наташа надели головные платки и передники) and seized upon brooms and dustcloths (и ухватились за веники и тряпки для пыли), French people are just like anyone else (французские люди = французы такие же, как все), plain and kind (простые и добрые), only maybe a little dirtier (только, может быть, чуть более грязные = неряшливые). Now 'oo would have thought it after all one 'ears (да уж, кто бы мог подумать такое после всего, что слышишь)?

succinctly [sqk'sINktlI], apron ['eIprqn], seize [si:z]

"Ow — come off it, dearie," ordered Mrs. Harris succinctly. "Blimey, but all the thick 'eads ain't on our side of the Channel. Carn't you see the girl WANTS to? Run along now and keep out of the way and let us get at it."

Dear me, Mrs. Harris thought to herself as she and Natasha donned headcloths and aprons and seized upon brooms and dustcloths, French people are just like anyone else, plain and kind, only maybe a little dirtier. Now 'oo would have thought it after all one 'ears?

That particular evening (в этот вечер: «в этот конкретный вечер»), Natasha had a rendezvous for drinks with a count (у Наташи была встреча-вечеринка с графом; drinks — напитки), an appointment for dinner with a duke (приглашение на обед к герцогу), and a late evening date with an important politico (и свидание поздно вечером с важным политиком). It gave her the most intense pleasure (это дало = доставило ей самое сильное = большое удовольствие) she had known since she came to Paris (какое она знала = испытала с тех пор, как она приехала в Париж) to leave the count standing (оставить графа стоящим = простаивающим) and, with the professional and efficient Mrs. Harris, make the dirt fly (и, с профессиональной и квалифицированной: «эффективной» миссис Харрис, заставить мусор летать = затеять яростную уборку; to fly — летать; исчезать) at No. 18 Rue Dennequin (в /доме/ № 18 по улице Деннекен) as it had never flown before (как он никогда не летал раньше).

particular [pq'tIkjulq], rendezvous ['rOndIvu:], efficient [I'fISqnt]

That particular evening, Natasha had a rendezvous for drinks with a count, an appointment for dinner with a duke, and a late evening date with an important politico. It gave her the most intense pleasure she had known since she came to Paris to leave the count standing and, with the professional and efficient Mrs. Harris, make the dirt fly at No. 18 Rue Dennequin as it had never flown before.

It seemed no time at all before everything was in order again (казалось, /не прошло/ времени совсем, до того, как все было в порядке снова). The mantelpieces and furniture gleamed (облицовка камина и мебель блестели), the plant was watered (цветок был полит; plant — растение; to plant — сажать), the beds stiff with clean sheets and pillowcases (постели /были/ жесткие от чистых простыней и наволочек), the ring around the bath tub banished (налет в ванной удален; ring — кольцо; to banish — изгонять; удалять), pots (кастрюли), pans (сковороды), dishes (тарелки), glasses and knives (стаканы и ножи) and forks washed up (и вилки вымыты).

Oh, it is good to be inside a home again (ах, хорошо быть внутри дома снова), where one can be a woman (где можно быть женщиной) and not just a silly little doll (а не только глупой маленькой куклой), Natasha said to herself (Наташа подумала: «сказала себе») as she attacked the dust and cobweb salients in the corners (когда она боролась с пылью и клочьями паутины в углах; to attack — наступать; бороться) and contemplated the horrors that M. Fauvel, manlike, had brushed under the carpet (и разглядывала ужасы, которые мсье Фовель, как свойственно мужчинам, заметал под ковер).

knives [naIvz], cobweb ['kObweb], carpet ['kQ:pIt]

It seemed no time at all before everything was in order again. The mantelpieces and furniture gleamed, the plant was watered, the beds stiff with clean sheets and pillowcases, the ring around the bath tub banished, pots, pans, dishes, glasses and knives and forks washed up.

Oh, it is good to be inside a home again, where one can be a woman and not just a silly little doll, Natasha said to herself as she attacked the dust and cobweb salients in the corners and contemplated the horrors that M. Fauvel, manlike, had brushed under the carpet.

And as she stood there (и когда она стояла там) for a moment (на мгновение), reflecting upon the general hopelessness of the male species (размышляя о всеобщей безнадежности мужской породы), she found herself suddenly touched by the plight of M. Fauvel and thought (она почувствовала себя вдруг тронутой положением мсье Фовеля и подумала), That must be a fine sister he has (у него, должно быть, прекрасная сестра), poor boy (бедняга), and he is SO ashamed (и ему ТАК совестно), and suddenly in her mind's eye she saw herself holding this blond head (и вдруг своим мысленным взглядом она увидела себя, держащей = прижимающей эту белокурую голову) with the blushing face and the white scar (с покрасневшим лицом и белым шрамом) — surely acquired in some noble manner (конечно, приобретенным каким-то благородным способом) — to her breast while she murmured (к своей груди, в то время как она шептала), Now, now, my little one, do not take on so (ну, ну, милый: «дитя мое», не переживай так). Now that I am here (теперь, когда я здесь) everything will be all right again (все будет в порядке вновь).

species ['spi:Si:z], plight [plaIt], surely ['SuqlI]

And as she stood there for a moment, reflecting upon the general hopelessness of the male species, she found herself suddenly touched by the plight of M. Fauvel and thought, That must be a fine sister he has, poor boy, and he is SO ashamed, and suddenly in her mind's eye she saw herself holding this blond head with the blushing face and the white scar — surely acquired in some noble manner — to her breast while she murmured, Now, now, my little one, do not take on so. Now that I am here everything will be all right again.

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